Category – Xbox Cheats
Xbox Cheats Title – Dragon Ball Z: Sagas
Unlock Pendulum Mode:
Beat the game once, and you’ll unlock the Pendulum mode. In this mode, you can replay any chapter you like, with any character you like; Including some hidden ones: Broly, Bardock, Krillin, Tien, and Yamcha.
Do a Warp Kamehameha:
First, Pick a character. It looks best with Goku. You must have teleport, and Special Move. Next, Lock on to a character. Start the Special move, and Charge it. Before it fires, Use teleport. You will end up behind your target. Release to Fire your Warp Kamehameha/Galick gun/Masenko/etc.
Unlock Pendulum Mode:
Beat the game once, and you’ll unlock the Pendulum mode. In this mode, you can replay any chapter you like, with any character you like; Including some hidden ones: Broly, Bardock, Krillin, Tien, and Yamcha.
Submitted by: Gaius
Do a Warp Kamehameha:
First, Pick a character. It looks best with Goku. You must have teleport, and Special Move. Next, Lock on to a character. Start the Special move, and Charge it. Before it fires, Use teleport. You will end up behind your target. Release to Fire your Warp Kamehameha/Galick gun/Masenko/etc.
Beat Vegeta:
When fighting Vegeta, stay in the air the entire time. Dodge his Galic Guns. When he uses his other attack, it will only affect you if you are on the ground. While that attack occurs, Vegeta will be vulnerable. Lock on to him with L1 and hold Circle to hit him with a Kamehameha Wave. Keep doing this until he is defeated. You should not lose any health by doing this.
Teen Gohan: Defeating Perfect Cell:
Keep hitting him until the Ki bar for Super Saiyan is full. Then turn Super Saiyan and keep hitting him until you have filled the Ki bar for Super Saiyan 2. Finally, when you turn Super Saiyan 2 attack Cell with Masenko, but first lock on to him with L1. If he teleports behind you, use a combo. Note: Do not waste your Ki on Cell.
Easy energy blast hits:
When fighting a henchmen or Boss, get him within the view of the screen. You can do this when you are on the ground or in the air. Hold Circle. When game play slows down and your character starts charging up a blast, press L1 and put your aiming reticule on your enemy. Press Teleportation (R2). You will teleport directly behind the enemy while you are still charging up. Once you have appeared behind the enemy, immediately release Circle to blast your enemy at point blank range. If you want to be reckless, charge another one after he falls to the ground from the last attack. Teleport behind him and blast him again. You can do this repeatedly. Note: It is easier to do this when the enemy is distracted by charging up his own blast or doing any other attack that he may be trying to perform. Just hit him with this before he can make it successful.