Category – Xbox Cheats Unlockable modes:Unlock the following modes by performing the corresponding tasks:MODE – HOW TO UNLOCKStage mode – Beat a...
Category – Xbox Cheats Super Ox mode:Complete the game to unlock Super Ox mode. Then, hold Y and press A when selecting...
Category – Xbox Cheats Hami’s code:The code for Hami the hyperactive squirrel is “ham1”.Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKBeast Slayer (60 points) –...
Category – Xbox Cheats Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKStarting Point (10 points) – Complete a single level. Life Preserver (10 points) –...
Category – Xbox Cheats Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKSkilled Dancer (15 points) – Achieve 100% in Single Player Ulala’s Dance Mode. Fever...
Category – Xbox Cheats Unlockable characters:Unlock the following characters by performing the corresponding tasks:CHARACTER – HOW TO UNLOCKBebe – All Campaign mode...
Category – Xbox Cheats All upgrades
Category – Xbox Cheats Soul Calibur:To unlock the Soul Calibur, complete Story mode on the Hard difficulty setting with Siegfried. The Soul...
Category – Xbox Cheats Metallic characters:To play as a characters metallic version, at the character selection screen, highlight a character and while...
Category – Xbox Cheats Unlockable games:Unlock the following games by performing the corresponding tasks:GAME – HOW TO UNLOCKAlien Syndrome – In alien...