Category – Xbox Cheats Cat: Successfully complete the game under the easy difficulty setting. TNT: Successfully complete the game under the chilled...
Category – Xbox Cheats Suffering Cheat Codes: Enter the button combinations while playing a game. If you enter the code correctly, you’ll...
Category – Xbox Cheats Unlockable: New Beginning: Beat the game once to unlock a new opening sequence for the next game you...
Category – Xbox Cheats Hint: Grave Stone Humor: Before facing Heigou, check out the gravestones in the Darkened Gardens. One is actually...
Category – Xbox Cheats .fortune from Halo in Stubbs: Make a new profile and call it “.fortune” , after you input the...
Category – Xbox Cheats Bonus characters: Enter “!BOWLER!” as your name. Mars alley: Enter “!LEVELS!” as your name. Note: This also unlocks...
Category – Xbox Cheats Cheat List: To enter these codes press UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT at the main menu. This will take...
Category – Xbox Cheats How to unlock Elvis Outfits: Go to the cheats screen and Press Y, Black, White, Black, Black, White,...
Category – Xbox Cheats Different Levels In Sean’s Bonus Stage: Hold down these buttons when you get to Sean’s bonus stage: Harder...
Category – Xbox Cheats 99 of all items: While playing a game, go to “Equipment” and press R, L, Right. You will...