Category – Xbox Cheats
Duplicate items glitch:Get two or more of
the same magic scrolls and press X on them twice. Go to whichever item
you want to duplicate and drop it. You must have one of the items on
you for it to work.
Evidence chest location:In Shivering Isles, south
of Madgod’s Beet, is a cave called Corpserot passage. At the very
beginning of the cave is the Evidence Chest in both Mania and Dementia.Free Deadric at all levels:Get all bound armor spells and use
the duplication glitch. Summon the bound armor on your body. Get
attacked by an animal and kill it. Repair the bound deadric and you can
then drop it. When the spells wear off collect the armor. The deadric
armor will weigh nothing. This also works with bound weapons.Death Decree note:Go to Dunroot Burrow and find the slabs of
stone on a hilltop. On those slabs of stone is a dead person, with a
Potion of Nighteye nearby, some skeletons, and a note. The note is
called “Death Decree”. Pick it up and read it. It says that a man named
“Robert Wisnewski” was sentenced to death by Sheogorath. Robert
Wisnewski is on the Bethesda staff list. He was sentenced to death for
trying to grow a beard (you cannot have a beard except for Sheogorath in
Elder Scrolls).Permanent enchantment:Duplicate the item you want to permanently enchant yourself with. You will need two of them. Equip one of the items. Proceed with the normal duplication glitch, but drop the unequipped item and you will notice that both of them drop. You will not be able to re-equip that item again, but the effect it granted is now permanent.Unfinished NPC:In Knotbone Chamber, go north of the Gates of Madness, and outside the fringe to find a man named Thaelius. Thaelius has no dialogue. When you talk to him, the only text that appears is “NO DIALOGUE”. He is just a regular NPC in every other way however. He has a journal in his possession talking about his alchemical exploits, and how they drove his girlfriend away from him.Duplicating Items after downloading Shivering Isles:Perform the following steps to duplicate items:Step 1: Go to your inventory.Step 2: Equip any scroll that you have more than one of.Step 3: After you equip the scrolls, press A again while still in the inventory.Step 4: Drop the item you wish to duplicate. Note: You must have less items than scrolls in order for it to work.You will now have the same number of items as scrolls.Unlimited money:After completing the main quest, talk to haskill about defending the realm. He will tell you about a settlement being attacked by some creatures. Choose to take care of it yourself. Defeat all of the creatures and you will receive message saying that all of the creatures are dead. Fast travel back to the new sheoth palace and speak to haskill again about defending the realm. He tells you that the towns people are thankful and have given you a gift. If you kill the creatures alone, you will get 1000 gold per save, and if you send the army and then help, you will only get 500 gold. Repeat as desired to gain unlimited amounts of gold. Note: If haskill says there is peace in the realm, just ask him again until he tells you about another attack.Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKAspirant, Shivering Isles (20 points) – Reach Aspirant Rank in the Court of Madness.Citizen, Shivering Isles (20 points) – Reach Citizen Rank in the Court of Madness.Defender, Shivering Isles (20 points) – Reach Defender of the Realm Rank in the Court of Madness.Duke Dementia, Shivering Isles (30 points) – Reach Duke of Dementia Rank in the Court of Madness.Duke Mania, Shivering Isles (30 points) – Reach Duke of Mania Rank in the Court of Madness.Honored Madman, Shivering Isles (20 points) – Reach Honored Madman Rank in the Court of Madness.Madgod, Shivering Isles (50 points) – Stop the Greymarch.Madman, Shivering Isles (20 points) – Reach Madman Rank in the Court of Madness.Regent, Shivering Isles (20 points) – Reach Regent Rank in the Court of Madness.Tourist, Shivering Isles (20 points) – Enter the Shivering Isles.