Category – Xbox Cheats
Insane mode:Complete the game to unlock Insane difficulty.Unlockable Multiplayer Skins:Unlock the following skins by performing the corresponding tasks in multiplayer mode:SKIN – HOW TO UNLOCKAnthony Carmine – Complete Act 1 and an achievement from Act 1 in the original Gears Of War.Dizzy Wallin – Complete Act 1 in single player mode.Flame Grenadier -? Complete Act 4 in single player mode.Kantus – Complete Act 2 in single player mode.Lt. Minh Young Kim – Find 10 COG tags in the original Gears Of War. Unlock the “Time To Remember” achivement.RAAM – Defeat RAAM in the original Gears Of War. Unlock the “A Dish Best Served Cold” from it.Skorge – Complete Act 5 in single player mode.Tai Kaliso – Complete Act 3 in single player mode.Unlockable Golden Weapons:Unlock the following golden weapons by completing the corresponding tasks:GOLDEN WEAPON – HOW TO UNLOCKGolden Gnasher (Shotgun) – Earn the highest rank possible in an online multiplayer match.Golden Snub pistol – Earn 1000 Achievement points and get to rank 5 in online multiplayer match.Unlockable Gamerpics:Unlock the following gamerpics by performing the corresponding tasks:GAMERPIC – HOW TO UNLOCKMarcus #1 gamerpic – Complete campaign mode on insane difficulty.Marcus #2 gamerpic – Get the “Seriously 2.0” achievement.Marcus and Dom gamerpic – Get the “Friends with Benefits” achievement.Collector’s edition gamerpics – Insert the bonus disc, and go to “Gamer Pictures” to unlock a set with COG and another with Locust.Secret gamerpic – Complete the game on co-op mode.Star rank:To receive a star where it normally displays the rank number, reach rank 100.Use any weapon with boomshield:To equip whatever weapon is in your left or right slot while standing above a boomshield, equip the pistol. Perform a melee attach and press X Left or Right. Neck breaking:To break an enemies neck, stand in front of a them while they are downed and press X A.Perform kung fu flip:To perform a kung fu flip, take cover behind something you can jump over and press Up A, then A again. After one second press Down A.Easy flame grenadier kills:To easily kill a flame grenadier, shoot the fuel tanks on a flame grenadiers backs.Bonus video:At the “Press Start” screen, do not press start. Wait a few minutes and a bonus video will play.Leviathan strategy:After you and Dom fall down a large waterfall you should begin the boss fight against Leviathan. Her tentacles will rise from the water and slam down on the boat. Use your chainsaw to slice through them and anger her. Leviathan will rise from the water and bite down on the boat. Shoot her in one of the eyes and she should back away and roar. After doing this a second time, dive forward when she roars. You will be inside of her mouth. There will be strange blue tentacles inside of her mouth, when they glow shoot them. After a while Leviathan’s windpipe will open, throw a grenade inside and watch it explode. If done correctly her windpipe should cough up flames. Do the same thing about two more times . Once defeated Leviathan will roar and cough up blood, then die in the water.Collectibles locations:Find the following 41 collectibles in the corresponding locations:-Act 1: Tip Of The SpearChapter 1: Welcome To DeltaCOLLECTIBLE – LOCATIONEagle Newspaper – When the chapter beginss select the “Training” option. Go down the alley, and look on the ground for The Eagle Newspaper in the middle of the street.Ambulance Driver’s Log – After dropping down the ladder at the end of the training area, go right and enter the garage to find it.Chapter 2: DesperationCOLLECTIBLE – LOCATIONDoctor’s Journal – After you meet the Locusts in the hospital, you enter a room overlooking the floor below you. Go to the left of the room and into a small nearby room to find the it.Jacinto Medical Center File – You will find a large enclosed reception desk in the center of a room. Check the floor inside to find it.COG Letterhead – Near the cafeteria in a small room with a desk and a computer.COG Proclamation – On the second floor of the hospital’s lobby, near some ammo when you enter the room.COG Tags Private Dylan Murphy – After exiting the hospital, turn right to find them behind a pillar.Chapter 3: Rolling ThunderCOLLECTIBLE – LOCATIONGrindlift Spec Sheet – Behind you at the start of the level on the wall.Ammo Requisition Form – After getting off the rig to defend Dizzy, look left of the rig near some bushes and ammo.Chapter 5: RoadblocksCOLLECTIBLE – LOCATIONJacinto Sentinel Newspaper – In the first building go upstairs. It’s near some grenades.Memorial Inscription – After getting rid of the Tickers, check the wall of the war memorial.Landown Delivery Driver’s Note – On the floor at the back of the Imulsion station.COG Tags Private Samuel Lee – Half way through the tunnel, your path will be blocked by wrecked cars. It is located before the short steps that leads to the cars in a room on the left.-Act 2: DenizensChapter 2: Indigenous CreaturesCOLLECTIBLE – LOCATIONGear Journal – When you find the second Rockworm, go left and cut through the vines.Kantus Scroll – After you reach the top of the spire and kill the Reaver that appears, you will find it behind the Troika at the back of the platform.Chapter 3: Disturbing RevelationsCOLLECTIBLE – LOCATIONLocust Emblem – After you encounter Drones, Wretches, and Kantus, go through the doors to find it near some ammo.Chapter 4: Sinking FeelingCOLLECTIBLE – LOCATIONIlima Help Wanted Ad – Go up the path and to the right of the Bloodmounts. It is on the overlook that faces the snipers, near a Gorgon pistol.COG Tags – Hank Bissell – On your way out after Cole saves you, they are inside the building.Chapter 5: CaptivityCOLLECTIBLE – LOCATIONStranded Journal (Jennifer) – After releasing Baird from his cell, check to the right in a small alcove.Chapter 6: Intestinal FortitudeCOLLECTIBLE – LOCATIONCar Gold Magazine – Turn left at the beginning of the chapter to find the it on the floor.COG Tags – After you find Carmine, but before you reach the ramp, look on the floor to the left.-Act 3: Gathering StormChapter 2: OriginsCOLLECTIBLE – LOCATIONNew Hope Journal – After Command tells you to proceed deep into the facility, check in the small office to the right as you enter the new room.New Hope Memo – In a small room connected to the main hallway. You have to kick down a door in this room to reach it.New Hope Medical File – Near the end of the chapter will be a room with some turrets on the ceiling and a switch at the back of the room to deactivate them. It is located in the room behind the switch.Chapter 3: Rude AwakeningCOLLECTIBLE – LOCATIONNew Hope Journal – After you exit the facility, do not get on the train. Turn right and go enter the small building. It’s on the floor at the back.Captivity Marks – Before boarding the last train, turn around, and go inside the building at the back of the train yard to find it scratched on a wall.Chapter 5: DisplacementCOLLECTIBLE – LOCATIONStranded’s Journal – After fighting the flame grenadier and destroying the gunboat, its in the middle of the area at the top of a short set of steps.-Act 4: HiveChapter 1: PrioritiesCOLLECTIBLE – LOCATIONLocust Terminal – In the same room where you have to activate a terminal to search for Maria. Do not activate the first terminal. Instead, check the second terminal to get it.Chapter 2: AnswersCOLLECTIBLE – LOCATIONLocust Prisoner’s Journal – Once the Mauler, Theron Guard, and Drones have left are are destroyed, before you check the terminal, look to the left of it near the cavern wall to find it.Chapter 3: Hornet’s NestCOLLECTIBLE – LOCATIONLocust Jailer Document – Downstairs from where you enter, turn right, and go down the small corridor. Find the Locust Jailer Document on the floor.Human Finger Necklace – After defeating the Grinders that come out of the large doors, Roadie Run to enter the room with the Troika befor the door closes. If you do not make it through the door before it closes, Roadie Run upstairs and across the room to enter the other door before it closes. Its behind the Troika.Chapter 4: No Turning BackCOLLECTIBLE – LOCATIONLocust Calendar – Go upstairs at the beginning of the chapter. It is the round thing with glowing orange lights on it.Locust Defensive Plans – After you pull the lever to extend the bridge, run across it, and turn left. They are at the end of the hall.Chapter 5: The Best-Laid PlansCOLLECTIBLE – LOCATIONLocust Invasion Map – Before you get on the lift, go around the outside of the palace to find the it in a little alcove just past the lift.Trinity Of Worms – Before you head down the spiral staircase, climb the staircase on the right. It is a pattern on the floor at the end of the hallway, beyond the stairs.Chapter 6: Royal InquisitionCOLLECTIBLE – LOCATIONLocust Tablets – Near the beginning of the chapter, they are on the floor between two pillars. They are to the left of the computer room, near the corner.-Act 5: AftermathChapter 2: Desperate StandCOLLECTIBLE – LOCATIONCOG Recon Report – After the Raven clears the Locust off the platform, turn right, and go downstairs. It is near some ammo.COG Tags Sergeant Devon Jackson – During the final encounter, look on the floor to the right of the Longshot. They are on the right edge of the platform.Chapter 3: Free ParkingCOLLECTIBLE – LOCATIONJacinto Sentinel Newspaper – After the fight in the courtyard, proceed to the following area, where you will have to fight a Grinder in the center. It is behind the wall to the right of the Grinder.COG Tags – They are near the end of the level, inside a ruined building on the left-hand side of the street.Chapter 4: Tenuous FootingCOLLECTIBLE – LOCATIONStranded’s Journal – After the building collapses, destroy the desk in the corner to find it.”A Parting Gift” achievement hints:-At the main menu, choose “Multiplayer” and set the match type to local. You can play split-screen and have the person going for the achievement swing his grenades with LT–but do not throw it. Have the other player down him (not kill him) and stand over his body. The grenade will also drop and blow up both players. Repeat this ten times.-Play a private Annex match with bots and set them on normal so they can down you easily. Make sure you have changed all the weapons to Frags. Hold a Frag and run to where the enemies are at. Let them down you and, when they walk near you, press RT to blow them up. Repeat this until you killed a total of ten enemies.”Around The World, Again” achievement hints:-Choose “Training Ground” at the main menu and at the bottom of the list, select “Build Your Own”. Set the bots to nine, difficulty to casual, and make it one round with five minutes. When you press Start, you can then choose the map. Win a game on every map to unlock the achievement. Note: It is easier to play as the Cog team.-Play “Multiplayer” and change the match type to “Local”. You can set the match to one round and two minutes against one bot (or another controller). Then, just win on every map to unlock the achievement.”Friends With Benefits” achievement hint:You will still unlock the achievement if you complete the game in Insane Co-op mode with somebody who is at a different difficulty level. That said, have a second person play with you through the game, with them on the easiest difficulty setting. By doing this, if a hard part comes, up they can easily take care of it while the person set to the Insane difficulty can stay back and play it safe or snipe. Doing this will unlock the “Friends With Benefits” achievement.”Hoard the Horde” achievement hints:-While playing Horde and after wave 6 or 7, Maulers will attack. Kill one or two by shooting them in the side or back, then pick up their shield. After you have the shield, tap A to plant it in the ground. Note: Guns and body parts must not be in the way and it must be a flat surface. However, Drones can knock them over–it is advisable to plant them facing in the opposite direction so that they cannot pass them in any way. Don’t forget to pick them up at the end of every round. Using these on the stairs to one of the towers on Gridlock, Jacinto, or Blood Drive, is an easy way to unlock the “Hoard the Horde” achievement while sitting just beyond the reach of a flamethrower.-In “Hail The Track”, get in one of the close train carts. When you reach high levels, the Blood Mounts cannot jump in any other besides drones, bolters, or cyclops.-It is better to win Horde on Security. This trick can also work if you wish to do this alone, but you must be a good player. Deactivate the lasers and run in the little square area that is surrounded by the lasers. Then, get behind the sandbags and defend yourself with the Mulcher or Mortar that will keep respawning behind you. Also, every once in a while, either Locusts, Wretches, or Sires will deactivate the lasers. Remember, whatever the highest wave you got to on Horde you can always continue of that wave in a private Horde match.”Kick ‘Em When They’re Down” achievement hint:Perform the following eleven unique executions on an enemy to unlock the achievement:MOVE – HOW TO PERFORMRude Awakening – Lancer BMeatsnap – Press A, then XCurbstomp – Any weapon XTriple Punch C-C-Combo – Any non-execution weapon (for example, shotgun) YSnixecution – Sniper rifle YTorque Nudge – Torque bow BPistolwhip Deluxe – Boltok pistol YBoomshield Headache – Boomshielf YShotgun Golf – Shotgun BTorquapitation – Torque bow YSniper Head Thunk – Sniper rifle B “Party Like It’s 1999” achievement hint:-Get two controllers and sing in both players. Set the number of rounds to “15” and the time limit to “1”, then choose a map where you spawn close to the other character (the best one is Security) .Switch back and forth between the players and take turns killing the other one with the shotgun until you run out of rounds. You should be able to get about 29 rounds in, timing at an average of 16 to 18 seconds per round, before you are forced to go to the multiplayer lobby and start over.-The following method is slower, but you don’t need to play through the rounds. This trick requires two controllers, charge kits, and charge cords to prevent the controllers from going into sleep mode during game play. Go to multiplayer and set up a match of Warzone with a time limit of “1”. The number of rounds are not important as when you enter the game with both players, you will just have them remain idle for the full minute. The round will be called as a stalemate since no one will get the score, and thus a new round will automatically start. You can do this repeatedly without returning to the multiplayer lobby as long as you have deactivated the automatic shutdown feature on your Xbox 360 and your controllers do not turn off and halt game play. If you allow the game to run in this manner for about five hours a day, you should have the achievement unlocked within a week.”Pound Of Flesh” achievement hints:-When you have a frag grenade, down an enemy bot or player and tag them with the frag grenade by pressing B. Immediately afterward, press A to pick them up as a shield. They will explode from the frag grenade that would have killed you. Repeat this ten times and the achievement is yours.-Play a private Annex match with bots and make all weapons on the map Frags. Grab some Frags and shoot a bot down, then stick a Frag on him and pick him up as a Meatshield before the Frag explodes. Repeat this ten times to unlock the achievement.”Seriously 2.0″ achievement hints:Note:You must have an account which has the achievement (source account) and a second account that you wish to obtain the achievement on (target account). Load the game with the source account and make sure that you are offline. Start the first chapter of “Training Grounds” and as the game starts to load, press [Xbox 360 Logo] then X to sign the source profile out. Choose “Yes” to confirm that you want to sign out. Immediately press X again and sign in the target account. If done correctly, the game will display a message stating that it will be returning to the main menu as the sign in profile has changed. Press A to return to the main menu. The target account should still be logged in, and if you check the achievements from the main menu, you should now have 100,000 kills–but it will be shaded in grey (as yet to be unlocked achievements normally appear). Load any game type or campaign, kill one enemy, and the “Seriously 2.0” achievement will become unlocked.-Play a solo campaign and choose the level where you ride the Brumak. Set the difficulty to “Casual” to make it easy to get multiple kills with splash damage. The level will start with a quick cinematic where Marcus tells control he has “hijacked a Brumak.” Press Select to skip the cinematic and go directly into the level. Note: The cinematic plays every time you restart; getting through it will save a lot of time in the long run. In the first three seconds, you will see two or three groups of Locust soldiers. Kill them as fast as possible, then select “Restart from checkpoint” and do it all over again. The fastest way to do this is as follows:-Skip the cinematic.-When game play starts, move directly to the right until the “How to use Brumak” prompt appears.-Press A to skip it. No more movement is required.-From there, use LT to sight the Brumak’s guns and rockets. Use rockets with X.-Target the back group of grubs just coming over the hill. The reticule may not turn red, but the rockets will hit.-Fire a rocket burst, and while the burst is still firing, sweep the reticule down across the other grub groups.If done correctly, you should kill all of the grubs with one rocket burst before the Reaver missiles hit you. By using this strategy, you should get 100 kills every other round with the occasional every third and next round, depending on the number of kills you get per round. Played correctly, the rounds should only last about thirty seconds (including loading time in between rounds). This results in an average of 5,000 kills every half hour to forty five minutes.”Variety Is The Spice of Death” achievement hint:Set up a local multiplayer Warzone match against a second controller with one round and either two or three minutes. Set yourself up on Canals and locate where the two players start. They are at mirrored locations at either end of the map. Promptly kill the second player with your equipped weapon (remembering to note where the Torque Bow weapon spawn point is located; under a bridge in the center of the map. After the match ends and you have returned to the Lobby, choose the weapon spawning option and change the Torque Bow to a weapon you need to get a kill with. Start another match on Canals. Leave the rest of your settings the same, though you may have changed from a COG to a Locust. Go to the Torque Bow spawn point and pick up the weapon you changed it to, then kill your opponent with that weapon. Repeat by changing the Torque Bow to the desired weapon before each match until you have earned the achievement. Note: You must get kills with the following weapons: Ink Grenade, Gorgon Pistol, Scorcher, COG Pistol, Lancer, BoomShot, Hammerburst, LongShot, Hammer of Dawn, Mulcher, Shotgun, Torque Bow, Frag Grenade, Boltok Pistol, and Mortar. You do not have to kill anyone with the Smoke Grenade, Troika, or BoomShield. Also, melee attacks do not count towards a weapon kill.Make Brumak roar:Close to the end of the game, when you hijack the Brumak, click the Right Analog-stick while riding it to make it roar.Horde mode hint:During Horde mode, go to the Day One map and find the shield inside the Game room. Pick up the shield and go to one of the two staircases. Depending on the staircase you choose, you can select between a cycle of Longshot/Torque Bow or Mulcher/Mortar. Plant the shield in the middle of the staircase with the shield facing toward the bottom of the staircase. If placed properly, this will block Bloodmounts, Boomers, and other larger enemies from reaching you, allowing for easy kills. There is plenty of cover for you to snipe drones and duck for cover on the ground. If you can, kill a Mauler with a shield to plant more shields. Drones and Sires will kick the shield down if you do not kill them as they run up. Even if they do, just run up the stairs and jump over the cover. You can kill anyone using blind fire or shooting and ducking. You can even plant a frag or smoke grenade somewhere for am easy kill or get some chainsaw action while they are down. Then, just set up your shields again and continue. Be sure to remember that when you kill the last enemy and the new horde begins, you have about twenty seconds before your shields will disappear. You must kick them down and replant them. You can also pick one up before you kill the last enemy.Hidden message after credits:Complete the game and allow the credits to end to see a secret message play after the credits.Wear Dizzy’s cowboy hat:-Play Act 1 Chapter 3, “Rolling Thunder”, under the Insane difficulty setting and shoot the three hidden cowboy hats at the start of the chapter. If done,? you and all the COG will wear cowboy hats for the rest of the level. Also, a Corpser that appears from the ground later in the chapter will be wearing a cowboy hat and shout “Yee haw”.Dizzy’s exposed head:Shoot off Dizzy’s hat by aiming it to unveil t hat he wears a beret and appears to be bald. Toaster hint:Play Act 4 Chapter 5, “The Best-Laid Plans”. After meeting Dom (or Marcus if co-op) again, walk to the end of the hallway where Locust ammo boxes are found and shoot the pedestal in the center along the wall. Then, press X to reveal a hidden toaster that will pop some toast.Skipping cinematics:Tap Back to skip cinematic sequences. Whenever Marcus is talking to control (he will have a finger on his ear) or to Alpha 2, you can also skip and thus complete the level faster. Marcus will sometimes say something similar to “Don’t wanna here it” or “Quit yapping”.Meatflag gamercards:Complete a game of Submission and press Y to view the game stats. Then, scroll down to the Meatflag (Hanley, Chaps, or Franklin) to see their gamercard, complete with a detailed profile and unlocked achievements.Multiplayer execution moves hint:Avoid performing execution moves (or curb stomp) during any multiplayer mode as youare only exposing yourself to enemy fire power.Jack Thompsone easter egg:In the arcade room on the “Day One” multiplayer map, one of the fake arcade machines is entitled “Murder Simulator”–a jab at attorney Jack Thompson, who often labeled Gears Of War (among other games) a “murder simulator”.Carmine or Dom ladder climb fail:In Act 2,Chapter 2 “Indigenous Creatures”, when you first get to use the rock-worm as cover against enemies, there are two ladders behind a group of enemies where a Troika gun is located. Note: This is where Marcus says that it looks like a staging area after you kill the enemies. After killing the enemies, get up on one of the ladders before Dom or Carmine gets up. Wait for one of them to start climbing, then get directly in their way when they give their final pull upwards. They will stand on the edge and fall down. Repeat this and eventually Carmine will give up and just stand at the base of the ladder until you go to another area. Note: This trick might work on different ladders. Any regular weapon with the Boomshield:While standing above a Boomshield, equip your pistol and perform a melee attack. Then, immediately press X D-pad Left or Right. If done correctly, you should now be using whatever weapon was in the left or right slot with your Boomshield equipped. Note: This doesn’t work with a Mulcher or mortar as they do not occupy an actual weapon slot.Disguised weapon hint:Shoot some bullets out of the weapon that you want to disguise, then reload while shooting. As soon as it reaches the active reload area, switch to smoke and throw it. Then, switch to the gun to be disguised, then to the weapon you want to use to hide the weapon. Repeat the steps from the change weapon part. For example, you can use the shotgun and disguised it as a pistol as screen will display the weapon you wanted to disguise while? other screens (except for the host) will display a pistol.Multi Chainsaw hint:Two or three players can chainsaw the same enemy, which looks hilarous to the players on screen.Leave level boundary glitch:Shoot some bullets out of your Lancer, then take cover. Switch to your shotgun, then back to your Lancer. As soon as your hand touches the Lancer, press B Analog-stick Back. Your Lancer should be jammed and you will not be able to reload. After a few seconds you should have a full clip. Take cover on something you can mantle over and hold B while jumping over. Release B after you have jumped halfway over and press Back. You should now on be on top of the cover. From here do the same thing that you did when you got on top of the cover to jump out on any stage.Carring over weapons hint:In Horde, all the weapons dropped by enemies clear when a new wave starts. If you want to carry over heavy weapons like mulchers, boomshields, or mortars, pick them up and carry them until the new wave of enemies appear. This way, you can still get a new copy of the weapon if it is one of the default weapons of the map or have the advantage of having more firepower at the start of the wave.Clearing all 50 waves with 2-3 people hint:Find the small tunnel in the central area of Pavilion that leads to a Boomshield. There is an ammo supply near the entrance. Simply plant the shield in the middle of the tunnel and that is enough to prevent most, if not all enemies from entering. This is very useful from preventing heavy attackers like bloodmounts, butchers, and maulers. It is possible to hold all 50 waves from this position.Bromak in the alima sink hole strategy:He has his hands in the room and shoots a ton at you, but there is room to get under it fast run. Simply run under the bullets and go round the corner, then kill the bad guy and jump on to the bromak. Kill all the guys in your way then it will step in amulshen and go lambet like the wrenches in gears of war 1, but way bigger. Jump into a raven and kill it with the hammer of dawn.Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKGreen as Grass (10 points) – Train the rook.It’s a Trap! (10 points) – Story progression in Act 1, Chapter 2.Escort Service (10 points) – Story progression in Act 1, Chapter 4.Girl About Town (10 points) – Story progression in Act 1, Chapter 6.That Sinking Feeling (10 points) – Story progression in Act 2, Chapter 4.Freebaird! (10 points) – Story progression in Act 2, Chapter 5.Heartbroken (10 points) – Story progression in Act 2, Chapter 6.Longitude and Attitude (10 points) – Story progression in Act 3, Chapter 3.Tanks for the Memories (10 points) – Story progression in Act 3, Chapter 4.Water Sports (10 points) – Story progression in Act 3, Chapter 6.There’s a Time for Us (10 points) – Story progression in Act 4, Chapter 2.Better Wrapped in Beacon (10 points) – Story progression in Act 4, Chapter 3.Have Fun Storming the Castle (10 points) – Story progression in Act 4, Chapter 6.And the Horse You Rode in On (10 points) – Story progression in Act 5, Chapter 1.You Are the Support, Son (10 points) – Story progression in Act 5, Chapter 2.Brumak Rodeo (10 points) – Story progression in Act 5, Chapter 4.Does This Look Infected to You? (10 points) – Story progression in Act 5, Chapter 5.Tourist of Duty (25 points) – Complete all campaign acts on Casual Difficulty.Guerilla Tactician (50 points) – Complete all campaign acts on Normal Difficulty.Artist of War (75 points) – Complete all campaign acts on Hardcore Difficulty.Suicide Missionary (150 points) – Complete all campaign acts on Insane Difficulty.Collector (5 points) – Recover 5 collectibles.Pack Rat (15 points) – Recover 20 collectibles.Completionist (30 points) – Recover all 41 collectibles.One-Night Stand (10 points) – Complete 1 chapter in co-op (Marcus or Dom).Open Relationship (30 points) – Complete 10 chapters in co-op (Marcus or Dom).Friends with Benefits (50 points) – Complete all acts in co-op (Marcus or Dom).Once More, With Feeling (10 points) – Perform 30 perfect active reloads.Takes a Licking (30 points) – Melee 30 Tickers.Organ Grinder (10 points) – Kill 30 enemies with a cover mounted Mulcher.Shock and Awe (10 points) – Kill 30 enemies with the heavy Mortar.Said the Spider to the Fly (10 points) – Kill 10 enemies with a planted grenade.Crowd Control (10 points) – Melee 10 enemies down with the Boomshield equipped.Smells Like Victory (10 points) – Kill 30 enemies with the Scorcher Flamethrower.Variety Is the Spice of Death (30 points) – Kill an enemy with every weapon in the game.Seriously 2.0 (50 points) – Kill 100,000 enemies.Standing Here, Beside Myself (10 points) – Win 3 matches of Wingman (public).Beat the Meatflag (10 points) – Capture 10 meatflags in Submission (public).It’s Good to be the King (10 points) – Win 10 rounds of Guardian as the leader (public).You Go Ahead, I’ll Be Fine (10 points) – Win three matches of King of the Hill (public).Back to Basic (10 points) – Successfully complete the 5 lessons of multiplayer Training Grounds.Party Like It’s 1999 (30 points) – Play 1999 rounds of multiplayer.Around the World, Again (30 points) – Win a multiplayer match on each map.Dirty, Dirty Horde (20 points) – Survive the first 10 waves of Horde.Hoard the Horde (30 points) – Survive all 50 waves of Horde.Crossed Swords (10 points) – Win 10 chainsaw duels.A Parting Gift (20 points) – Kill 10 enemies with a grenade while down but not out.Pound of Flesh (10 points) – Use a meatshield to save your life 10 times.Photojournalist (10 points) – Submit a spectator photo.Kick ‘Em When They’re Down (10 points) – Perform all 11 unique executions on a downed enemy.”Combustible Map Pack” and “Flashback Map Pack” achievementsACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKAnnex – Now With Execution Rules (75 points) – Win an Annex match on each Flashback and Combustible Map Pack map in a public match.Bound by a Shared Past (15 points) – Win a Wingman match on each of the 5 Flashback Map Pack maps.Forged in the Fire (15 points) – Win a Wingman match on each of the 3 Combustible Map Pack maps.More Mystery, Less History (15 points) – Win a multiplayer match on each of the 5 Flashback Map Pack maps in any mode except Wingman.Skeletons in your Closet (20 points) – Complete waves 1 through 10 on all Flashback Map Pack maps in Horde.The Roof! The Roof! The Roof… (15 points) – Win a multiplayer match on each of the 3 Combustible Map Pack maps in any mode except Wingman.Trial by, and on, Fire (20 points) – Survive first 10 Horde waves on Combustible Map Pack maps as a team.”Snowblind Map Pack” achievementsACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKBattle-Tested Gear (30 points) – Earn enough multiplayer experience to reach level 25 with only Public points.Rookie Gear (10 points) – Earn enough multiplayer experience to reach level 5 with only Public points.Seasoned Gear (20 points) – Earn enough multiplayer experience to reach level 15 with only Public points.Battle-Hardened Gear (50 points) – Reach level 50 and play a match on each of the 4 Snowblind Map Pack maps with only Public points.Frigid Body Dynamics (5 points) – Play a multiplayer match on each of the 4 Snowblind Map Pack maps.Icy Dead People (25 points) – Complete waves 1 through 50 on any Snowblind Map Pack map in Horde.Never Eat Red Snow (20 points) – Complete waves 1 through 10 on all Snowblind Map Pack maps in Horde.The Weather Outside Is Lethal (15 points) – Win a multiplayer match on each of the 4 Snowblind Map Pack maps.Veteran Gear (75 points) – Reach level 100 and win a match on each of the 4 Snowblind Map Pack maps with only Public points.”Dark Corners” achievementsACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKAfraid of the Dark (20 points) – Play a multiplayer match on each of the 7 Dark Corners Map Pack maps.Did Not Go Gentle (30 points) – Win a multiplayer match on each of the 7 Dark Corners Map Pack maps.Blood on the Sand (50 points) – Reach level 50 in multiplayer and complete waves 1-50 on the Nowhere map in Horde.Am I Only Dreaming? (40 points) – Reach level 40 in multiplayer and complete waves 1-40 on the Memorial map in Horde.Like Father, Like Gun (30 points) – Reach level 30 in multiplayer and complete waves 1-30 on the Allfathers Garden map in Horde.Lost in Transition (20 points) – Reach level 20 in multiplayer and complete waves 1-20 on the Way Station map in Horde.No, But His Face Rings a Bell (15 points) – Reach level 15 in multiplayer and complete waves 1-20 on the Sanctuary map in Horde.Ride It All Night Long (10 points) – Reach level 10 in multiplayer and complete waves 1-10 on the Highway map in Horde.Be Careful What You Wish For (10 points) – Reach level 5 in multiplayer and complete waves 1-10 on the War Machine map in Horde.Is It Hot or Is That Just You? (25 points) – Kill 25 Bloodmounts with a Scorcher while playing Horde on a Dark Corners Map Pack map.Two for the Road (25 points) – Complete the “Road to Ruin” deleted scene in co-op as either Marcus or Dom.Highway to Hell (25 points) – Complete the “Road to Ruin” deleted scene after choosing the blasting option.My Way or the Highway (25 points) – Without being detected, complete the “Road to Ruin” deleted scene after choosing the stealth option.”All Fronts Collection” achievementsACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKAfraid of the Dark (20 points) – Play a multiplayer match on each of the 7 Dark Corners Map Pack maps.Am I Only Dreaming? (40 points) – Reach level 40 in multiplayer and complete waves 1 – 40 on the Memorial map in Horde.Annex – Now With Execution Rules (75 points) – Win an Annex match on each Flashback and Combustible Map Pack map with only public match points.Battle-Hardened Gear (50 points) – Reach level 50 and play a match on each of the 4 Snowblind Map Pack maps with only Public points.Battle-Tested Gear (30 points) – Earn enough multiplayer experience to reach level 25 with only Public points.Be Careful What You Wish For (10 points) – Reach level 8 in multiplayer and complete waves 1 – 10 on the War Machine map in Horde.Blood on the Sand (50 points) – Reach level 50 in multiplayer and complete waves 1 – 50 on the Nowhere map in Horde.Bound by a Shared Past (15 points) – Win a Wingman match on each of the 5 Flashback Map Pack maps.Did Not Go Gentle (30 points) – Win a multiplayer match on each of the 7 Dark Corners Map Pack maps.Forged in the Fire (15 points) – Win a Wingman match on each of the 3 Combustible Map Pack maps.Frigid Body Dynamics (5 points) – Play a multiplayer match on each of the 4 Snowblind Map Pack maps.Highway to Hell (25 points) – Complete the “Road to Ruin” deleted scene after choosing the guns blazing option.Icy Dead People (25 points) – Complete waves 1 through 50 on any Snowblind Map Pack map in Horde.Is It Hot or Is That Just You? (25 points) – Kill 25 Bloodmounts with a Scorcher while playing Horde on a Dark Corners Map Pack map.Like Father, Like Gun (30 points) – Reach level 30 in multiplayer and complete waves 1 – 30 on the Allfathers Garden map in Horde.Lost in Transition (20 points) – Reach level 20 in multiplayer and complete waves 1 – 20 on the Way Station map in Horde.More Mystery, Less History (15 points) – Win a multiplayer match on each of the 5 Flashback Map Pack maps in any mode except Wingman points.My Way or the Highway (25 points) – Without being detected, complete the “Road to Ruin” deleted scene after choosing the stealth option.Never Eat Red Snow (20 points) – Complete waves 1 through 10 on all Snowblind Map Pack maps in Horde.No, But His Face Rings a Bell (15 points) – Reach level 15 in multiplayer and complete waves 1 – 20 on the Sanctuary map in Horde.Ride It All Night Long (10 points) – Reach level 10 in multiplayer and complete waves 1 – 10 on the Highway map in Horde.Rookie Gear (10 points) – Earn enough multiplayer experience to reach level 5 with only Public points.Seasoned Gear (20 points) – Earn enough multiplayer experience to reach level 15 with only Public points.Skeletons in your Closet (20 points) – Complete waves 1 through 10 on all Flashback Map Pack maps in Horde.The Roof! The Roof! The Roof… (15 points) – Win a multiplayer match on each of the 3 Combustible Map Pack maps in any mode except Wingman points.The Weather Outside Is Lethal (15 points) – Win a multiplayer match on each of the 4 Snowblind Map Pack maps.Trial by, and on, Fire (20 points) – Survive first 10 Horde waves on Combustible Map Pack maps as a team.Two for the Road (25 points) – Complete the “Road to Ruin” deleted scene in co-op as either Marcus or Dom.Veteran Gear (75 points) – Reach level 100 and win a match on each of the 4 Snowblind Map Pack maps with only Public points.