Category – Xbox Cheats Best Jetski: In order to get the best JetSki, win all the tournaments.
Category – Xbox Cheats Cheat Mode:Enter in cheat Menu:All Cars:YAYCARSFast Start:IMSPEEDUnlocks all tracks and mini games:MATTL66Unlocks all tracks and mini games:IF900HPInf Boost:VROOOOMUnlocks...
Category – Xbox Cheats Unlockable: Bonus Mode: Complete the game.
Category – Xbox Cheats Unlock Boss Challenge Mode:Unlock and beat both hidden bosses to unlock Boss Challenge Mode. To access it, highlight...
Category – Xbox Cheats Unlockable: PyronBeat the game on Normal difficulty.Unlockable: Shin AkumaDefeat Shin Akuma in Arcade mode (any difficulty). To make...
Category – Xbox Cheats Unlock all secrets and weapon select in Ghosts N Goblins, Ghouls N Ghosts and Super Ghouls N Ghosts:...
Category – Xbox Cheats Cheat mode: Successfully complete the game under the easy difficulty setting to unlock the “Big Head”, “Ricochet”, “Head...
Category – Xbox Cheats Cheat Ammo: Create a profile named 2ndsquad for no limit ammo. (Unverified) Gltich: Infinite Emplace Weapon Ammo: This...
Category – Xbox Cheats Hint: Safe Combinations: Knowing the safe combination is useless since Jack Walters needs to find the clue before...
Category – Xbox Cheats X-Ray vision scope: Successfully complete the game.