Category – Xbox Cheats
Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKMoby Dick (10 points) – In Single-Player mode, destroy the Mecha Orca.Hot-wired (10 points) – In Single-Player mode, capture all 3 hijackable vehicles at least once.Pyromaniac (10 points) – In Single-Player mode, burn 50% of infantry in any Zone on Medium or Hard difficulty in one session.Ice Cold (10 points) – In Single-Player mode, freeze 50% of infantry in any Zone on Medium or Hard difficulty in one session.Assault Flags (10 points) – In Single-Player mode, collect all of the Flags scattered throughout the game.Fearless (20 points) – In Single-Player mode, complete 3 sequential areas on foot on Medium or Hard difficulty in one session.Wonder twins (20 points) – In Zone Battle, use all 4 Co-Op attacks, kill 10 units with each on Medium or Hard in one session.Zoned Out (20 points) – In Zone Battle, complete 6 Zones, each with the help of a different Xbox Live enabled friend.Escapist (20 points) – In Zone Battle, defeat all spaceships in Areas 29