Category – Xbox Cheats Cheat List: Pause the game and enter any one of these codes at the map screen: All guns:...
Category – Xbox Cheats All cars and rallies: Enter CAJUN as a name.
Category – Xbox Cheats Unlock Wolfenstein 3D: Beat the single player Campaign mode to unlock Wolfenstein 3D. Multi-player mode: Airstrike A lieutenant...
Category – Xbox Cheats Unlockables:After completing the game, turn cheats on in the Extra menu.Battering Ram – Complete game with Professional rankingBulletproof...
Category – Xbox Cheats How to unlock Cheat Mode: Go to the main menu and press X, Y, White, Black, X, Y,...
Category – Xbox Cheats Get Everything: Put in BIGTANK for a profile name. Get Dolphins Team: Beat the Dolphins in World Conquest...
Category – Xbox Cheats Head decapitations: When locked onto an enemy, when you throw the Tetsugen press Up before you hit the...
Category – Xbox Cheats Cheat: Unlock Everything: Choose Extras from the main menu and access the Cheats option. Enter WHITE, WHITE, X,...
Category – Xbox Cheats Cheat List: Cheats are unlocked by completing Bounty Hunter challenges. They are then available in the pause menu....
Category – Xbox Cheats Unlimited ammo: While playing, hold down the L trigger and press A, A, B, B, X, Y, A,...