Category – Xbox Cheats Take control of individual territories: Start a campaign and hit start, then go to cheats. Great Plains BXXBB...
Category – Xbox Cheats Cheat codes:During game play, push Select to enter to the controller screen then press the following button combinations:Creatures...
Category – Xbox Cheats Unlock More Weapons: Egg Vacuum … Clear story mode as neutral Shadow Rifle … Clear Last Story mode...
Category – Xbox Cheats Cheat List: HAPPYCAMPER: all levels single player WANDERLUST: all CoOp missions FILMCRITIC: all fmv’s Cheat: Infinite Ammo: PACKMULE:...
Category – Xbox Cheats Change title screen to Margarette and Dana:Finish all chapters and reach 100% rankSpring 2000 Tokyo Games Show movie:Finish...
Category – Xbox Cheats Armor in Lava stage:Before you pick up the mini-gun, enter to the door on your right side. You...
Category – Xbox Cheats Unlock Mental Mode: Finish the game with Serious Mode. Cheat mode: In the main menu click and hold...
Category – Xbox Cheats Get New Teams: Go to the title screen and press the following All- Press X, Y, Down, Down,...
Category – Xbox Cheats Additonal money:If you have a saved file from the Sega GT 2002 video game on your Xbox hard...
Category – Xbox Cheats Money/Part Bug: When you spend all your money on any one part, the game will sometimes glitch and...