Category – Xbox Cheats
Easy money and loot:To get easy money and loot, save the game near an area where there are multiple crates after collecting them. Then, reload the game and collect the loot again. Repeat as desired.Easy Levels and Money:To easily gain levels and money in the first scene when your getting a tour with the scrap robot, follow the robot to the campsite with the car up on the lift next to the burning tires. Collect all the loot and kill all of the enemies. After killing all enemies, pause the game and exit. The game will automatically save your character with all the loot you collected, and you will start at the beginning again. Repeat as desired.Duplicate Items:You can make a copy of any item with a partner in multiplayer mode. Drop the item that you want to duplicate and exit the game without saving. Have your partner pick up the item you dropped. When you return to the game you will still have the item. Have your partner give you the other.Berserker Speed Exploit:When your fighting multiple enemies and have low health, activate Berserker right before you enter Fight For Your Life! mode. Kill an enemy to gain a Second Wind. You should now be able to run as fast as Brick can in Berserker mode and can still use your weapons. To get out of Berserker mode, activate it again.New Game :To unlock New Game mode, complete the game. In New Game mode, some items will carry over from your previous game and the enemies will be harder.Quick Reload:To quickly reload your weapon, click the right stick(melee) as soon as your character removes the ammunition cartridge.Faster Firing Rate:To reset the firing rate timer of a weapon with a slow firing rate, melee after each time shot; this allows you to instantly fire after each shot.Easy Escape after Defeating Sledge:After you kill Sledge and collect the artifact, exit and save the game. Load the saved game to start at the very beginning of mission where you need to backtrack to after defeating Sledge.Storing Items with Alternate Character:You can store extra items by creating an alternate character in co-op mode. Just give your alternate character any items you don’t currently need. Then, when you need them log back in to your alternate character and give the item(s) back to your main character.Easy 20,00 EXP:To get 20,00 EXP, you must first get a vehicle. Find a safe area and use tape to hold down the PS3 controller button that is used to shoot from the vehicle. You will receive 20,000 EXP after firing 100,000 shots from the vehicle. This will take a few hours.Critical hits:Performing a Critical Hit on an enemy will inflict more damage and give you more XP. Perform a critical hit on the following enemies by performing the corresponding actions:ENEMY – HOW TO PERFORMAdults – Shoot them while they are jumping at you.Human – Shoot them in the head(sniper rifle works best).Pups – Shoot them while they roar at you.Skag – Shoot it in the face when it opens its mouth.Spitters – Shoot their mouths while they are firing their poison at you.Claptrap locations:The Claptraps are located in the following areas:1. Sledge’s Safehouse2. The Lost Cave3. New Haven4. Tetanus Warren5. Earl’s Scrapyard6. Krom’s Canyon7. Old Haven8. Trash Coast9. The Salt Flats10. Crimson FastnessChallenges:Complete the following challenges to gain the corresponding amounts of XP:CHALLENGE – TASK/(XP)Headhunter – Kill 50 human enemies (1,000 XP).Not Really a People Person – Kill 250 human enemies (2,000 XP).Misanthrope – Kill 1,000 human enemies (5,000 XP).War Criminal – Kill 2,500 human enemies (20,000 XP).Lucky Shot – Kill 100 enemies with critical hits (1,000 XP).Crack Shot – Kill 250 enemies with critical hits (2,000 XP).Don’t You Ever Miss? – Kill 1,000 enemies with critical hits (5,000 XP).Brain Surgeon – Kill 2,500 enemies with critical hits (20,000 XP).Relentless – Kill 5 enemies in succession with no more than 7 seconds between each kill (500 XP).Chain Killer – Kill 10 enemies in succession with no more than 7 seconds between each kill (1,000 XP).Killing Spree – Kill 15 enemies in succession with no more than 7 seconds between each kill (2,000 XP).Conveyor of Death – Kill 5 enemies in succession with no more than 7 seconds between each kill (5,000 XP).Action Hero – Kill 50 enemies using your Action Skills (1,000 XP).Beware! Mad Skills! – Kill 250 enemies using your Action Skills (2,000 XP).Why Do You Even Carry a Gun? – Kill 1,000 enemies using your Action Skills (5,000 XP).Your Kung Fu is Best – Kill 2,500 enemies using your Action Skills (20,000 XP).Seasoned Killer – Kill 500 enemies (1,000 XP).Numb to the Voice – Kill 1,000 enemies (2,000 XP).Terror of Pandora – Kill 4,000 enemies (5,000 XP).I am Become Death… – Kill 10,000 enemies (20,000 XP).Pocket Change – Earn $10,000 (1,000 XP).Money, it Buys Happiness – Earn $250,000 (2,000 XP).The Rich Get Richer – Earn $1,000,000 (5,000 XP).How Much For the Planet? – Earn $9,999,999 (20,000 XP).Duelist – Win 10 Duels (500 XP).Smack Down! – Win 50 Duels (1,000 XP).Bragging Rights – Win 250 Duels (2,000 XP).Invincible – Win 1,000 Duels (5,000 XP).What is That Thing? – Kill 50 Guardians (1,000 XP).The Vault is Mine – Kill 250 Guardians (2,000 XP).Prelates Relict – Kill 1,000 Guardians (5,000 XP).Dominant Species – Kill 2,500 Guardians (20,000 XP).Rakk Slayer – Kill 50 Rakk (1,000 XP).It if Flies, it dies – Kill 250 Rakk (2,000 XP).Rakk Flak – Kill 1,000 Rakk (5,000 XP).If I Can’t Fly, No One Flies – Kill 2,500 Rakk (20,000 XP).Skag Slayer – Kill 50 Skags (1,000 XP).SIT! STAY! PLAY DEAD! – Kill 250 Skags (2,000 XP).I Hate Dogs – Kill 1,000 Skags (5,000 XP).You Are The Skagpocalypse – Kill 2500 Skags (20,000 XP).Spiderant Slayer – Kill 50 Spiderants (1,000 XP).Bug Crusher – Kill 250 Spiderants (2,000 XP).I Hate Bugs – Kill 1,000 Spiderants (5,000 XP).The Exterminator – Kill 2,500 Spiderants (20,000 XP).Spray and Prey – Get 50 kills with the combat rifle (1,000 XP).Size Matters – Get 250 kills with the combat rifle (2,000 XP).Make Chunks – Get 1,000 kills with the combat rifle (5,000 XP).One Man Army – Get 2,500 kills with the combat rifle (20,000 XP).Draw! – Get 50 kills with Pistols (1,000 XP).Size Matters – Get 250 kills with Pistols (2,000 XP).Make Chunks – Get 1,000 kills with Pistols (5,000 XP).One Man Army – Get 2,500 kills with Pistols (20,000 XP).Get Off My Lawn! – Get 50 kills with Shotguns (1,000 XP).Taste the Red Mist – Get 250 kills with Shotguns (2,000 XP).Instant Autopsy – Get 1,000 kills with Shotguns (5,000 XP).Buckshot Legend – Get 2,500 kills with Shotguns (20,000 XP).Boom – Get 50 kills with Launchers (1,000 XP).BOOM – Get 250 kills with Launchers (2,000 XP).KaBOOM! – Get 1,000 kills with Launchers (5,000 XP).KABOOOOOOOOM!!!! – Get 2,500 kills with Launchers (20,000 XP).One Shot, One Kill – Get 50 kills with Sniper Rifles (1,000 XP).I’ll Wait Back Here… – Get 250 kills with Sniper Rifles (2,000 XP).Brain Ventilator – Get 1,000 kills with Sniper Rifles (5,000 XP).Finger of God – Get 2,500 kills with Sniper Rifles (20,000 XP).Road Rage – Get 50 kills with a vehicle (1,000 XP).Vehicular Manslaughter – Get 250 kills with a vehicle (2,000 XP).School Bus Driver – Get 1,000 kills with a vehicle (5,000 XP).Hell on Wheels – Get 2,500 kills with a vehicle (20,000 XP).Punchy – Get 50 kills with Melee attacks (1,000 XP).Brawler – Get 250 kills with Melee attacks (2,000 XP).Boxer – Get 1,000 kills with Melee attacks (5,000 XP).Heavyweight Champion – Get 2,500 kills with Melee attacks (20,000 XP).Hot! Too Hot! – Get 50 kills with Incendiary attacks (1,000 XP).Toasty! – Get 250 kills with Incendiary attacks (2,000 XP).Plays with matches – Get 1,000 kills with Incendiary attacks (5,000 XP).Pyromaniac – Get 2,500 kills with Incendiary attacks (20,000 XP).Zap! – Get 50 kills with Shock attacks (1,000 XP).Nikola is a friend of mine – Get 250 kills with Shock attacks (2,000 XP).Put forks in sockets – Get 1,000 kills with Shock attacks (5,000 XP).Shocker – Get 2,500 kills with Shock attacks (20,000 XP).Chemistry Rocks! – Get 50 kills with Corrosive attacks (1,000 XP).Why is the floor all gooey? – Get 250 kills with Corrosive attacks (2,000 XP).Mixes household chemicals – Get 1,000 kills with Corrosive attacks (5,000 XP).Chemist – Get 2,500 kills with Corrosive attacks (20,000 XP).Boom Goes the Dynamite! – Get 50 kills with Explosive attacks (1,000 XP).Too Bad About the Tinnitus – Get 250 kills with Explosive attacks (2,000 XP).Crosses Border for fireworks – Get 1,000 kills with Explosive attacks (5,000 XP).Demolitionist – Get 2,500 kills with Explosive attacks (20,000 XP).What’s in Here? – Open 50 lootable objects (1,000 XP).Scavenger – Open 250 lootable objects (2,000 XP).Wilderness Survivor – Open 1,000 lootable objects (5,000 XP).Cachet Lucres – Open 5,000 lootable objects (20,000 XP).Ooo! Shiney! – Open 5 chests (1,000 XP).Treasure Hunter – Open 25 chests (2,000 XP).Swag Master – Open 100 chests (5,000 XP).Envy of Pirates – Open 500 chests (25,000 XP).How Much For the Gun? – Sell 50 items (1,000 XP).Gun Runner – Sell 100 items (2,000 XP).Arms Dealer – Sell 400 items (5,000 XP).Merchant of Death – Sell 2,000 items (20,000 XP).Impulse Buyer – Buy 5 items (1,000 XP).Good Consumer – Buy 50 items (2,000 XP).I Want it All! – Buy 200 items (5,000 XP).Self-contained Economy – Buy 500 items (20,000 XP).Lots of Shots – Shoot 2,000 times (1,000 XP).Keep Firing – Shoot 10,000 times (2,000 XP).Who Made That Man Gunner? – Shoot 25,000 times (5,000 XP).I Fired Every Bullet Ever – Shoot 100,000 times (20,000 XP).Hang Time – Get two seconds of vehicle hang time (500 XP).Airborne – Get three seconds of vehicle hang time (1,000 XP).This is Not a Flight Simulator – Get four seconds of vehicle hang time (2,000 XP).Orbit Achieved – Get five seconds of vehicle hang time (5,000 XP).12 Days of Pandora – Master the technology of Pandora (12 assault rifle kills, 11 pistol kills, 10 shotgun kills, 9 smg kills, 8 sniper rifle kills, 7 melee kills, 6 critical hit kills, 5 explosive kills, 4 shock kills, 3 incendiary kills, 2 face melted kills, and 1 grenade kill) (5,000 XP).? Easy Money and Items:To easily get money and items, in “New
Haven”, go to the save/transport post near “Scooter” and save the game.
There are two red chests and three silvers chests in town. After looting
all of them, save the game and then exit. Reload the game and repeat
the process. The following are the locations of the chests:Red
Chest #1 – On the roof of the building right of the save post. Go to the
side with the yellow barrel, and jump few times.Silver Chest #1
– From the save post, turn left and go upstairs. Continue in the same
direction, cross the wood plank and then jump the railing to the other
building. Turn right around the corner.Red Chest #2 – Starting
from Silver Chest #1’s location, jump on the red tarp hanging over a
small platform. Turn around and you will see the chest.Silver
Chest #2 – After completing the Claptrap Rescue this Chest will be in a
little shed across the courtyard from the Bounty Board.Silver
Chest #3 – From the save post, go forward and upstairs where the dollar
sign and arrow are. Jump on top of the washing machine, then on top of
the roof with the antenna. The Silver Chest is located behind it.Elemental
Effects:The following are descriptions of the Elemental
Effects:FireWhen you use fire on an enemy they
will take gradual damage until they die or it goes out. Fire damages
enemies more if they don’t have a shield. Enemies will become less
accurate when being attacked with fire.ShockShock
damage deals an large amount of damage to an enemy’s shield, but loses
effectiveness once they’re down to their health meter.AcidAcid
damage eats through armored opponents and can spread to multiple
enemies if they touch each other while panicking. However, some
Acid-type enemies are mostly immune to it.ExplosiveSometimes
when you shoot an enemy from an explosion-type gun, the bullet will
explode and deal extra damage. This is useful when attacking groups of
enemies.EridianIf you find an Eridian weapon,
try shooting an enemy. Extra effects may occur. The 10101 Cannon is a
good example of a Shock/Explosion combination element.Unlimited experience(The Zombie Island Of Dr. Ned):After you
have activated the three turret in Jacobs Cove, one of them will be down
and not scanning the area for zombies. If you attack this turret, the
shield will go down and it will take damage. If you manage to do enough
damage, the turret will explode but not disappear, giving you 1,296
experience points, a random level 48 shield item, and some experience
for whatever weapon you where using to attack the turret (on your second
playthrough). It has a very large amount of health, but it can be done.
Note: Using a weapon with acid damage is best for the increasing bonus
damage. It can be repeated an indefinite number of times on your second
playthrough.Unlimited guns and money hints:-Find a respawning weapons case. For example, in New Haven, there are five weapon crates that respawn every time you load the game. Three are on the roofs above the truck stop, west staircase over the bar, and above the west gate; jump from canopy to reach it. The repaired claptrap opens another crate behind some steel plates, and there is another weapon crate north east behind a junk hill under a large canvas canopy. Note: There are a few bandits and aliens that spawn here. Collect the contents of the crates, quit the game, resume and collect them again. Sell the guns to make money. Repeat as desired.-During the mission “Looking for answers” and “Reactivate the Echo comm. System”, there are five weapon caches toget, and the majority of enemies drop items. It is possible to get over $300,000 in items reach time you run through this mission. Search for the chests, but when you get to the final room before you transition to the next area, exit game and reload. This is a very easy way to complete the “How much for the planet” challenge.–During the first scene while getting the tour with the scrap robot, follow him until you reach the small campsite with the car up on the lift next to the burning tires. Collect all the guns and money along the way, then kill the enemies. Once everything is dead, pause game play and choose “Exit”. This will save your character’s level and items, then resume the game at the very start. Repeat this process as many times as desired.Army Of Darkness easter egg:The Boomstick weapon’s description is “Beyond groovy”, a reference to Ashley’s shotgun in Army Of Darkness.Back To The Future easter egg:The “1.21 Gigawatts” achievement name is a reference to Back to the Future.A Christmas Story easter egg:In New Haven you can find a secret room which can be only be accessed during “Another Piece of the Puzzle.” Inside is a Christmas tree, a leg lamp (made from a real leg) and a rifle called “Rider,” with a caption that reads, “Careful… you might put someone’s eye out.”Diablo 2 easter egg:In the Rust Commons West area, near Journal 224 (Hidden Journal quest), a unique Rakk will appear. Its name is Rakkinishu, named after a unique Carver from Diablo 2. Rakkinishu will also drop a shield named the “Cracked Sash”, which is also a type of item in Diablo 2.Gauntlet (NES) easter egg:The title of the mission “Earl needs food… badly” is a reference to the classic NES game Gauntlet. When your character’s health dropped low, a voice would say “Blue Elf needs food badly!”Gem easter egg:The “Truly Outrageous” achievement’s description is “Kill an enemy with Lilith’s action skill”– a reference to Gem, a cartoon from the 1980s.General George Patton easter egg:The Patton weapon’s description is “May God have mercy on my enemies, because I won’t,”–a quote from General George Patton.Lonely Island song easter egg:The “You’re On A Boat” achievement’s description is “Bet you never thought you’d be here”; a Lonely Island song reference.Mad Max easter egg:The “Can’t we get BEYOND Thunderdome?” achievement’s name is a reference to Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome. Mario series easter egg:The “My Brother Was An Italian Plumber” achievement’s description is “Kill an enemy by stomping on them”; a reference to Mario.Men In Black easter egg:The description of one of the alien guns reads, “I feel like I’m gonna break this thing”, which is the same thing Will Smith says when he receives the “Noisy Cricket” gun in Men In Black. Monty Python And The Holy Grail easter egg:The achievement “There some who call me… Tim” is a reference to the strange, fire spreading Scottish wizard that King Arthur and the knights of the round table meet.Tenacious D easter egg:The “Master Exploder” achievement’s name is a reference to the song of the same name by Tenacious D.Pulp Fiction easter egg:The names of the ships in “That Sinking Feeling” mission are Righteous Man, Great Vengeance, and Furious Anger. All of those names are found in the biblical lines quoted by Samuel L. Jackson’s character in Pulp Fiction.Legendary weapons:The following is a list of special weapons in the game:Tediore Gun CatalogPRO4-A Wicked Predator: Pistol; generates its own ammunition.EQ20-B Savage Equalizer: Revolver; generates its own ammunition, X2 Fire Element.DEF900-B Genocide Defender: Shotgun; generates its own ammunition, X2 Shock Element.GRD12-A War Guardian: Assault rifle; generates its own ammunition.SV4-A Malevolent Savior: SMG; generates its own ammunition.Dahl Gun CatalogRF5D Wicked Hornet: Pistol; 2 shot corrosive burst, X2 Corrosive Element.AX220 U Savage Anaconda: Revolver; very high damage and accuracy.BA 100 War Bulldog: Shotgun; large magazine and fast reload.CR38 Scoped Raven: Assault rifle; large magazine and five shot burst.CR780 U Genocide Raven: Assault rifle; large magazine and five shot burst, X2 Shock Element.TEK540D Malevolent Wildcat: Assault rifle; large magazine.LBD Fearsome Penetrator: Sniper rifle; large magazine and high fire rate, X2 Fire Element.Vladof Gun CatalogTK6 Cruel Rebel: Pistol; large magazine and fast reload.HRD6/V2 Wicked Rebel: Pistol; large magazine and fast reload.TMP2 Stabilized Vengeance: SMG; high accuracy and ignore shields.ZX330/V3 Fatal Hammer: Shotgun; large magazine and high damage, X3 Explosive Element.RWL20/V3 Colossal Mongol: Rocket launcher; spawns a horde of additional rockets.SES Munitions Gun CatalogBLR4 Wicked Gemini: Pistol; large magazine and split shot burst.HRD5.2 Wicked Gemini: Pistol; large magazine and split shot burst.TMP88 Vile Thanatos: Pistol; large magazine and fast reload.TMP88.3 Vile Thanatos: Pistol; large magazine and fast reload.TMP88 Vile Thanatos: Pistol; large magazine and fast reload.ZPR43 Fatal Crux: Shotgun; large magazine and special explosive pattern, X1-X4 Explosive.PPZ470.3 Fearsome Orion: Sniper rifle; large magazine and shock projectiles, X3 Shock Element.PPZ7 Fearsome Orion: Sniper rifle; large magazine and shock projectiles, X3 Shock Element.Maliwan Gun CatalogHRD C Wicked Firehawk: Pistol; powerful incendiary attack, X4 Fire Element.TK4 Wicked Firehawk: Pistol; powerful incendiary attack, X4 Fire Element.KLR300 B Pestilent Defiler: Pistol; powerful corrosive attack, X4 Corrosive Element.MAL300 C Pestilent Defiler: Revolver; powerful corrosive attack, X4 Corrosive Element.SPR630 B Fatal Plague: Shotgun; powerful corrosive attack, X4 Corrosive Element.TD3 B Combustion Hellfire: SMG; powerful incendiary attack, X4 Fire Element.DVL350 C Fearsome Volcano: Sniper rifle; powerful incendiary attack, X4 Fire Element.GGN30 Solid Volcano: Sniper rifle; powerful incendiary attack, X4 Fire Element.SPC260 C Colossal Rhino: Rocket launcher; powerful incendiary attack, X4 Fire Element.Torgue Gun CatalogRF4 Cruel Violator: Pistol; three shot burst.ZX1 Friendly Fire: Shotgun; powerful incendiary attack in special pattern, X3 Fire Element.KKA4 Malevolent Gasher: SMG; high damage and a burst of rounds.LB570 Fearsome Cobra: Sniper rifle; powerful explosive attack but slow fire, X4 Explosive Element.RPG21 Colossal Redemption: Rocket launcher, large rocket with big bang.Jakobs Gun CatalogRV21 XX Savage Unforgiven: Revolver; large critical but slow fire.KLR330 ZZ Savage Unforgiven: Revolver; large critical but slow fire.SG1 XX Genocide Striker: Shotgun; tight spread and large critical.VRR29 ZZ Fearsome Skullmasher: Sniper rifle; multiple projectiles.GGN20 Long Skullmasher: Sniper rifle; multiple projectiles.Hyperion Gun CatalogRF5.W Wicked Invader: Pistol; large scope with continued burst while zoomed.TMP2 Vile Reaper: Pistol; massive melee and steals life.BA 630.W Fatal Butcher: Shotgun; Five shot burst.ZX330.W Fatal Butcher: Shotgun; Five shot burst.AR300.W Genocide Destroyer: Assault rifle; Continuous burst while zoomed.CR320 Genocide Destroyer: Assault rifle; Continuous burst while zoomed, X3 Shock Element.RF200.G Malevolent Bitch: SMG; large critical.PPZ1270.G Fearsome Executioner: Sniper rifle; large magazine and five shot burst while zoomed.LB1170.G Fearsome Executioner: Sniper rifle; large magazine and five shot burst zoomed, X3 Fire Element.RPG720.W Colossal Nidhogg: Rocket launcher; Fast reload and rains additional rockets.Atlas Gun CatalogBLR Wicked Troll: Pistol; regenerates health.AX Savage Chimera: Revolver; fires random elements, X3 Fire/Corrosive/Explosive/Shock Element.SG1100 Genocide Hydra: Shotgun; high damage and special spread.SG340 Genocide Hydra: Shotgun; high damage and special spread.CVL25 Fearsome Cyclops: Sniper rifle; high damage and explosive attack, X3 Explosive Element.”Self contained economy” and “Merchant of Death” challenges hint:Once you have about $500,000, go to any medical vending machine and purchase as many light healing kits as you can hold. Note: This becomes easier, depending on how many Backpack SDU’s you have obtained. Sell all the light healing kits back. You will lose money via this transaction, but it is an easy way to earn a combined 55,000 experience, if you have not completed any of the challenges for purchasing or selling items. Even if you have, the 20,000 experience point reward for the final challenges of selling and buying items is worth the money alone.Easy weapons in “The Backdoor”:Another place to get infinite good weapons is in “The Backdoor”, in the mission “Get some answers”. It involves a short run with three weapon chests, seven ammunition crates, and about five collectible piles of gunk. As soon as you get to the ammo store located next to the two weapon crates, exit the game and reload. It is also a good area to level up a second character by starting a co-op or split screen mode game before each run-through. You can also use this area to get the challenge “How much for the planet” because you can receive anywhere from $80,000 to $200,000 in items. To maximize profits and experience, it is recommended that even if you are playing in single player mode, you should do this run-through in split-screen by signing in with another profile, and using any character desired. The person chosen does not matter because you will just leave him at the entrance. This will maximize profits since the enemies are harder, and there will be more of them. This will help maximize the possible experience and profit that can be received. Note: You will have to run through this several times to reach $9,999,999. Every once in a while you will receive an item, weapon, or mod that ends up being better than what you are currently using. For example, you may get a CR-B War Stomper Assault rifle with 166 damage, a ZPR15-B Terrible Shredder shotgun with 150 X11 damage, or a rocket launcher that does 336 x3 damage with a 500% burst rate.Hidden house with Rider gun in New Haven”:When you receive (do not complete) the quest “Another Piece Of The Puzzle”, you can enter a blue house in New Haven. An elevator door opens up, leading to random loot, level 30 Raider Mutants, and one of the weapons is always a gun named “Rider”. Its stats usually vary slightly each time you get one. The weapon is only located in this house and its “manufacturer” is “Gearbox” (the game’s developer), as opposed to an in-game company such as Dahl, Hyperion, etc. Note: When this location is used with the others in New Haven for the “Unlimited guns and money” trick, it really pays off.Secret vendor in “New Haven”: There is a hidden vendor behind the garage door across from the normal weapons vendor in New Haven. To get the door to open, try fast travelling to the gun machines in New Haven, Rust Commons West, and Middle of Nowhere. Return to New Haven and the garage door might be open.Barrel scene in “Treacher’s Landing”:Go to Treacher’s Landing and to the secret dock in the southeast. Shoot the yellow barrel to the right of the dock, then shoot the green barrel in the far trash pile to the east of the boat. Shoot one of the blue barrels on the boat, then shoot the red barrel in the water to the left of the boat.Easy weapons in “Treacher’s Landing”:Go southeast from the start of the map. You must take out a couple bandits in a small gathering of huts, but keep to the south east. You will find a red weapons crate up on a ledge. This was intended to be obtained once you looped around the map and were on your way out. However, there is a way to reach the ledge. On the right side is a cabinet to open. Jump on top and locate a post along the fence. Jump to the post. From here you can jump onto the ledge with the red weapons crate. Then, continue southeast. You will encounter a hut with two bandits. Continue southeast along the water’s edge. Once you pass a large boulder, you will see a ship. There is another red weapons crate on the ship. You can repeat this by going back to the save point at the start of the map, exiting once, and restarting by loading your character again. The weapons crates will have respawned. “Bandit Treasure” quest hint:Fast travel to Old Haven and follow the left wall after you get in to reach a pile of dead bandits. Go to the glowing bandit or glowing key nearby that starts the quest.”Green Thumb” quest hint:To get the Green Thumb quest, fast travel to the Middle of Nowhere Bounty Board. Get a car from Scooter’s and drive to the right. Go to the small shack with big plants around it and talk to the man leaning against the shack to get the quest.”The Destroyer” boss strategy:This creature is from another dimension, is massive, and has a ridiculous amount of health. This creature is a mountain of flesh with multiple tentacles that can re-spawn as the battle progresses. It has a blue-lighted cave that seems to be its eye. Most of the tentacles have large glowing orbs about halfway down their length. Shooting the orbs will destroy the tentacles. Begin by running toward the creature and hiding behind a pillar that is located to the right or left just out of range for the tentacle’s reach. From here, take out all but one tentacle that you can see easily from that point. Destroy the ones you cannot see by peeking around and taking shots at the orbs, but return to your hiding point. This pillar will protect you from missile-like attacks and from the eye that shoots a beam weapon. If you get reduced to zero health, you can take out one of the orbs on the tentacle that you can see easily to be revived before you get killed and have to respawn. It’s like killing another enemy. This is the reason why you must keep one tentacle. If you do get killed, the creature recovers all health but you will respawn in front of the creature. Once again, you can run to your pillar of protection hiding place. A few times in the battle, the tentacles will spawn and you have to take them out again. The tentacles are the source for the missile-type weapon it attacks with. thus, you reduce the number of tentacles it also reduces the about of missiles flying at you. With the tentacles almost gone, you can now focus your attack at the mouth/tongue and its eye for the critical shot. Repeat this process when the tentacles respawn. Having weapons that have infinite ammunition or having ones that create ammo is very useful with the large amount of health level that this Boss has.Hidden weapon chests and money crates:When you get off the bus at the start of the game, look to your left past the claptrap. You will see a broken down gas station. When you can move, inspect the building for a couple money crates. Jump on top of the building to find a weapon chest.Infinite pistol ammo:The pistol that regenerates ammunition can be use to gain ammo for any pistol. Equip the regenerating pistol to build up ammunition, then switch to any other pistol.Critical hits:To score a critical hit on a human, shoot their head. With a sniper rifle this usually kills instantly For a Skag, shoot it in the face when its mouth is open. This varies depending on the type. For the pups, shoot them while they roar at you. For adults, shoot them while they jump at you. For the spitters, shoot their mouths while they fire their poison projectile at you. Critical hits are easiest at close range with a shotgun or scattergun.Shooting rounds challenges hint:Get into a vehicle spawned with a machine gun, and not the rocket launcher. Using a rubber band, get? LT? ?RT held. Note: Make sure the controllers are connected to the port and not in wireless mode as this takes some time. Allow the game to idle for about 24 hours.Extra item space hint:Create a new “bank” character for use in Co-op mode. When you want to store an item, start a Co-op game with your main character and the “bank” character, then transfer the items to be stored to the “bank” character until you need them. Transfer them back.Getting Eridian weapon early:Have a Siren character and return to Fyrestone in the Arid Badlands. After you kill the Mothrakk, an Eridian weapon will drop. You must search everywhere to find it. Note: To kill the Mothrakk easily, when it is low on health, shoot warning shots to draw it towards you. Kill it while it tries to get close. The weapon should be one of the following: Eridian Cannon (Berserker), Thunder Storm (Soldier) or Ball Blaster or Wave Blaster (Siren).Invincible jump hint:Any time you face an enemy that can jump or leap to attack you, simply jump when they jump and you won’t take any damage.”Sucker Born Every Minute” achievement hint:Go to the large bullet and find the closest building to it. There should be arrows pointing to a box with a “$” sign on it. Activate the prompt here to unlock the achievement.Mad Mel strategy:Once you enter the arena where Mad Mel is, bandits in vehicles will spawn. Get killed by them. If you passed the autosave point outside the arena, you will respawn there and Mad Mel and the bandits will still be inside the arena. You can then wait outside the arena and snipe Mad Mel and they will have a hard time hitting you. Use an explosive sniper rifle for more damage.Solo Crawmerax the Invincible with any character:Crawmerax is the secret final boss you fight during the mission “You. Will. Die.”,which is unlocked from the bounty board after completing the main story. If your character is not strong enough to survive Crawmerax’s powerful attacks, there is an easy method to defeating him. After the elevator brings you up, you will see Crawmerax appear in front of you. Run to the left side of the area and drop down onto a small ledge and make your way up to the corner against the high wall and the step up to the main area. From here, Crawmerax and his minions cannot attack you. Instead, they will all turn to face you and roar, allowing you to easily target the bright purple weak spots and kill him. Use a powerful sniper rifle and have a method of regenerating ammunition. Also, it is absolutely necessary to have a rocket launcher with you because the weak point on Crawmerax’s back won’t be visible from this angle. You will have to aim your rockets at the spikes on his shell so that the weak spot is caught in the explosion. This is also a great method to quickly level since killing Crawmerax’s minions earns you a significant amount of experience.Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKPaid in Fyrestone (5 points) – Beat 5 missions in the Arid Badlands.Made in Fyrestone (15 points) – Beat all missions in the Arid Badlands.Paid in New Haven (10 points) – Beat 5 missions in the Rust Commons.Made in New Haven (20 points) – Beat all missions in the Rust Commons.My Brother is an Italian Plumber (15 points) – Kill an enemy by stomping on its head.Speedy McSpeederton (10 points) – Race around the Ludicrous Speedway in less than 31 seconds.You call this archaeology? (20 points) – Apply an elemental artifact.Ding! Newbie (5 points) – Earn level 5.Ding! Novice (10 points) – Earn level 10.Ding! Expert (20 points) – Earn level 20.Ding! Hardcore (30 points) – Earn level 30.Ding! Sleepless (40 points) – Earn level 40.Discovered Skag Gully (5 points) – Discover Skag Gully.Discovered Sledge’s Safe House (5 points) – Discover Sledge’s Safe House.Discovered Headstone Mine (5 points) – Discover Headstone Mine.Discovered Trash Coast (5 points) – Discover Trash Coast.Discovered The Scrapyard (10 points) – Discover The Scrapyard.Discovered Krom’s Canyon (10 points) – Discover Krom’s Canyon.Discovered Crimson Lance Enclave (15 points) – Discover Crimson Lance Enclave.Discovered Eridian Promontory (15 points) – Discover Eridian Promontory.Ding! Champion (50 points) – Earn level 50.Get A Little Blood on the Tires (20 points) – Kill 25 enemies by ramming them with any vehicle.Rootinest, Tootinest, Shootinest (10 points) – Kill 5 Rakk in under 10 seconds.Pandora-dog Millionaire (50 points) – Earn $1,000,000.Fence (25 points) – Sell 50 guns to a shop.Can’t We Get BEYOND Thunderdome? (25 points) – Win an arena match.Duel-icious (15 points) – Win a duel against another player.Group LF Healer (25 points) – Rescue a groupmate from death in a co-op game.There’s No “I” In “Team” (30 points) – Beat 15 missions in co-op.And They’ll Tell Two Friends (10 points) – Play in a co-op game with either an employee of Gearbox or someone who has this achievement.Weapon Aficionado (20 points) – Reach proficiency level 10 with any weapon type.Duelinator (35 points) – Win a duel without taking damage.Facemelter (25 points) – Kill 25 enemies with corrosive weapons.1.21 Gigawatts (25 points) – Kill 25 enemies with shock weapons.Pyro (25 points) – Kill 25 enemies with incendiary weapons.Master Exploder (15 points) – Kill 25 enemies with explosive weapons.There are some who call me…Tim (25 points) – Equip a class mod for your character.Fully Loaded (10 points) – Rescue enough Claptraps to earn 42 inventory slots.Truly Outrageous (15 points) – Kill an enemy with the Siren’s action skill.Careful, He Bites (15 points) – Kill 15 enemies with the Hunter’s action skill.Reckless Abandon (15 points) – Kill 15 enemies with the Berserker’s action skill.Down in Front! (15 points) – Kill 15 enemies with the Soldier’s action skill.12 Days of Pandora (30 points) – Master the technology of Pandora.Wanted – Sledge (10 points) – Kill Sledge.Wanted – Krom (20 points) – Kill Krom.Wanted – Flynt (30 points) – Kill Flynt.Destroyed the Hive (40 points) – Kill the Rakk Hive.Destroyed the Destroyer (50 points) – Kill the Vault boss.United We Stand (35 points) – Defeat the Rakk Hive, the Vault Boss, Sledge, Krom, or Flynt in a co-op game.You’re on a boat! (15 points) – I bet you never thought you’d be here.”Mad Moxxi’s Underdome Riot” achievementsSmall Tournament (10 points) – Complete the Prove Yourself mission. Hell-Burbia (25 points) – Reach the end of the larger challenge in the Hell-Burbia coliseum. The Angelic Ruins (25 points) – Reach the end of the larger challenge in The Angelic Ruins coliseum. The Gully (25 points) – Reach the end of the larger challenge in The Gully coliseum. Big Tournament (40 points) – Reach the end of each of the 3 larger challenges with one character. “The Secret Armory Of General Knoxx” achievementsACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKMaking a Monster (10 points) – Build the New Car – Monster. Athena, Out (25 points) – Rescue Athena. Depot Demolition (25 points) – Destroy the Lance Depot. Vincible (50 points) – Kill Crawmerax the Invincible. Sneaky Little Buggers (25 points) – Kill each of the loot midgets. Speed Kills (25 points) – Destroy a Lancer while in a Racer. Ding! Overleveled (15 points) – Reach Level 51. Ding! Overleveled to 11 (40 points) – Reach Level 61. Completionist (25 points) – Complete all missions in Secret Armory. Sucker born every minute (10 points) – Paid for a worthless tour of the world’s largest bullet. “The Zombie Island Of Dr. Ned” achievementsACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKHouse of the Ned (25 points) – Complete the “House of the Ned” mission. Jakobs Fodder (25 points) – Complete the “Jakobs Fodder” mission. Braaaaaaaaaaaaains! (25 points) – Complete the “Braaaaaaaaaaaaains!” mission. Night of the Living Ned (1 point) – Killed Ned…sort of. Ned’s Undead, Baby (49 points) – Killed Ned. Again.”Claptrap’s New Robot Revolution” achievementsACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKTourist (10 points) – Find all 6 Claptrap Statues. Muerte la robo-luci?n (70 points) – Kill the INAC. The Collector (50 points) – Complete a crazy request for Tannis. The Lubricator (10 points) – Find 25 oil cans. Bobble-Trap (10 points) – Collect 15 claptrap bobbleheads. It’s so realistic! (10 points) – Collect 5 3D glasses. What a party! (30 points) – Collect 3 panties, 5 fish in a bag, and 15 pizzas. Knoxx-Trap (20 points) – Knoxx is at rest…finally. Ned-Trap (20 points) – Killed Ned…again and again and again. Steele-Trap (20 points) – The Commandant is dead-trap.