Category – Xbox Cheats
Xbox Cheats Title – Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams
Extra options:Go to the options screen, then press L R. The extra options menu will appear. You can change the color of blood, map zoom, etc.Completion bonuses:Finish the game once, after begin a new game. Go to theextra options menu to access the unlocked new options.”Bullet Adjust” option will be double or triple the ammount of ammunition at every location.”Noise Effect” option can be turn on-off.Reveal signs:Complete all 5 endings, after begin a new game. All signs will be revealed.Location: White ChrismFinish the game. Begin a new game. Go to Blue Creek Apartments in to Room 105. You will find White Chrism in the kitchen.Location: Obsidian GobletFinish the game. Begin a new game. Go to Historical Society building. You will find the Obsidian Goblet on a shelf.Location: Book Of Lost MemoriesFinish the game. Begin a new game. Go to the Texxon Gas Station.Enter the newspaper stand to find the Book Of Lost Memories.Location: Chain sawFinish the game on the normal difficulty and normal puzzle mode. Begin a new game. You will find a chain saw among logs before the cemetery.Location: Dog KeyFinish the game with the “Rebirth” ending. Begin a new game.The dog house will? appear near Jack’s Inn on the map.Go into the dog house and pick up the Dog Key.