XBOX Game Cheats

RageXBox 360 Cheats

Category – Xbox Cheats

Making Money at Wellsprings mini-games:After completing the initial game missions and entering wellsprings for the first time, you are given the chance to play some mini-games with the locals. You have to meet with the mayor first and get your own garage and your replacement armor for your ark suit. After gettingyour armor its time to play. If you don’t have any start up money and nothing to sell, look on the mayors desk in his office on the bottom right corner. You will see a vault boy bobblehead worth a whopping $150! Sell the bobble head and look for an alley where some locals are squatting near a game board with some holograms on it. The game is simple; you get three chances to roll the dice. After each roll the dice will either come up a skull or a crosshair. If you get a crosshair, the sheriff hologram in the middle shoots and destroys a mutant hologram. If you take out every mutant before the end of the third role than you win, if not, you lose the money you bet. You can bet up to $25 per game. If you get four crosshairs in the first round, you get 10x the money you bet back in winnings. If you defeat all the mutants by the second round than you get 4x your winnings, and if you defeat all of them by the end of the third round then you break even. It seems to be random, so just keep playing until you win.Now here is the hint;save your game before you play. If you win enough money to make more than you started out with, exit the minigame and save, then go and play again. If you lose more money than you win, simply load up your save and try again. I started with $150, in less than an hour I had over $725! This helps make infinite money to stock up on ammo and items early in the game if you are willing to take the time to do it. Breaking Bad easter egg:Search the holding cell in the sheriffs building to find Tucos’ trophy grill on the shelf across from the prisoners.More ATM cash hint:After clearing the Gearhead Vault you can re-enter it as many times as you want without dealing with enemies.? Sprint up to the third floor where there is the big tree in the courtyard and the ATM machines just through the doors in the other room.? If you interact with the ATM machines you get cash, then simply sprint and leave the vault and re-enter.? You can repeat this for infinite cash.? If you linger and casually interact with the ATMs, the payouts are $6, $8, $12– but if you move quickly and interact with the machines as fast as you can, the payouts are $50, $70, $80 per ATM, particularly from the ATMs to the left as you enter the room (it might just be the last 3 ATMs that you interact with).Infinite money hint:In Subway Town you can buy rotating “deals” from Stew.? Sometimes you can purchase items at a discount that can immediately be sold at Jani’s Supplies at a higher price.? For example, Stew will sell you Viper Rockets for $66 which you can sell to Jani for $75.? Repeat as often as you like to continue to make a profit.Picking up distant items with scope:With your pistol equipped, aim at an item with the scope (monocular). As you let go of the left trigger (zoom button), tap the PICK UP button fast and repeatedly. If done correctly, you should pick up the item and have it in your inventory, this also works on dead guards. The key is that, for some reason, the icon to pick up an item pops up when you zoom out but only for a fraction of a second. Note: A future update might patch this!ATM hint:Check ATMs and vending machines to put some extra cash in your pocket.Wolfenstein 3D Room and Wolf Goblet easter egg:In the Ghost Hideout, there’s a sequence in the very first mission, Quell the Bandit Threat, where you get stabbed in a cutscene and taught how to use the Defibrillator. After this, you exit the ‘killing room’ into a hotel room-like area, clear out all the bandits and head to the back of the room toward a painting on the wall. Between the TV and the painting in this room, you can open up a section of wall. Behind it is a pixel Wolfenstein room with the Wolf Goblet inside. You can sell it for 150 dollars.Doom 3 easter egg:Northwest of Mutant Bash TV, up a hill, is located Crazy Joe’s place by a swamp (with Night Blossoms in it). A hermit by the name of Crazy Joe living here sports a Doom 3 shirt, as one of the many homages to id’s other acclaimed franchises.Blake Griffin bobblehead:The Blake Griffin Bobblehead is located on Mayor Redstone’s desk on the top floor of Subway Town. Blake Griffin of the LA Clippers, a fan of id Software obviously, campaigned to get himself into Rage.Quake Room and Shmabler Plush:The Quake room, located in the Wasted Garage, can be accessed only after you press three well-hidden red buttons in the area. If you recall, the Wasted Garage is where you were asked to retrieve a distributor cap item during an earlier mission. It is recommended that you complete said mission and re-enter the Wasted Garage from the back entrance.The three buttons are difficult to find: one is located under a night stand, the other between a fallen file cabinet and the window, and the last behind a red tool cabinet. Each makes a Quake-like sound and glows for an instant when pressed. After all three buttons are activated, a hallway marked by a red Quake symbol leads to some stairs and to a portal that takes you to the hidden Quake room. Inside, you’ll find the Shambler Plush in the center. To leave, you must step on the tile in the area from which you came.Fallout 3 bobblehead:A Vault Boy bobblehead is located in the Wellspring Mayor’s Office. This is a reference to Fallout 3. You can sell it for 150 dollars.Easy money at cards hint:For easy money by winning card games, go to Subway Town and challenge the woman to a ‘Normal’ game with the following cards:HE Grenade RC Car Bomb Dropship JK Stiles Slime Mutant Giant Mutant This should fill or almost fill your points for allocating cards. I used this deck and won $5000 in less than an hour. It works because you are guarenteed to get all your attacking cards out. However, it is not 100% undefeatable, but I won 95% of the time. It may take some getting used to, but a definite pattern should emerge.
Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKArts and Crafts (10 points) – Construct 10 Engineering Items.Tinkerer (20 points) – Construct 50 Engineering Items.Passive Aggressive (30 points) – Get 3 kills with a single Sentry Bot.Three Birds, One Bomb Car (30 points) – Kill 3 Enemies with one RC Bomb Car.Keep ‘Em Coming (30 points) – Get 5 kills with one deployed Sentry Turret.Mechanocide (50 points) – Kill 100 Enemies with Sentry Bots, Sentry Turrets, or RC Bomb Cars.Jetpacker (20 points) – Kill an Authority Enforcer during Jetpack descent.Silent But Deadly (15 points) – Stealth kill 10 Enemies with the Striker Crossbow.Hat Trick (15 points) – Kill at least 3 Enemies with a single Mind Controlled Enemy.Decapathon (15 points) – Get 10 Headshot kills with the Wingstick.Open Minded (15 points) – Get 10 Headshot kills with the Sniper Rifle.Jumper (20 points) – Perform all 18 Vehicle Jumps.Gotta Have ‘Em All (20 points) – Collect all Playing Cards on one play-through.Master Chef (20 points) – Collect all Recipes and Schematics in one play-through.Hardest Deck (25 points) – Beat Teague’s hardest Deck.JACKPOT! (15 points) – Roll 4 Targets in the first round of Tombstones.Just a Flesh Wound (15 points) – Complete the final round of 5 Finger Filet.Deliverance (15 points) – Complete the final round of Strum.Minigamer (15 points) – Win all Minigames.Lead Foot (10 points) – Win a Race in the Campaign.Rage Cup (50 points) – Win all Races in the Campaign.Demolition Man (20 points) – Destroy 100 Enemy Cars.It’s Good! (15 points) – Score each of the 3 Field Goals from the ATV.Roadkill (15 points) – Run over 10 Mutants.Ghost Buster (10 points) – Complete Ghost Hideout in the Campaign.Waste Management (10 points) – Complete Wasted Garage in the Campaign.Gladiator (10 points) – Complete Mutant Bash TV in the Campaign.It’s Alive! (10 points) – Complete Dead City in the Campaign.Wellness Plan (10 points) – Complete The Well in the Campaign.Debunked (10 points) – Complete Shrouded Bunker in the Campaign.ytiC daeD (10 points) – Complete Dead City Reverse in the Campaign.Jail Break (10 points) – Complete Authority Prison in the Campaign.Vault Assault (10 points) – Complete Gearhead Vault in the Campaign.Power Struggle (10 points) – Complete Power Plant in the Campaign.Decrypted (10 points) – Complete Jackal Canyon in the Campaign.Mutie Blues (10 points) – Complete Blue Line Station in the Campaign.Bringin’ Home the Bacon (20 points) – Earn 750 Dollars in one episode of Bash TV in the Campaign.Mr. Oddjob (40 points) – Complete 5 Job Board Quests in one play-through.Dev Graffiti (15 points) – Find the secret Developer Graffiti Room.Hey, not too rough (50 points) – Finish the Campaign on any difficulty.Hurt me plenty (25 points) – Finish the Campaign on at least Normal difficulty.Ultra-violence (25 points) – Finish the Campaign on at least Hard difficulty.RAGE Nightmare (25 points) – Finish the Campaign on Nightmare difficulty.Obsessive Compulsive (75 points) – Reach 100% Completion in the Campaign.The Legend Begins… (10 points) – Complete a Legend of the Wasteland.Anthology (20 points) – Complete all Legends of the Wasteland.A True Legend (25 points) – Complete a Legend of the Wasteland on Nightmare difficulty.No Room for Sidekicks (15 points) – Complete a Legend of the Wasteland without any player(s) becoming incapacitated.Fresh Meat (10 points) – Complete a public Road RAGE match.MVP (20 points) – Get first place in a public Road RAGE match.

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