Category – Xbox Cheats Unlockable modes:Unlock the following modes by performing the corresponding tasks:MODE – HOW TO UNLOCKChallenge mode – Beat Story...
Category – Xbox Cheats Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKInitiation (15 points) – Beat the Prologue.Touchdown (25 points) – Beat the mission Touchdown...
Category – Xbox Cheats Cheat Codes:At the main menu go to “Extras”
Category – Xbox Cheats Cheat Codes:Pause game play and then press Y. Activate the following cheats by entering the corresponding codes:CHEAT NAME/(CHEAT...
Category – Xbox Cheats Catching tip:To easily catch fish, use the Husky Jerk lure. Reel it in normally, and when a fish...
Category – Xbox Cheats Monster fish:Review every lake in the Fish-o-pedia. Monster fish will display at the bottom of the lake information....
Category – Xbox Cheats Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKEasy Cup Master (100 points) – Complete the Easy Cup Tournament. Normal Cup Master...
Category – Xbox Cheats Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKRed Sevens (25 points) – Collect 150 000 Sheriff Stars. Red, White
Category – Xbox Cheats One-hit kills:To activate one-hit kills, pause the game in Single-Player mode. Then, while holding RB, click Left Analog-stick,...
Category – Xbox Cheats GI John Doe mode:To activate GI John Doe mode, when hosting a game press start. Then, while holding...