Category – Xbox Cheats Enter the following button combination cheats on the PDA factions screen.The sound of a click will confirm, if...
Category – Xbox Cheats How to unlock Multiplayer Vehicles
Category – Xbox Cheats Rocket Launcher location:When you have to find the News Reporters in the village in hard modewalk around the...
Category – Xbox Cheats Unloockable: Atomic Planet Entertainment Credits: You must defeat Elecman in Megaman 1. Unlockable: Homage to Megaman track: You...
Category – Xbox Cheats Cheat Codes: Enter these on the passcode screen: TUSKFISH – Unlock All Missions BANNER – Invincibility WRASSE –...
Category – Xbox Cheats Finish previous Mission With Gold Star: Go to the Enigma machine and put in SALMON for a code....
Category – Xbox Cheats Cheat Codes: Pause the game, then hold L R and press B(2), Left, Y, B, A. The following...
Category – Xbox Cheats Get Stealth
Category – Xbox Cheats Quick Reference Tables: Unit Speeds (Lowest to Highest) ?. Pilot 1. Battlesuit, Elemental 2. Atlas, Prometheus, Catapult, Bowman,...
Category – Xbox Cheats How to unlock Ragnarok for Multi Player Mode: Finish the game one time to unlock him for local...