Category – Xbox Cheats
New Game mode:To unlock New Game mode, complete the game.
Load your cleared saved game file to start a new game session with all
previously earned armor modules.Mini-game:To unlock a mini-game, complete the game. Press [Fire] five times during the credits to play the mini-game.Dance party:On the”Dead Man Walking” level, after achieving the “Locate the Nanosuit
Deep Scan Cradle: Locate Gould” objective, there will be an elevator at
the end of the level. Take the elevator down as instructed. When the
elevator door opens, follow the hallway. After the first right turn
notice the security camera next to some servers. Jump over the red rope
and get close to the switch on the right. Hold [Action] and a red light
will appear. Return to the elevator that you used, and jump over the red
rope to reach a second elevator. The switch will now be lit. Hold
[Action] again, as instructed. The elevator doors will open, showing a
C.E.L.L. dance party. Conserving energy in multiplayer:Firing your weapon while invisible in multiplayer will drain your energy gauge entirely. Switch off invisibility right before you fire your weapon to avoid depleting your energy.Literary Agent achievement hint:Right after walking through fire in the New York library, open your visor and look around for some books pointed out to you by the visor. Scan the books for the achievement.Steady Aim:While aiming down the sight, Left-Click to trade energy to steady your aim while sighting “down scope.” Use this with Maximum Armor and your aim will be nearly perfect.Survive any fall:With Air Stomp you can jump off any building and survive as long as you activate it. For instance, in Dead Man Walking, you can jump off the first building and do an Air Stomp and survive without any loss of health.Deflection suit upgrade in multiplayer:During multiplayer, you may see the “Deflection” suit upgrade on screen. This is not a normal suit module upgrade’ deflection is pretty much a deathstreak reward, earned after five consecutive deaths. Deflection can normally be found in the Campaign mode as a suit upgrade. The description in the campaign is: “Provides increased protection from enemy fire by deflecting bullets.” The deflection upgrade will be gone after you earn a kill.Mugshot of Crytek boss:While walking around the city in-game, look for a Newstand on one of the magazines on the Newstand to see a mugshot of the Boss of Crytek.FUUUUUUUUUU Meme easter egg:In the city, look for the magazine stands and look closely one of the magazines that says the words “Simple” on it. It will have the popular “Raging” meme face on it.Actual easter eggs:There are colored Easter Eggs in the mission Gate Keepers. Get into the building past the CELL checkpoint and you will be be in the area where you can locate the Easter Eggs.”Hole in One” achievement hint:In the Campaign chapter Dark Heart, there will be a moment where the suit tells you to do a Tactical Assesment. One of these will say Avoid, which is because there is a very deep sink hole. If you can Grab a Ceph and throw it into the hole, you unlock the achievement.”Food For Thought” achievement hint:At the start of Chapter 2, when you reach the area where you are on the roof with the donut to your left, you must wait until the group of people by the pit of dead bodies burning breaks up. After a couple seconds, one of the Cell Soldiers will walk under the donut and you have to knock it off with a melee attack.Back to the Future easter egg:During the first level you have the ability to flank some CELL soldiers by entering a small sewer after the subway. There are some electrical wires hanging above your head that say “Caution 1.21 Gigawatts.” This is a reference the the movie trilogy Back to the Future where the time machine, made from a DeLorean, needs 1.21 gigawatts of electricity to travel through time. The correct pronunciation is “gigawatts,” however, they say “jigawatts” in the movie. Apparently a scientist the movie team hired said it this way.Teddy Bear on “Dead Man Walking”:Jump down the building and place the corner of the building in front of you. Go to the right side and all the way in the left corner. There is a teddy bear on one of the columns of a planter.Suit Module Upgrades:The following are all suit modules and their upgrades:ArmorAir Stomp – Velocity based attack; more speed deals more damage. Requires elevation beyond a Power Jump.Minimum Velocity Damage – 40 damage out to 2 meters.Maximum Velocity Damage – 220 damage out to 7 meters.Upgrade II – No damage from falling.Upgrade III – 0.5x recovery time after Air Stomp.Proximity Alarm – Sense enemy in a 30 meter horizontal radius (not vertical); updates every two seconds.Upgrade II – Sensor updates every second.Upgrade III – Sensor updates every half-second.Armor Enhance – 0.5x energy consumption.Upgrade II – 25% movement speed in Armor mode.Upgrade III – Immune to Nanosuit Jammer Bonus.Threat Tracer – Highlight bullet path within 6 meters.Upgrade II – Highlight grenades within a 15 meter radius.Upgrade III – Highlights explosives within 15 meter radius.Nano Recharge – 2x health regeneration.Upgrade II – 2x suit recharge (60 per second).Upgrade III – 0.5x delay before health regeneration.Detonation Delay – 2 seconds to grenade fuse when in blast radius.Upgrade II – 2 seconds to C4 fuse when in blast radius.Upgrade III – Fires Chaff against enemy JAW missiles.Energy Transfer – Restores 20% energy with a kill.Upgrade II – Restores 30% energy with a kill.Upgrade III – Restores 50% energy with a kill.PowerSide Pack – 1 primary magazine.Upgrade II – 1 grenade/explosive.Upgrade III – 1 attachment ammo.Weapon Pro – 0.6x reload time.Upgrade II – 0.5x aim down sight time.Upgrade III – 0.4x weapon swap time.Aim Enhance – Reduced recoil (unique to weapon).Upgrade II – 0.4x view shake from explosions.Upgrade III – 1.6x movement speed when aiming down sights (compared to whatever negative speed it offers).Loadout Pro – Two primary weapons.Upgrade II – No mobility loss from attachments.Upgrade III – 1.5x speed while carrying HMG (compared to its 0.6x speed scale).Rapid Fire – Higher rate of fire on primary weapons (unique to weapon).Upgrade II – Higher rate of fire on secondary weapons (unique to weapon).Upgrade III – Higher rate of fire on mounted weapons.Point Fire Enhance – Reduces spread of primary weapons (unique to weapon).Upgrade II – Reduces spread of secondary weapons (unique to weapon).Upgrade III – Reduces spread of mounted weapons.Mobility Enhance – 0.5x sprint and jump energy cost.Upgrade II – 0.5x ledge grab climb time.Upgrade III – 0.25x fire after sprint time.Retriever – Automatically collect Dogtags.Upgrade II – One less Dogtag required for support bonuses.Upgrade III – 1.2x support bonus time.StealthStealth Enhance – Transition time to/from stealth is halved.Upgrade II – No shadow cast in Stealth mode.Upgrade III – 0.5x energy drain rate in Stealth mode.Covert Ops – No player footstep sound.Upgrade II – Invisible to Ceph Airstrike.Upgrade III – 2x enemy footstep sound.Cloak Tracker – Displays particles on Cloaked enemy within 20 meters.Upgrade II – Causes enemy Cloak to flicker after 7 seconds in radius.Upgrade III – Causes enemy Cloak to flicker after 5 seconds in radius.Jammer – Scrambles the radar of enemies within a 10 meter range.Upgrade II – Provides protection against enemy Radar Jammer attacks.Upgrade III – Scrambles the radar of enemies within an increased range.Blind Spot – Invisible to Maximum Radar.Upgrade II – Immune to Visor Tagging.Upgrade III – Become less visible to enemies in Nano Vision.Tracker – Track enemy footsteps within 25 meters; updates every 0.6 seconds.Upgrade II – Footstep direction tracks.Upgrade III – Doubled track updates (every 0.3 seconds).Visor Enhance – Automatically tag enemies when zoomed in.Upgrade II – Enemy Flashbang grenade effect lasts 0.1x as long.Upgrade III – Nano Vision energy drain 0.5x. Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKCan it run Crysis? (10 points) – Complete In at the Deep End. Foreign Contaminant (10 points) – Escape the Battery Park evacuation center. More than Human (15 points) – Assimilate alien tissue at the crash site. False Prophet (15 points) – Find Nathan Gould. Internal Affairs (15 points) – Infiltrate the CELL facility at Wall Street. Into the Abyss (20 points) – Infiltrate the alien hive. Once a Marine, Always a Marine (20 points) – Assist the Marines in Madison Square. Hung Out to Dry (20 points) – Reach the Hargreave-Rasch building. Fire Walker (25 points) – Assist the evacuation at Bryant Park. Dark Night of the Soul (25 points) – Defend Central Station. Crossroads of the World (25 points) – Complete the evacuation at Times Square. Theseus at Last (25 points) – Locate Jacob Hargreave. Home Stretch (25 points) – Reach Central Park. Start Spreading the News (35 points) – Finish the single player campaign on any difficulty . City That Never Sleeps (25 points) – Complete 6 levels on Veteran difficulty. Evolution (25 points) – Complete 12 levels on Veteran difficulty. Heart of Darkness (25 points) – Complete 6 levels on Supersoldier difficulty. Medal of Honor (25 points) – Complete 12 levels on Supersoldier difficulty. Men of Destiny (45 points) – Complete the single player campaign on Veteran difficulty. Supersoldier (65 points) – Complete the single player campaign on Supersoldier. Close Encounters (15 points) – Single Player – Stealth kill 25 enemies. The Tourist (15 points) – Find all New York Souvenirs. Fastball (15 points) – Kill 10 enemies by throwing an object at them. Death Grip (15 points) – Kill 10 enemies with grab and throw. Popcorn (15 points) – Single Player – Kill 20 enemies with the Microwave cannon. Two Heads Are Better Than One (15 points) – Single Player – Kill two enemies with a single bullet. Blast Radius (15 points) – Single Player – Kill at least 3 enemies with a single grenade. Headhunter (15 points) – Single Player – Kill 4 enemies in a row with headshots. Death Slide (15 points) – Single Player – Kill 5 enemies while sliding. Food for thought (10 points) – Kill a CELL operator with a giant donut in Lower Manhattan. Hole in One (10 points) – Throw an alien down the sinkhole in Dark Heart. Band of Brothers (15 points) – Keep all marines alive during the rescue in Semper Fi or Die. Literary Agent (10 points) – Scan all of Richard Morgan’s books in the NY public library. Stealth Assassin (15 points) – Re-route the power in Eye of the Storm without being detected. Crysis, What Crysis? (35 points) – Multiplayer – Reach Rank 50. League of Your Own (25 points) – Multiplayer – Finish top of the Scoreboard. Dressed to Kill (30 points) – Multiplayer – Fully level the Nanosuit. Tooled Up (30 points) – Multiplayer – Unlock all the weapons. The Cleaner (25 points) – Get 1 of each Skill Kill. Cry Spy (25 points) – Multiplayer – Get 30 Spot Assists. Jack of all Trades (25 points) – Multiplayer – Win a match of every game mode. Dedication (25 points) – Play online 6 months after your first time. Modern Art (5 points) – Unlock 150 Dog Tag displays. Try Me (10 points) – Complete 3 Xbox LIVE matches. The Collector (15 points) – Collect 20 Dog Tags. Maximum Module (20 points) – Multiplayer – Fully level a Suit Module. Team Player (10 points) – Be in a squad of at least 3 people and play a full game. Nomad (10 points) – Multiplayer – Play a full game on every map. I Am Not A Number (10 points) – Create your first custom class.Speeding Ticket (10 points) – Break the speed limit in front of 10 speed cameras.?