Category – Xbox Cheats Unlock Island Jack: In adventure mode go to danger island. when you get to the jungle go below...
Category – Xbox Cheats Enable cheat mode – unlock all tracks and cars and start at stage 50:Start a new profile. Enter...
Category – Xbox Cheats Unlock Cireka’s Vow Drizzt’s Journal book:Complete Stand at Mithral Hall levelUnlock Illius’ Youth book:Complete The Jungles of Chult...
Category – Xbox Cheats Unlock all cars:Win every challenge in ford challenge Reach next stage:Reach Gold star rating in every missions and...
Category – Xbox Cheats All cars available cheat:During game play, press White, L, Black, R, A, A, Y, X, Bbutton combination on...
Category – Xbox Cheats Faster cars (mustang): On the level ‘stock car’ if you go fast enough you will hear a sound...
Category – Xbox Cheats Unlock all cars:Finish all the challengesUnlock Slaloms:2000 SVT Cobra R – Win 1st place in New Orleans Slaloms...
Category – Xbox Cheats All Cars And 1 Million Credits:Enter GIEVEPIX as a name. After entering it, you may rename your profile...
Category – Xbox Cheats Cheat: Unlock Everything: Create a new profile and type in one of the following as the name: *...
Category – Xbox Cheats Cheat mode:At the screen with the “New Game” and “Load Game” selections, pushY, Y, Y, X, X, B,...