Category – Xbox Cheats Single-player unlockables:Complete the following stages with the indicated ranks to unlock power-ups, weapons and car:Golden accuracy:Finish the Bad...
Category – Xbox Cheats Unlockable: Minigame When you’re confronted with enemies during the story, make sure to choose attack, and not evade....
Category – Xbox Cheats All challenges: At the main menu, press Square(2), Triangle, Circle(2), Square, Triangle, Circle to unlock all challenges. All...
Category – Xbox Cheats Best in battle:Use Kai with the Pheonix Talons in Giant Kill mode.Easy kill with Kai:At the beginning of...
Category – Xbox Cheats How to unlock Big Heads: Press Down, Right, Up, Left, A, B, Y, X, White, Black, Start Back...
Category – Xbox Cheats Brickout: Get 15,000 points or more in Night Stalker to unlock the Brickout game. Combat And Sorcery Game...
Category – Xbox Cheats Unlock Maize Stadium: Get a .400 average after 300 at bats Unlock a new Stadium: To unlock this...
Category – Xbox Cheats Hard Charger award: Gain the most positions from your starting position and win a quarter distance race.
Category – Xbox Cheats All Trading Cards: Enter “aLLcARDS” (case-sensitive) as your name. Start in Pole Position: Enter “pOLE” (case-sensitive) as your...
Category – Xbox Cheats Unlimmited Bonus Points: Once you complete the game with an ending that distributes bonus points, watch the entire...