Category – Xbox Cheats Cheat List: 500cc Bikes: BIGDOGS Bowling: WRECKINGBALL Expert AI: OBTGOFAST Freestyle Tracks: BUSTBIG National Tracks: ECONATION Supercross Tracks...
Category – Xbox Cheats Balloon toss mini-game: Get the “Safety First” trophy. Cameron Steele: Get the “World’s Longest Jump” trophy. Custom Bee...
Category – Xbox Cheats All the moves: (right trigger and button command) indian air-a seatgrab-a a superman indian-a a a superfly-a a...
Category – Xbox Cheats Cheat: Midget Player Create players with one of the following names in lower-case: keegan paterson, jacob paterson, or...
Category – Xbox Cheats Cheat: Bat Breaking Player Create a player with the name Erik Kiss (case sensitive). His bat is much...
Category – Xbox Cheats Broken Bats Cheat: Create a player with the name Keegn Patersn, Jacob Patersn, or Ziggy Patersn,the bat will...
Category – Xbox Cheats Cheat to Win: One way to cheat the system, especially in the playoffs, is to save your game,...
Category – Xbox Cheats Unlocks all Level 1 Challenge Items:Go to create-a-player and type: Peter TrenouthUnlocks all Level 2 Challenge Items:Go to...
Category – Xbox Cheats Clear Bonuses: Do the following to unlock these game extras: Clear expert mode with SS rank for a...
Category – Xbox Cheats Unlock Characters and More: Complete the following episodes with a perfect ranking to unlock the listed characters and...