Category – Xbox Cheats
Easy experience:To easily gain experience, you will need 30
Speech skill and neutral or friendly with NCR. Go to Camp McCarran, and
talk to Sergeant Bitter-Root in one of the tents. Ask him about his
name, and then an option will display for a 30 Speech skill attempt. You
can keep saying “Bitter-Root. You have an unusual name.”, and each time
you say it, you can do the Speech attempt again. Simply say
“Bitter-Root. You have an unusual name.”, do the Speech attempt, ask to
talk about something else, and then repeat as desired.This trick
requires 30 Speech skill or the “Confirmed Bachelor” perk and friendly
with NCR. Go to HELIOS One, and a woman will talk to you. After she
allows you access to HELIOS One, you will be able to start the “That
Lucky Old Sun” mission. Proceed with the mission, and talk to Fantastic
and Ignacio Rivas. While talking to Rivas, make sure you get him to
reveal that he is a Follower of the Apocalypse by using Speech or
Confirmed Bachelor, and agree with his ideals about peace or say you are
neutral. Continue with the mission until you get to the point where you
activate the Mainframe Terminal. Configure the Power Grid to “5. Full
Region (Emergency Output Level)”. Finish the mission by hitting the
Reflector Control Panel outside on top of the tower. Go back to Ignacio
Rivas, and choose the “I overloaded the plant. No one…..” option. That
option will never disappear. Keep selecting that option to get 350 XP, 3
Stimpacks, and 2 Doctor’s Bags.After reaching a Speech skill of
50, you can persuade Old Ben to offer his escort services to the local
bar. Old Ben is sitting by a fire close to The King headquarters in
Freeside. You will get 61 XP each time you complete this Speech
Challenge. If you follow him back to the bar afterwards and wait until
he sits down, you can talk to him again and repeat the same Speech
Challenge again as many times as desired. This trick requires a
high Speech skill and 8 Intelligence. Go to the Camp McCarran Terminal
building inside Camp McCarran. Talk to the guy at the far end of the
building, in the left corner. He is the leader and will give you
multiple quests. Accept the interrogation quest, then go meet with the
woman upstairs to begin the quest. When you get in the room to talk to
Sirus, pick the “Intelligence” option first, the “Speech” option next,
and then the “Intelligence” option. Any of the three “Intelligence”
options work. Then, select the “Speech” option, and cycle through the
“Intelligence” options. You will gain 50 XP each time that you cycle
through the options.This trick requires a Medicine skill of at least 35. Once your character
gains access to the main strip, find Victor outside the Lucky 38
casino. He will tell you that Mr. House wants to meet you. Follow him
inside and go up the elevator. Speak with Mr. House (the giant
television face that looks like Howard Hughes). Find the dialogue choice
pertaining to needing to ask him a few questions. Then, ask “Who
exactly are you, Mr. House?”, then select “You appear to be a computer,
not a man”. After that, select the Medicine skill check response, “The
lifespan you’re claiming is impossible, except for ghouls and super
mutants.” After that, you will be awarded 35 experience points (or 39
experience points if you have the Swift Learner perk). Repeat as
Go to a casino and play roulette. No matter if you win or lose, you will gain 100 experience points.Unlimited caps:Go to a weapons or
armor merchant that has two of the same weapon or armor for sale.
Purchase the overall most expensive item at the lowest condition. For
instance, if he has two Raider Sadist Armors at 35% and 75%, but also
has two Flamers at 15% and 7%, then choose the Flamers. Purchase the
cheapest of the two items, and then immediately sell it back to the
merchant. Purchase it again and sell it back. On the second or third
time you sell it and buy it back again, it will appear in you inventory
at 100% condition. Sell it back to them, and it will reappear in their
inventory at the original low % condition. Buy it again, and it will
appear at 100% condition. Repeat this until they run out of money.In Guardian Peak you will meet an NCR soldier who is wounded. Through
some Speech checks, you can get him to give you his gun for escorting
him out of the cave. When you get to the entrance of the cave with him,
he will speak and you can continuously ask for his rifle, which he will
give you along with ammunition. Note: This is best done after earning
the perk that allows for over encumbered fast travel.Switching ammunition:When you have more than one type of ammunition for a weapon, press UP to switch ammo types.Monorail entry:In
Camp McCarran where the monorail directly to the strip is located, you
can gain entry to the monorail. Take the long way around and stay as
close to the vending machines as possible. Follow the wall around the
back way. Make sure the other soldier cannot see you. Crouch and sneak
up to this soldier from behind. You may hear the phrase indicating that
if you get any closer they will have to shoot you. However, as long as
you remain hidden, it may flash “Detected” briefly for a few times. As
soon as you are close enough to the door, you can go through it and take
a monorail directly to the strip. Be careful when returning to the
monorail from the strip; you will probably be shot. However as soon as
you enter the monorail it resets, and you can again ride it back to the
strip. By using this trick you can bypass many quests, and can skip
directly to meeting Mr. House and finding the person who shot you.Thump-Thump location:Thump-Thump is a grenade launcher that is located where all the ants are found, underneath the solar panels when you help the Boomers.Kill people without receiving bad karma:
To kill people without receiving bad karma, get a large object that you
can push or pick up. Drop it next to a standing NPC that is not leaning
against a wall, doing push-ups, or sitting. Run against the object and
it will damage the NPC without making them hostile or causing you to
lose reputation.Missing explosive skill book:Every Skill has a designated skill book. One seems to be missing. There seems to be only three explosive skill books where there are supposed to be four. This last skill book can be found on the desk in the office of the “Ranger Station Foxtrot”. The other three can be found in “Nellis Air Force Base”, “Sloan”, and “Mojave Outpost”.Enemies catch on fire without firing weapon:Use
the .50 machine gun incendiary ammunition on the anti-materiel rifle.
Target an enemy with V.A.T.S. The enemy will catch on fire without even
firing at them.Easy stealing:Pick
up an item by clicking the right-analog stick, and then drag it anywhere desired such as
out of the eyesight of the shopkeeper. Press A to add it to your
inventory.Better quality items:Find a vendor that has
two of the same items, but different quality. If you buy the cheaper
quality item, you will still get the higher quality item.Weapon locations:
Find the following weapons in the corresponding locations:
.357 Magnum Revolver – Lucky: In Primm, in the floor safe inside the cashier’s area of the Vikki and Vance Casino.
.44 Magnum Revolver – Mysterious Magnum: Owned by the Lonesome Drifter,
by the Sunset Sasparilla Billboard, close to El Dorado Dry Lake.
9 Iron – Nephi’s Golf Driver: Carried by a Fiend named Driver Nephi, in his territory.
9mm Pistol – Maria: On Benny, when you kill him.
9mm Submachine Gun – Vance’s Submachine Gun: In Win’s Hideout, inside the safe.
Alien Blaster – At the Hovering Anomaly.
BB Gun – Abilene Kid LE BB Gun: Inside the Fiend’s Shack, lying on a shelf.
Bladed Gauntlet – Cram Opener: In Camp McCarran, owned by Little Buster.
Boxing Gloves – Golden Gloves: Inside Lucky 38 Casino, on the upper bar of the casino floor.
Bumper Sword – Blade Of The East: In Legate’s Camp, carried by Legate Lanius.
Cleaver – Chopper: On the stove of Wolfhorn Ranch.
Combat Knife – Chance?s Knife: In Chance’s Grave.
Cowboy Repeater – La Longue Carabine: In Camp McCarran, carried by Corporal Sterling.
Displacer Glove – Pushy: Inside the Ruby Hill Mine, on the body of a Jackal Gang member.
DogTag Fist – Recompense Of The Fallen: In Aurelius’ desk, on the upper floor of the main building in Cottonwood Cove.
Euclid’s C-Finder – On the Freeside Streets, carried by Max, in and around Nick and Ralph’s.
Fat Man – In Quarry Junction, near the skeleton by the southern silt pool. It is also occasionally found on prospector corpses.
Fire Axe – Knock Knock: In the Camp Searchlight Fire Station, in the restrooms.
Frag Grenade – Holy Frag Grenade: In Camp Searchlight, in the basement of the eastern church. Wild Wasteland must be taken.
Gauss Rifle – YCS/186: At the Mercenary Camp; Wild Wasteland trait must not be taken.
Grenade Machine-gun – Mercy: On the floor of Dead Wind Cavern, near a dead BoS Paladin.
Grenade Rifle – Thump-Thump: At the Nellis Array, lying on the floor near the Ant mound.
Hunting Shotgun – Dinner Bell: At the Old Nuclear Test Site, inside the shack.
Laser Pistol – Pew Pew: After completing “The Legend Of The Star” quest, it will be on the body of Allen Marks.
Laser Rifle – AER14 Prototype: Inside the Vault 22 Common Area, on the
blocked stairwell only accessible from the Food Production level.
Lead Pipe – The Humble Cudgel: Inside the Sealed Sewers, near the Prospector Corpse.
Machete – Liberator: In Nelson, carried by Dead Sea.
Minigun – CZ57 Avenger: In the Devil’s Throat, inside, at the back of the container trailer, by the dead body.
Missile Launcher – Annabelle: In Black Rock Mountain, carried by the Nightkin Sniper on Black Rock Summit.
Marksman Carbine – All-American: In the Armory Cache, Vault 34, on the floor, on an upturned table.
Oh, Baby! – In the deepest part of Charleston Cave, near a Chewed Stealth Boy.
Plasma Rifle – Q-35 Matter Modulator: In the locked shipping room of REPCONN HQ, in a pod casement.
Pulse Gun – In the Armory Cache, Vault 34.
Sawed-Off Shotgun – Big Boomer: In Gibson Scrap Yard, carried by Old Lady Gibson.
Sniper Rifle – Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle: In the footlocker of the Sniper’s Nest, overlooking the Cottonwood Cove.
Spiked Knuckles – Love and Hate: In Bonnie Springs, on the Viper Gang Leader.
Straight Razor – Figaro: In the back of King’s School of Impersonation, owned by Sergio.
Tesla Cannon – Tesla-Beaton Prototype: On the ground near the crashed Vertibird.
That Gun – In Novac, on a shelf in the locked storage room inside the Dino Bite Gift Shop.
This Machine – At the end of the “Dealing With Contreras” quest, it will be a reward from Contreras for not turning him in.
Varmint Rifle – Ratslayer: Inside the Broc Flower Cave, propped up against the desk.
Zap Glove – Paladin Toaster: In Black Rock Cave, near the body of the dead prospector.
Skill book locations:
Find skill books in the following locations:
Tales Of A Junktown Jerky Vendor (Barter)
1. Allied Technologies Offices – In the room to the west of the entrance room, in the southwest corner.
2. Cap Counterfeiting Shack – On the suitcase by the bed, in the back room of the cellar.
3. Primm – Inside the Bison Steve Casino, on the floor behind the gift shop counter.
4. Vault 22 (Pest Control) – Go north of the steps from the elevator,
into the lab room; it is on the table with bubbling vials.
Nikola Tesla And You (Energy Weapons)
1. Hidden Valley – In Bunker L1, in the white plastic bin by the desk in Schuler’s office.
2. Old Nuclear Test Site – On the small table opposite the entrance, inside the irradiated shack.
3. REPCONN HQ – Inside the locked shipping room with the collapse ceiling, on top of a safe on the floor, in the corner.
4. REPCONN HQ – On the second floor, in the northeast server room, on the table with the terminal in the far corner.
Duck And Cover! (Explosives)
1. Mojave Outpost – Inside the bar and barracks building, on the bottom shelf, in the middle below the bar counter.
2. Nellis AFB – Inside Mother Pearl’s barracks, on the bookshelf.
3. Sloan – Inside the small barracks shack, next to the trailer, on the left locker shelf, near the bunk beds.
Guns And Bullets (Guns)
1. Gomorrah – In the Zoara Club, on the first low bookshelf, to the left of Big Sal’s office.
2. Nevada Highway Patrol Station – In the first room you come to after
the entrance, on a desk near the door that leads to the cells.
3. Raul’s Shack – In the small wooden crate on the floor, at the foot of the metal shelves, to the left of the entrance.
4. Vault 34 – On the small metal table between the sofas by the pool
table, in the Armory Common room. Follow the sign after descending.
Pugilism Illustrated (Hand-to-Hand)
1. Fisherman’s Pride Shack – On the bedside table inside the shack.
2. Nipton Road Rest-stop – Inside the store marked “Lester”, on one of the wooden bookcase shelves.
3. The Tops Casino – On a small table near the pool tables, in the Presidential Suite.
4. Vault 11 – Inside the living quarters, in Female Dorm #1, by the fallen dresser.
Tumblers Today (Lockpick)
1. Bitter Springs Recreation Area – Inside the office shack to the west, on the desk in the smaller of the two rooms.
2. Silver Peak Mine – Inside the shack, behind the two small tables, on
the bottom of an open locker, to the right of the entrance.
3. The Prospector’s Den – Inside the cave system, in the subterranean
section, in the barracks room, on the floor in the far right corner.
4. Wolfhorn Ranch – Inside the farmhouse, under the door-less refrigerator.
D.C. Journal Of Internal Medicine (Medicine)
1. Follower’s Safehouse – On the bedside table shelf, in the second room.
2. HELIOS One – On the bed with the pillow, in the room with the
Holotape password, on the very top floor; cross the planks to get there.
3. Mesquite Mountains Crater – Inside Hell’s Motel, below the globe with
the hat on it, on the table with the repair kit and radio.
4. Novac – Inside Ranger Andy’s motel bungalow, in the middle of the queen-sized bed.
Grognak The Barbarian (Melee Weapons)
1. Cannibal Johnson’s Cave – On the sleeping mattress near the ham radio, close to the campfire.
2. Cottonwood Cave – Inside the Headquarters building, on the upper floor, on the bedside table’s shelf.
3. Hidden Supply Cave – On one of the cave’s large metal crates.
4. Jacobstown – On the floor next to the cooker, inside the eastern bungalow, near the pond.
Dean’s Electronics (Repair)
1. Abandoned BoS Bunker – On the metal sill, opposite the reloading bench, inside the office area.
2. Nellis Air Force Base – Inside Loyal’s workshop shed, on the long metal counter.
3. Sloan – Inside the barracks, on the shelf between the dino toy and radio.
4. Southern Nevada Wind Farm – Inside the shack, on the table with the clipboard.
Big Book Of Science (Science)
1. Brewer’s Beer Bootlegging – In the basement of the shack, on the table with the chemistry equipment.
2. Camp Forlorn Hope – Inside Major Polati’s tent, on the desk in the far right corner.
3. Nipton – On the mayor’s desk, on the top floor of the town hall.
4. REPCONN Headquarters – Inside the HQ, on a shelf in the Gift Shop store-room.
Chinese Army – Spec. Ops Training Manual (Sneak)
1. Camp Searchlight – In the east chapel, inside the Gecko-filled
basement, on the stone floor, at the foot of the metal shelves.
2. Goodsprings – Under a book in the low bookcase, inside the ranch house just east of the schoolhouse.
3. NCR Sharecropper Farms – In the ranch house near the four fertilizer hoppers, by the corner desk.
4. Vault 3 – On the low bookcase, inside the executive dorm.
Lying, Congressional Style (Speech)
1. Brooks Tumbleweed Ranch – On an open locker shelf, in the upstairs room with the chessboard.
2. Cerulean Robotics – On the floor among the desks in the office.
3. Lucky Jim Mine – Inside the shack, below the Varmint rifle, to the right of the empty fridges.
4. NCR Correctional Facility – In the Administration Building, on the desk in the darkened room opposite Eddie’s room.
Wasteland Survival Guide (Survival)
1. Lone Wolf Radio – Inside the radio trailer, near the Scrap Electronics and mattress.
2. Matthews Animal Husbandry Farm – Top balcony of the northern barn, near the barrel.
3. Mesquite Mountains Campsite – Inside the westernmost tent, behind the rolled-up bedding.
4. Scavenger Platform – On the Northern Platform section, among the other books by the fallen metal shelf.
Hollow Rock locations:
Find the Hollow Rocks in the following locations. The Hollow Rocks contain various equipment and ammunition.
1. Northern Passage – On the eastern rock wall, near the grave and “The Sun Is Killing Me” graffiti.
2. Ruby Hill Mine – Part of the rock wall, just to the right of the door.
3. Charleston Cave – Part of the rock wall, just to the right of the door, by the heart graffiti.
4. Silver Peak Mine – Part of the wall, just to the right of the shack through which you enter.
5. Vault 22 – On the north bank, across from the “Keep Out” sign, by the entrance.
6. Jacobstown – Just outside the perimeter, to the right of the main entrance, where the Super Mutants stand guard.
7. Remnants Bunker – About 10 feet north of the entrance, part of the rock wall.
8. Chance’s Map – Adjacent to the dirt map, with “The Sun Is Killing Me” graffiti on it.
9. Bloodborne Cave – Just to the right of the cave entrance.
10. Cannibal Johnson?s Cave – Just to the right of the cave entrance.
11. Fisherman?s Pride Shack – By the campfire, north-west of the shack.
12. Camp Guardian – Next to the Camp Guardian population sign, at the base of the path up to Guardian Peak.
13. Follower?s Outpost – Built into the steps of the signal box structure.
14. Boulder Beach Campground – By the side of the road, north-west of the jetties, with “The Sun Is Killing Me” graffiti.
15. Cazador Nest – Part of the rock wall, on the east side of the nest alcove, facing back towards the alcove.
16. Tribal Village – At the start of the Ravine Path, close to the corpses and tents.
17. Makeshift Great Kahn Camp – On the west side of camp, near the desert plants.
18. Yangtze Memorial – At the base of the south steps, with the peace symbol graffiti.
19. Goodsprings Cave – Just to the right of the cave entrance.
20. Primm – Attached to a large rock, near the scattered chems and the rock perimeter, above the concrete support wall.
21. Jack Rabbit Springs – South of the pools of radiation, on the shore of the Dry Lake.
22. Morning Star Cavern – By the entrance to the cavern, by the bones and the explosive crate.
23. Crescent Canyon West – In the canyon, on the west exit slope, adjacent to a rusting car husk.
24. Crescent Canyon East – On the east exist slope, just after the rail bridge.
25. Vault 11 – Just to the right of the entrance.
26. Black Rock Cave – Just to the north of the fallen radar dish.
27. El Dorado Dry Lake – West of the Savaged Brahmin, in the sands of the Dry Lake.
28. Hidden Valley – West of the eastern bunker, with the “no missile” and heart graffiti.
29. Powder Ganger Camp East – Next to a Honey Mesquite Tree, around 20 to 30 feet south of the camp.
30. Primm Pass – Close to the Brahmin bones, on the western end of the pass.
31. Dead Wind Cavern – On the south rock wall slope, around 20 to 30 feet from the entrance.
32. Hidden Supply Cave – To the left of the cave entrance, with the “no missile” graffiti.
33. Walking Box Cavern – Around 20 to 30 feet east of the cavern entrance.
34. Broc Flower Cave – At the foot of the entrance slope, with “The Sun Is Killing Me” graffiti.
35. Abandoned BoS Bunker – With the small cluster of rocks and shale on the slope leading up to the bunker grating.
36. Techatticup Mine – To the right of the entrance, with the white blocks graffiti.
37. Lucky Jim Mine – Slightly beyond the shack, near the wooden cart.
38. Searchlight North Gold Mine – On the flat rock bank to the south of the entrance hole.
39. Searchlight East Gold Mine – Southeast of the entrance; climb on the pile of rock and shale to reach it.
40. Cottonwood Cave – On the road between the two sets of crucifixion poles, with “The Sun Is Killing Me” graffiti.
41. Bradley’s Shack – On the west side of the entrance, by the small valley landslide.
42. Fire Root Cavern – At the foot of the entrance slope, on the left.
Hidden Snow Globe locations:
Find the Snow Globes in the following locations:
Goodsprings – In Goodsprings Cemetery, at the foot of the small
rectangular gravestone, near where the earth has been dug up, close to
the water tower.
Mormon Fort – In Old Mormon Fort, inside the same tower as Julie Farkas’ office, on top of a wooden bookcase.
Test Site – In Lucky 38 Casino, in the cocktail lounge, on the curved sideboard across from the entrance, behind the till.
The Strip – In Vault 21, inside Sarah’s locked bedroom, between the two beds, on a small table.
Nellis AFB – In Nellis Air Force Base, inside Pete’s museum, on the corner table by the mural.
Hoover Dam – In Hoover Dam, on a desk in the visitor’s center, by a terminal.
Mt. Charleston – In Jacobstown, on the large curved desk in the reception area of the lodge, near the terminals.
Caravan Card locations:
Find Caravan Cards and people to play the card game against in the corresponding locations:
Ambassador Dennis Crocker – In NCR Embassy, play or take.
Blake – In Crimson Caravan Company, purchase cards from Blake.
Chet – In Goodsprings, purchase cards from Chet.
Cliff Briscoe – In Novac, inside the Dino Dee-lite Gift Shop or inside Dinky. Play or take.
Dale Barton – In The Fort, near the Legate?s Gate. Play or take.
Isaac – In Gun Runners, play Isaac, or get his cards from him using any desired method.
Johnson Nash – In Primm, inside the Vikki and Vance Casino. Play or take.
Jules – In North Vegas Square, near the Squatters. Play or take.
Keith – In Aerotech Office Park, inside Suite 200. Play or take.
Lacey – In Mojave Outpost, propping up the barracks bar. Play or take.
No-bark Noonan – In Novac, in his shack, or around town. Play or take.
Little Buster – In Camp McCarran, near the First Recon tents. Play Little Buster, or take his cards.
Old Lady Gibson – In Gibson Scrap Yard, purchase cards from Old Lady Gibson.
Poindexter – In Camp Golf, take them.
Private Jake Erwin – In NCR Embassy, play or take.
Prospector Corpse – In Central Sewers, at Prospector’s Rest, inside the sewer. Loot the corpse.
Prospector Corpse – In Deathclaw Promontory, on a corpse, surrounded by deathclaws.
Prospector Corpse – In Nevada Highway Patrol Station, on a corpse, in the cells.
Prospector Corpse – In Prospector’s Den, on a corpse, inside the dorm room.
Prospector Corpse – In Prospector’s Den, on a corpse, just outside the cave entrance.
Prospector Corpse – In Prospector’s Den, on a corpse, placed randomly inside the cave.
Prospector Corpse – In Prospector’s Den, on a corpse, placed randomly inside the cave.
Prospector Corpse – In Prospector’s Den, on a corpse, placed randomly inside the cave.
Prospector Corpse – In Scorpion Gulch, on a corpse, near the ramp, in the ravine.
Quartermaster Mayes – In Camp Forlorn Hope, inside his tent. Play or take.
Ringo – In Goodsprings, inside the Gas Station. Play or take. He also gives you your first deck. Infinite magazines:Go to Old Mormon Fort in Freeside, and
find Julie Farkes inside the Fort. Choose the dialogue option to help
them get medical supplies. Go through the dialogue options to hear one
that tells you that she just got a shipment of magazines. Then, choose
the “I have some medical supplies to drop off” option. There will then
be three options; choose the “Rad-Away” option, as it is the easiest one
of the three to find. You only need to leave one thing if you do not
care about fame. Every time you give them an item, you will gain more
fame. After you give them the supplies, choose the “I’d like to buy
medical supplies” option. There are a few aid supplies there that you
can get if desired, but they will not regenerate. In the supply list,
you can find the magazines. Buy any desired magazines, and then exit.
You can then choose the option to give med supplies again. This time you
do not need to give them anything; simply choose the “Never mind”
option. Go back to “Buy medical supplies”, and you can repeat the
process for more magazines. You repeat this as many times as desired as
long as you choose to drop off supplies first. You can even come back to
do it again at a later time. You can get the following magazines:
Fix-in’ Things (Repair 10), Lad’s Life (Survival 10), Meeting People
(Speech 10), Programmer’s Digest (Science 10), Salesman Weekly (Barter
10), and Today’s Physician (Medical -10).Free repairs:Do the following to repair any item to the player’s current repair level without using any caps. You will need the Confirmed Bachelor perk and enough caps to cover the repair cost of the item. When you arrive at the Mohave Outpost to get the pardon for the new sheriff of Primm, during the conversation with Major Knight a Confirmed Bachelor speech option is available. Select it, and whenever you do repairs through him, the item gets repaired to your repair level but you do not lose any caps. Use this with an unlimited caps trick, and your player can have all items at 100% condition.”Dead Money” Steal All 37 Gold Bars:In the DLC “Dead Money” do the following to steal all 37 Gold Bars. You will need a few C4s and a Detonator. In the final part of the game you will enter a vault with 37 gold bars weighing 35 pounds each. Each gold bar is worth 10.539 caps. Enter the vault and the door will seal behind you. Take everything in the room that you want to including the 36 gold bars on the table to your right and the 1 gold bar on the overseers desk. Deactivate the security system and activate the computer on the desk. Only read “Vera”, and do not access the file that shows up after you read it. Elijah will appear on the monitor, and convince him to meet you in the vault. When the conversation ends, leave the room immediately, and walk to the far right stairway. A blue force field will appear blocking your path. Plant the C4 at the bottom of those stairs and then press your body against the blue force field in the doorway. When Elijah stops speaking, for some reason you and he will switch places. Make sure he is on or close to the C4. Detonate and leave the same way you came. You will now have 37 Gold Bars worth a total of 389.943 Caps.Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKNew Kid (10 points) – Reach 10th level. Up and Comer (20 points) – Reach 20th level. The Boss (30 points) – Reach 30th level. Ol’ Buddy Ol’ Pal (10 points) – Recruit any companion. The Whole Gang’s Here (25 points) – Recruit all companions. Crafty (15 points) – Craft 20 items. Mod Machine (15 points) – Install 20 weapon mods. Walker of the Mojave (10 points) – Discover 50 locations. Master of the Mojave (25 points) – Discover 125 locations. Globe Trotter (25 points) – Discover all snow globes. You Run Barter Town (15 points) – Sell 10,000 caps worth of goods. Blast Mastery (15 points) – Cause 10,000 damage with Energy Weapons. Love the Bomb (15 points) – Cause 10,000 damage with Explosives. Lead Dealer (15 points) – Cause 10,000 damage with Guns. No Tumbler Fumbler (15 points) – Pick 25 locks. Stim-ply Amazing (15 points) – Heal 10,000 points of damage with Stimpaks. New Vegas Samurai (15 points) – Cause 10,000 damage with Melee Weapons. Jury Rigger (15 points) – Repair 30 items. Hack the Mojave (15 points) – Hack 25 terminals. Artful Pocketer (15 points) – Pick 50 pockets. Outstanding Orator (15 points) – Make 50 Speech challenges. Desert Survivalist (15 points) – Heal 10,000 points of damage with food. Old-Tyme Brawler (15 points) – Cause 10,000 damage with Unarmed weapons. Know When to Fold Them (10 points) – Win 3 games of Caravan. One Armed Bandit (10 points) – Play 10 spins of Slots. Little Wheel (10 points) – Play 10 spins of Roulette. Double Down (10 points) – Play 10 hands of Blackjack. Caravan Master (30 points) – Win 30 games of Caravan. The Courier Who Broke the Bank (30 points) – Get banned from all the Strip’s casinos. Hardcore (100 points) – Play the game from start to finish in Hardcore Mode. Ain’t That a Kick in the Head (10 points) – Complete Ain’t That a Kick in the Head. They Went That-a-Way (25 points) – Complete They Went That-a-Way. Ring-a-Ding-Ding (25 points) – Complete Ring-a-Ding-Ding. The House Always Wins (30 points) – Complete The House Always Wins. For the Republic (30 points) – Complete For the Republic. Render Unto Caesar (30 points) – Complete Render Unto Caesar. Wild Card (30 points) – Complete Wild Card. All or Nothing (15 points) – Complete All or Nothing. Veni, Vidi, Vici (15 points) – Complete Veni, Vidi, Vici. Eureka! (15 points) – Complete Eureka! No Gods, No Masters (15 points) – Complete No Gods, No Masters. Come Fly With Me (20 points) – Complete Come Fly With Me. Talent Pool (20 points) – Complete Talent Pool. Return to Sender (20 points) – Complete Return to Sender. Arizona Killer (20 points) – Complete Arizona Killer. You’ll Know It When It Happens (20 points) – Complete You’ll Know It When It Happens. G.I. Blues (20 points) – Complete G.I. Blues. That Lucky Old Sun (20 points) – Complete That Lucky Old Sun. Volare! (20 points) – Complete Volare! The Legend of the Star (20 points) – Complete The Legend of the Star.?
“Dead Money” achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKAssemble Your Crew (20 points) – Recruit Dean Domino, Christine and Dog.Cash Out (30 points) – Confront Father Elijah in the Sierra Madre’s Vault.Having a Ball (20 points) – Complete the Sierra Madre Gala Event.Safety Deposit Box (40 points) – Trap Father Elijah in the Sierra Madre’s Vault.Sierra Souvenir Aficionado (30 points) – Collect 500 Sierra Madre Chips.