Category – Xbox Cheats Cheat mode:Go to main menu and hold L R and press Down, X, Up, Y, Down, Down, Up,...
Category – Xbox Cheats Cavalry campaign: Break open the gates easier: Use your charge to break it open.
Category – Xbox Cheats Unlock Hopper 7 mode:Complete Killer 8 mode.Unlock Killer 8:Hard mode Complete full game on Normal or Hard mode.Unlock...
Category – Xbox Cheats Infinite Ammo: Pause the game and press Left Trigger, Right Trigger, X, X. When done correctly you’ll hear...
Category – Xbox Cheats Mega Cheat: Go to extras. Go to cheat (At the cellphone) and press these numbers.714 555 8092 Trippy...
Category – Xbox Cheats Characters and costumes:Get the indicated number of Gold, Platinum, or Diamond Records2 Diamond Records: Space Girl10 Diamond Records:...
Category – Xbox Cheats Unlockable music videos:Outtake music videoFinish all songs in showtime mode.How You Remind Me music video:Finish showtime mode reach...
Category – Xbox Cheats Chojin Moves: Beat the game with any fighter to unlock his/her Chojin moves.
Category – Xbox Cheats New Outfits: While selecting a fighter press L at the character select screen.
Category – Xbox Cheats Activate cheat mode and unlock all costumes:Press Start to pause the game, and hold L R and press...