Category – Xbox Cheats Code Input Screen Cheats:Enter these cheats at the code input screen in the Options menu:Double Health for Enemies:...
Category – Xbox Cheats Sting:The Sting is located in the troll treasure cave at the end of the third level.Throwing Rocks:The Throwing...
Category – Xbox Cheats Unlockable: Videos:Beat these episodes with a super stiff ranking to unlock the videos.Episode 4: Hey Ladies VideoEpisode 7:...
Category – Xbox Cheats Defeating D.K:When you go against D.K. in the final drift battle on Suicide Mountain, use the Brake Drift...
Category – Xbox Cheats Game Modes: Finish “Painting it Orange” mission – Get Demolition Derby Mode. Finish “Volatile Situation” mission – Get...
Category – Xbox Cheats The Da Vinci Code Xbox Cheats Coming Soon!
Category – Xbox Cheats Restore all Children’s Health: Cheats can be activated while in game Restore all Children’s Health Hold ‘L’
Category – Xbox Cheats Infinite Flips:When a piece reaches the bottom it can still be flipped infinitely. Skip levels in 2-player mode:If...
Category – Xbox Cheats Indefinite flips: When a piece reaches the bottom, you can turn it indefinitely, giving you more time to...
Category – Xbox Cheats Collect the indicated ammount of reputation points in career mode:Unlock Hearse: Reach 500 Points.Unlock Hastings: Reach 2,500 Points.Unlock...