Category – Xbox Cheats
Mapes dancing on “Interval 5: Malignancy”:Have the Point Man repeatedly shoot at the air vent above the painting of the waterfall in room 56B. The wall in the room will open, allowing access to a hidden area with Mapes dancing in front of a strange picture. The Point Man can shoot Mapes to kill him.Ghost on photocopier on “Interval 5: Malignancy Part 2”:When arriving at Interval 05 Malignancy Part 2, there is a part where you have to crawl through a vent. Continue through the vent until you get to the room past the locked doors. There will be a door with a weird insignia on it. Go through it and you will see a ghost sitting on a photocopier. Wait for a little while and you will see exactly why the ghost was sitting on it.Shogo: Mobile Armor Division easter egg:On “Interval 5: Dark Heart”. after Alma Wade’s two halves reunite, you can access a secret room in the storage room by entering the ventilation system above a stack of white crates. Destroy the spinning fan inside to get past that area. You will find Norton Mape’s ragdoll body dancing in a multicolored room with music from Shogo: Mobile Armor Division.Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKInstant Gratification (20 points) – Beat all Instant Action maps.Glutton for Punishment (55 points) – Beat all Instant Action maps.Entering Desolation (30 points) – Beat the Extraction Point campaign through “Holiday”.Confronting the Leviathans (30 points) – Beat the Extraction Point campaign through “The L”.Living in Fear (60 points) – Beat the Extraction Point campaign.Mastery of Fear (75 points) – Beat the Extraction Point campaign on Extreme.Achievement Boost (40 points) – Find all the health and slo-mo boosters in the Extraction Point campaign.No Batteries (15 points) – Beat the Extraction Point campaign without letting the flashlight run down.Fear My Wrath (55 points) – Kill all enemies in the Extraction Point campaign.Take a Message (15 points) – Answer all the phones in the Extraction Point campaign.Laser Showoff (15 points) – Kill 30 enemies with the Type-12 Laser Carbine.Minigun Marauder (15 points) – Kill 30 enemies with the TG-2A Minigun.Control Freak (15 points) – Capture 25 control points in ranked Control matches.Conquering Hero (15 points) – Capture 25 control points in ranked Conquer All matches.Cycle of F.E.A.R. (35 points) – Win a ranked multiplayer game on all maps.Fear the Reaper (10 points) – Kill 3 players while SloMo is active in a ranked SloMo multiplayer match.Arrival At the Scene (20 points) – Beat the Perseus Mandate campaign through “Underneath”.Understanding the Enemy (20 points) – Beat the Perseus Mandate campaign through “Disturbance”.Beginning of the End (20 points) – Beat the Perseus Mandate campaign through “The Plaza Chase”.Former Foes (20 points) – Beat the Perseus Mandate campaign through “Basecamp”.A Darker Place (20 points) – Beat the Perseus Mandate campaign through “Labyrinth”.An End to FEAR (35 points) – Beat the Perseus Mandate campaign.Nothing to FEAR (50 points) – Beat the Perseus Mandate campaign on Extreme difficulty.More Assault Than Recon (40 points) – Kill every enemy in the Perseus Mandate campaign.High-Tech Hitman (10 points) – Kill 20 enemies with the LP4 Lightning Arc Weapon in the Perseus Mandate Campaign.An Advanced Arsenal (10 points) – Kill 30 enemies with the VES Advanced Rifle the Perseus Mandate Campaign.The Bouncing Boom (10 points) – Kill 20 enemies with the K3-BT Grenade Launcher in the Perseus Mandate Campaign.Arms Master (10 points) – Kill enemies with all weapon in the Perseus Mandate campaign.Detective (10 points) – Find all phone messages and laptops in the Perseus Mandate campaign.You Like the Juice (10 points) – Find every booster in the Perseus Mandate campaign.Mastered Your FEAR (50 points) – Beat the Perseus Mandate campaign without dying.Action Initiate (25 points) – Beat an Instant Action map.Action Veteran (25 points) – Beat an Instant Action map on Extreme difficulty.Camping the Goods (25 points) – Obtain 150 Health and 100 Armor in a multiplayer game.Test Drive the New Toys (25 points) – Kill players in ranked multiplayer with the VES, K3-BT, LP4, TG-2A, and Type-12.A Player to FEAR (25 points) – Kill 10 players without dying in multiplayer mode.First Encounter (10 points) – Defeat the first Nightcrawler Elite.A Friend In Need (10 points) – Try to save Chen.While You’re Down There (10 points) – Kill 10 critters such as rats and crows in the Perseus Mandate campaign.Cutting Off Heads (10 points) – Defeat the Nightcrawler commander.You Must Be on the Team (5 points) – Watch the Perseus Mandate campaign entire credits.