Category – Xbox Cheats Passwords: Enter the following at the Enter Name section when starting a new game, then activate or deactivate...
Category – Xbox Cheats Name Entry password Cheats: Enter these on the name entry screen when starting a new game: Password –...
Category – Xbox Cheats All inures heal in one day: Enter LMA3LUBYHY as a manager name (ID 1791). Enter LMA3SHHHWL as a...
Category – Xbox Cheats All courses: Hold L R and press X Y at the main menu. All courses will be unlocked...
Category – Xbox Cheats Unlock hidden extras:Find all 125 hidden puzzle pieces.
Category – Xbox Cheats Goodies: The vibrantly-mohawked Nigel is located in several places throughout the game and he can sell you call...
Category – Xbox Cheats Cheats: Character Codes: Enter the following codes in Dexter’s Shop. 987UYR = Battle Droid EN11K5 = Battle Droid...
Category – Xbox Cheats Infinite Stud Fountain:To unlock the infinite stud fountain, collect all 99 gold bricks and walk outside the cantina....
Category – Xbox Cheats Get British Bulldog: In career mode pick Dynamite Kid and finish career mode to get British Bulldog in...
Category – Xbox Cheats Unlock All Wrestlers: To unlock all wrestlers, go to the Exhibition screen and press these buttons: UP, UP,...