Category – Xbox Cheats
Unlockable Stages:Unlock the following stages by performing the corresponding tasks:STAGE – HOW TO UNLOCKBiolab Core stage – Complete Story mode.Nassau Station stage – Complete Story mode with Helena.Tatami Mat stage – Unlock all costumes and system voices and complete Story mode with all 17 characters.Unlockable Characters:Unlock the following characters for play in all modes except Story mode by performing the corresponding tasks: CHARACTER – HOW TO UNLOCKEin – Complete Story mode with Hitomi.Gen Fu – Complete Story mode with Eliot.Helena – Complete Story mode with all 16 characters.Leon – Complete Story mode with Zack.Spartan-458 – Complete Story mode with Helena.Tengu – Complete Time Attack mode with all regular and hidden characters. Fight Tengu in Time Attack mode:To Fight Tengu at the Ninja Hideout, in Time Attack mode, defeat the first six characters in less than 2:30 and score one “Greatest” by completing a character in both rounds without taking damage.Character movies:To unlock a characters movie, complete Story mode with that character. The movies can be viewed in Theatre mode which is unlocked after completing Story mode for the first time.Commercial video:To unlock the TV commercial for Dead or Alive 4, complete Story mode with all characters. The TV commercial will become available in Theatre mode.Bouncy Breasts:To increase the bounciness of the female characters’ breasts, enter “99” as your age. Announcer voices:To unlock a character’s voice as a system announcer, go to Sparring mode and select “Excercise”. Complete all moves for a character to unlock them as a system announcer. To unlock the Alpha-152’s system voice, complete Excercise mode with all regular and hidden characters. To change system announcers, go to the options menu.Alternate character appearances:To alter the appearance of the following characters, perform the corresponding tasks:KasumiAt the character selection screen, select Kasumi. For a high pony tail, press Y. For a low pony tail, press X. For normal hari, press A. For braided hair, press Start.La MariposaComplete Story mode. At the character selection screen, select La Mariposa. For no mask, press either Y or X. For a mask, press A. To have La Mariposa appear as Lisa, complete Story mode with La Mariposa twice. Then, select La Mariposa at the character selection screen and select her fourth costume.Lei FangAt the character selection screen, select Lei Fang. For eyeglasses, press Y. For braided hair, press X. For normal hair, press A.Unlockable Costumes:To unlock the following characters third costume, complete Story mode with them. Some characters have additional costumes that can be unlocked by completing story mode with them multiple times. The following is a list of characters and the corresponding number of? alternate costumes that can be unlocked:CHARACTERS – COSTUMESAyane – C3, C4, C5, C6Bass – C3, C4Bayman – C3Brad Wong – C3Christie – C3, C4Elliot – C3, C4Hayabusa – C3, C4Hayate – C3, C4Helena – C3, C4 C5Hitomi – C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8Jann Lee – C3, C4Kasumi – C3, C4, C5, C6, C7Kokoro – C3, C4, C5, C6, C7La Mariposa – C3, C4, C5Leifang – C3, C4, C5, C6, C7Tina – C3, C4, C5Zack – C3, C4 Unlockable Time Attack Costumes:To unlock the following characters alternate costumes, complete Time Attack mode with them. Some characters have additional costumes that can be unlocked by completing Time Attack mode with them multiple times. The following is a list of characters and the corresponding number of? alternate costumes that can be unlocked:CHARACTER – COSTUMESEin – C3, C4Genfu – C3, C4Leon – C3, C4Spartan-458 – C3, C4, C5, C6, C7 Survival mode trophies:To unlock the following trophies, complete the specified mode with corresponding amount of wins:Single modeMODE – WINSBronze – 20 winsSilver – 40 winsGold – 60 wins Tag modeMODE – WINSBronze – 20 winsSilver – 40 winsGold – 60 winsTime Attack mode trophies:To unlock the following trophies, complete the specified mode within the corresponding times:Single modeMODE – WINSBronze – 5:00 to 6:00Silver – 4:30 to 5:00Gold – Less than 4:30 Tag modeMODE – WINSBronze – 4:00 to 4:30Silver – 3:30 to 4:00Gold – Less than 3:30Tag moves:Perform the following moves by pressing the corresponding sequences of buttons: MOVE – HOW TO PERFORMSwitch-attack – LT RT Forward Y or BTag-ground move – LT RT Up Y B Reversals:Reverse the following attacks by pressing the corresponding buttons:ATTACK – HOW TO REVERSELow attack – Down/Away X.Mid-level punch – Away X.Mid-level kick – Forward X.High attack or jumping attack – Up/Away X. Alternate stage:Press X or Y at the stage selection screen to change aspects of the selected stage.In-game Xbox Live motto:On the Gamblers Paradise stage, if you have Xbox Live, a motto, and are signed in, look at the thing that scrolls the message “Congratulations on the Xbox 360 launch!”. Instead of showing that, your motto will scroll across.”Time Attack” achievements hint:To easily unlock the Time Attack achievements (Bronze, Silver, and Gold), go into “Settings”, then “Game Settings”. Change the “Time Attack Mode Match Points” to “1” instead of the default of “2”. You now only have to defeat each opponent once instead of twice. Note: Costumes cannot be unlocked and your score will not be on the leaderboard.Goof rewards hint:Some of the game’s secrets shown in the achievements list are actually goof rewards, such as Loss Streaks and Rank Demoting.Fight against Gen Fu:Complete the game as Eliot, then try to complete it with Kasumi to have a small chance of fighting against Gen Fu in the first round. Hayate moves:-Press?Forward,?Punch,?Kick. It is very quick and sends your opponent flying. -Press?Punch(3) to unleash three punches in rapid succession. -Press?Away,?Punch,?Down,?Kick?to floor them. It is slightly slower than FPK. -Press?Down/Forward,?Kick,?Punch?for a great stun move. -Pressing?Up,?Punch,?Kick?is fast and will knock your opponent back, providing space.-Press?Forward(2),?Kick(3). It is slow and can be seen at a distance, which leaves you open to be countered or blocked. -Press?Up/Forward,?Kick(3). It is faster than the previous move, but if blocked, it will leave you open for a counter.-The Raijin is the most difficult throw, and can be almost impossible to pull off against a human opponent. -Press?Quarter Circle Back,?Kick?for a rainbow-type flying kick. You must have a minimum two sweep lengths of space for this move to connect. It can be seen coming and thus blocked and/or countered. Easy wins with Jann Lee:As Jann Lee, there is a way to go over the edge and become a killing machine. To do so in every match, follow this sequence and break it into separate parts. First, you want to at least try to land a critical punch or kick to the enemy, especially in their head. If not accomplished, make use of quick countering or blocking to land a solid blow. Afterward, when your enemy is hit off balance for a few seconds, repeatedly throw random critical blows to the head region and mix it up slightly to the body and legs. If you can do this and include fast combos in between your rhythm, you should be able to keep the enemy off the ground and desperate for some successful blows. You can do this technique with simple combos easily. Make sure that your rhythm is broken; meaning, mix up your pattern and keeping your blows mostly critical. If you can do this much, you should also be able to switch it up with fast combos? and make it almost impossible for your opponent to counter. Remember to execute critical blows to the head mainly, mixed with fast combos and fast blows to the body. Keep your rhythm broken so it is impossible to counter (no repetition or repeating the speed of blows) and make sure to keep your guard up. Do not allow the enemy to hit you unexpectedly or they may confuse you with the same trick. Try to at least counter when you lose balance in the match or the winning streak may turn on you. Jump over cars on Gambler’s Paradise stage:To jump over the cars on the Gambler’s Paradise stage, simply use a mid-kick counter when the car is about to hit you. Fight Tengu in Time Attack mode:To fight against Tengu at stage 7 of Time Attack mode, you must defeat the first six characters with a time of 2:30 or less while also scoring one “Greatest” (taking no damage against any one character in both rounds) along the way. Once this is done, you will face Tengu at the Ninja Hideout, but outside the tower in that pit. The “Jintsuriki” will play in the background. Easy costumes hint:Costumes for the most part can be unlocked by two easy methods. The first involves completing story mode with a character to get their next costume, while the second involves purchasing them at the Zack Shop under DOA 4 Live. Note: If this is your first time playing the game you should initially have 10,000 Zack points already, which is enough to purchase two costumes for any character.Tag moves:Perform the following moves by pressing the corresponding button sequences:MOVE – HOW TO PERFORMTag-ground move: – Press?RT? ?LT? ?Up? ?Y? ?B.Switch-attack – Press?RT? ?LT? ?Forward? ?Y?or?BEnd Boss strategy:Separate the fight into different bouts. If you repeatedly attack, your character must pause sooner or later. She will tear your limbs off. Break your attack into shorter, more basic attacks and counters. While the end Boss’ combos are complex and deadly (50% or more of your health), she only has a few at her disposal. Recognize which are which and counter them. You can frantically charge with your big combos, but she will just teleport and pound you with her bigger combos. To defeat her, use her own attacks against her. The easiest one to pick off is her low kick, which starts with two low sweep kicks, giving plenty of time to pull off a low counter. If she comes at you with the punching combo, use high counters. They range from high to mid, but your best bet is a high counter or blocking. Her crazy spinning kick is the hardest to grab, but for the most part it is?Forward,-X. It’s better to retreat or block and wait for a low one to happen. After she does a blackflip and floats in the air, do not attack. It is an automatic teleport every time and you will be left open. Let her come back down, then you can continue. Most importantly, aintain distance. Stay a good ten feet away and try to inch in and out to get her to start her combos from far away. This gives you plenty of time to see which one she is doing and prepare yourself to counter it. If it is one you are not good at countering, just pull back and let her finish. Also, at this range you can see if she is going to go for the diving grab where she bites you in the face. Just block and duck, and it will miss. Reversals hints:The tried-and-true reversal system is similar to previous versions but different enough that a full explanation is in order. First, you can successfully reverse the following:-Mid-level punch by pressing?Away? ?X.-Mid-level kick by pressing?Forward? ?X.-High attack or jumping attack by pressing?Up/Away? ?X.-Low attack by pressing?Down/Away? ?X.Here are a few hints to keep in mind regarding reversals:-Try not to rely on them exclusively. In prior games in the series, you could count on a fair percentage of your damage coming from reversals. However, their impact has been slimmed down in?Dead Or Alive 4. They do quite a bit less damage than before, so use them more as an effective stop to your opponent’s attacks as opposed to the primary source of your damage dealing.-If your timing feels off, it is because you now have roughly half the time available to successfully counter an attack than you did in previous games. There is now only a fraction of a second now to pull off a reversal. Use the sparring mode to practice your reversal timing if you are having difficulty.-A successful reversal paralyzes your opponent, rendering them unable to do anything for a second or two and thus leaving them vulnerable to ground attacks. Make sure you have your character’s ground specific attacks (for example, Jann Lee’s stomp) mastered so you can take full advantage.Combat pattern hints:-Whether against the CPU or online opponents, recognizing patterns is vital. Online players tend to fall in love with specific combos, which can be thwarted at the start by beating them to the punch (or kick as the case may be), or countering at the end with a reversal since the last move can usually be predicted. -The reverse is true as well, especially online. Make sure you mix things up as much as you can. Remember, many combos start out the same but the way they end can vary. Change up the ends of each combo to keep your enemy on their toes. Character style hint:More than in previous titles, each fighter offers their own unique style. Just because you are dominant with Bayman does not mean that you will find equal success with Bass (or Spartan-458, for that matter). Treat each character as separate entities and you be more successful.Sparring mode hint:The sparring mode has been vastly upgraded. Learning each characters strengths and weaknesses, as well as mastering their litany of combos, is easier and more intuitive than before. Select any stage you have unlocked and spar against any character you want (just like before), but you can also set specific actions for your opponent to perform and even select which stance they use. You can also go through each combo one by one, setting the game up so it ticks each combo and move off the list as you successfully complete it. Context-sensitive throws hint:Use the environments to your advantage not just by knocking someone through a window or down a staircase, but also by employing context-sensitive actions. For instance, you can leap over a barrier towards an opponent and lay down a special attack, use special acrobatic moves off of walls, and context-sensitive throws near hillsides and stairways. You need to practice extensively with your favorite characters to make strategic use of these moves.Halo easter egg:Choose Spartan-458 and play on the Gambler’s Paradise stage. During the match, a Warthog with Marines can be seen on the road.Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKUnlocked “Ein” (10 points) – Unlocked the hidden character “Ein”.Unlocked “Gen Fu” (10 points) – Unlocked the hidden character “Gen Fu”.Unlocked “Leon” (10 points) – Unlocked the hidden character “Leon”.Unlocked “Helena” (20 points) – Unlocked the hidden character “Helena”.Unlocked “SPARTAN-458” (20 points) – Unlocked the hidden character “SPARTAN-458”.Unlocked “Tengu” (20 points) – Unlocked the hidden character “Tengu”.Completed Story Mode (10 points) – Completed Story Mode once.Completed All Story Modes (30 points) – Completed Story Mode with all characters.Total Play Time 5 Hrs. (10 points) – The total play time reached the 5 hour mark.Total Play Time 10 Hrs. (20 points) – The total play time reached the 10 hour mark.Total Play Time 100 Hrs. (40 points) – The total play time reached the 100 hour mark.Collected All Items (25 points) – Collected all of the items in Survival Mode.Achieved Grade “SS” (50 points) – Received the grade of “SS” in DOA Online Mode.Achieved Grade “S” (40 points) – Received the grade of “S” in DOA Online Mode.Achieved Grade “A” (30 points) – Received the grade of “A” in DOA Online Mode.Achieved Grade “B” (20 points) – Received the grade of “B” in DOA Online Mode.Achieved Grade “D” (0 points) – Received the grade of “D” in DOA Online Mode.Achieved Grade “E” (0 points) – Received the grade of “E” in DOA Online Mode.Unlocked All Costumes (50 points) – Unlocked all of the costumes for every character.Bronze in Survival (Single) (10 points) – Won 20 single battles in Survival Mode.Silver in Survival (Single) (25 points) – Won 50 single battles in Survival Mode.Gold in Survival (Single) (40 points) – Won 80 single battles in Survival Mode.100 Wins in Survival (Single) (50 points) – Won 100 single battles in Survival Mode.Bronze in Survival (Tag) (10 points) – Won 20 tag battles in Survival Mode.Silver in Survival (Tag) (25 points) – Won 50 tag battles in Survival Mode.Gold in Survival (Tag) (40 points) – Won 80 tag battles in Survival Mode.100 Wins in Survival (Tag) (50 points) – Won 100 tag battles in Survival Mode.Bronze in Time Attack (Single) (10 points) – Completed all of the Time Attack Mode single battles within 6 minutes.Silver in Time Attack (Single) (20 points) – Completed all of the Time Attack Mode single battles within 5 minutes.Gold in Time Attack (Single) (40 points) – Completed all of the Time Attack Mode single battles within 4 minutes 30 seconds.Bronze in Time Attack (Tag) (10 points) – Completed all of the Time Attack Mode tag battles within 3 minutes 30 seconds.Silver in Time Attack (Tag) (20 points) – Completed all of the Time Attack Mode tag battles within 3 minutes.Gold in Time Attack (Tag) (40 points) – Completed all of the Time Attack Mode tag battles within 2 minutes 30 seconds.5 Straight Wins in DOA Online (10 points) – Won 5 times consecutively in DOA Online Mode.10 Straight Wins in DOA Online (25 points) – Won 10 times consecutively in DOA Online Mode.20 Straight Wins in DOA Online (40 points) – Won 20 times consecutively in DOA Online Mode.5 Straight Losses in DOA Online (0 points) – Lost 5 times consecutively in DOA Online Mode.10 Straight Losses in DOA Online (0 points) – Lost 10 times consecutively in DOA Online Mode.20 Straight Losses in DOA Online (0 points) – Lost 20 times consecutively in DOA Online Mode.10 Wins in DOA Online (10 points) – Won 10 times in DOA Online Mode.50 Wins in DOA Online (20 points) – Won 50 times in DOA Online Mode.100 Wins in DOA Online (30 points) – Won 100 times in DOA Online Mode.Won a Bronze Star (10 points) – Defeated a player in the middle a 10 to 14 win streak in DOA Online Mode.Won a Silver Star (20 points) – Defeated a player in the middle a 15 to 19 win streak in DOA Online ModeWon a Gold Star (30 points) – Defeated a player in the middle a 20 or more win streak in DOA Online Mode.