Category – Xbox Cheats
Cybran hidden campaign objectives:Complete the following objectives by performing the corresponding tasks:OBJECTIVE – TASKCache and Carry – In mission 3, collect all of the Technology Caches. Great Escapist – In mission 2, complete the operation without a unit being captured by the enemy. Master of Pawns – In mission 6, win the operation without the aid of any Experimentals. Master of the Deep – In mission 5, build a Kraken Experimental Submarine. Master Thief – In mission 2, capture a Rogue Engineer. Research Savant – In mission 6, complete all available research. Sultan of Soul – In mission 4, build at least four Soul Ripper Experimentals. Survival Expert – In mission 1, survive Gauge’s onslaught after the download completes. Illuminate hidden campaign objectives:Complete the following objectives by performing the corresponding tasks:OBJECTIVE – TASKA Czar is Born – In mission 6, build your first Darkenoid. Agent Provocateur – In mission 3, capture all of the Security Stations. Blockhead – In mission 1, prevent the blockade from taking more than 25% damage. Bot Lord – In mission 6, complete the operation with an army made up entirely of Assault Bots. Note – You cannot build any other type of units. Experimental Fanatic – In mission 4, build at least eight Experimental units. Master Tactician – In mission 2, complete the operation by constructing fewer than 30 mobile units. Not the Bees! – In mission 3, take out the enemy air defenses. Pro Anti-Air – In mission 3, take out the prison’s defensive structures. UEF hidden campaign objectives:Complete the following objectives by performing the corresponding tasks:OBJECTIVE – TASKBrutal Conqueror – In mission 4, Defeat coleman without the aid of the Fatboys. Economic Opportunist – In mission 2, build at least two Mass Extractors in enemy territory. Experimenter – In mission 5, build at least four Experimental units Master of the Seas – In mission 3, build an Atlantis II Experimental Aircraft Carrier. None Shall Pass! – In mission 6, prevent any enemy King Kriptors from crossing the main fortress bridge. Nuke King – In mission 6, launch your first nuke. Survivor – In mission 1, survive the initial wave of Cybran attackers without losing any units. Steal technology:To steal an enemies technology including experimentals, capture an enemy engineer.Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKStart Here (10 points) – Complete both parts of the tutorial.Easy Going (25 points) – Complete all three campaigns on ‘Easy’ difficulty.A Winner is You (75 points) – Complete all three campaigns ‘Normal’ difficulty.Supremest Commander (100 points) – Complete all three campaigns on ‘Hard’ difficulty. Knows it All (25 points) – Complete all primary and secondary campaign objectives. Completist (25 points) – Complete all hidden campaign objectives.Score Hoarder (50 points) – Get a complete campaign score over 150,000. Replayer (5 points) – Improve your score on any operation. Cakewalk (5 points) – Win a skirmish or online match against any AI opponent. Good Game (20 points) – Win a skirmish or online match against all AI opponents. Luddite (10 points) – Win a skirmish or online match without building any Experimentals. To the Victor? (25 points) – Win 25 skirmish or online matches. Rushin’ Front (10 points) – Win a skirmish or online match in less than five minutes. Sampling (10 points) – Win a skirmish or online match with each faction. Dating (15 points) – Play 10 skirmish or online matches with one faction. Committed Relationship (25 points) – Play 25 skirmish or online matches with one faction. Sightseer (20 points) – Win a skirmish or online match on every multiplayer map. Sharp Shooter (25 points) – Destroy 10,000 units. Masster (25 points) – Extract 1,000,000 mass. Master Builder (25 points) – Build 10,000 units. Time Cruncher (50 points) – Play the game for over 24 hours in total. Internet Commander (10 points) – Win an online match. Friends (10 points) – Win a co-op match vs AI. Ranker (10 points) – Win a Ranked Match. Supreme Online Commander (50 points) – Win 25 Ranked Matches. Good Friends (20 points) – Win 10 co-op matches vs AI. Communication Breakdown (10 points) – Complete the “Prime Target” operation. Second Target (10 points) – Complete the “Off Base” operation. Deep Freeze (10 points) – Complete the “Strike While Cold” operation. Fatboy Parade (15 points) – Complete the “Titans of Industry” operation. Nuclear Strike (15 points) – Complete the “Factions or Family Plan” operation. Rodgers is Relievedis (25 points) – Complete the “End of an Alliance” operation. Barge Ahead (10 points) – Complete the “Delta Force” operationthe . Alarming (10 points) – Complete the “Lethal Weapons” operation. Prison Break (15 points) – Complete the “Back on the Chain Gang” operation. Hole in the Ground (15 points) – Complete the “Steamed” operation. Gorged (20 points) – Complete the “Cliff Diving” operation. Reunited (25 points) – Complete the “Prime Time” operation. Downloading (10 points) – Complete the “Fact Finder” operation. Bugs in the Systemthe (20 points) – Complete the “The Trouble With Technology” operation. Animal Magnetism (10 points) – Complete the “The Great Leap Forward” operation. Class Reunion (20 points) – Complete the “Gatekeeper” operation. Well Stocked (15 points) – Complete the “Surface Tension” operation. Terra Firma (25 points) – Complete the “The Final Countdown” operation. Survivor (10 points) – Don”t lose any units during the first attack in “Prime Target”. Bot Lord (15 points) – Complete “Prime Time” with an army made up entirely of Assault Bots.Survivalist (15 points) – Survive multiple waves after the download completes in “Fact Finder”.