Category – Xbox Cheats Cheats: To activate the cheats, go into the extras menu and enter the following codes: Super Unleash Clash...
Category – Xbox Cheats mo’money: When you beat a boss you get a lot of money, so before going after it and...
Category – Xbox Cheats Unlock the satellite for purchase in the stores:Find all pig medalsGet everything and unlimited gold: Quickly press [X,...
Category – Xbox Cheats Unlimited health: Go to the Main menu and HOLD L1 and press Y, X, Y, X, Y, B,...
Category – Xbox Cheats How to unlock 6th Class: Go to the class select screen and highlight the classes and press quickly...
Category – Xbox Cheats BFG (M249 SAW) in City Streets level: Enter 5SQQ-5THA-ZFFV-7XEV as a profile name. If you entered the code...
Category – Xbox Cheats Cheat Codes: Highlight the “Trail By Trucking” option at the main menu, then press Y to display the...
Category – Xbox Cheats Unlock bonuses:Finsh a level and collect all Lightstones with each Toa to get access the bonuses in the...
Category – Xbox Cheats Bicycle Casino Xbox Cheats Coming Soon!
Category – Xbox Cheats Level Select Cheat: Enter LAZYPLAYER at the cheat menu. Money Cheat: Enter LOTSAMONEY on the cheat menu. Unlock...