Category – Xbox Cheats
Unlockable Weapons and Skins:Unlock the following weapons and skins by performing the corresponding tasks. Note: Achievement-based bonuses will not activate until the day after earning the achievement:WEAPON/SKIN – HOW TO UNLOCKGold Lancer/Hammerburst – Play during the first week of the game’s launch.All Gold Weapons (including Gold Gnasher) – Earn the “Veteran Gear” achievement in Gears of War 2.Liquid Metal Skin Set – Purchase the Gears Of War 3 Season Pass.Gold Sawed-off – Earn the “Commando” achievement in Gears Of War.Chrome Lancer – Earn the “Don’t Hate The Player” achievement in Gears Of War.Chrome Hammerburst – Earn the “Dirty Dirty Horde” achievement in Gears Of War 2.Chrome Retro Lancer – Earn the “Domination” achievement in Gears Of War.Chrome Gnasher – Complete the campaign for all three Gears Of War games.Chrome Sawed-off – Earn any achievement for Gears Of War PC.Onyx Skins – Earn the Onyx medal for a weapon to unlock the corresponding skin.Gold Omen Skin Set – Achieve Rank 100 in Gears Of War 3.Unlockable COG Characters:Unlock the following COG characters for multiplayer by performing the corresponding tasks:CHARACTER – HOW TO UNLOCKAaron Griffin – Earn the Big Money Onyx medal; alternately “Like” the Gears Of War 3 Facebook page for a redeemable code.Anthony Carmine – Reach level 75.Benjamin Carmine – Reach level 34.Chairman Prescott – Earn the Silver Allfathers medal.Civilian Anya – Reach level 45.Classic Baird – Reach level 30.Classic Cole – Reach level 23.Classic Dom – Reach level 17.Classic Marcus – Complete Campaign mode.Clayton Carmine – Reach level 14.COG Gear – Reach level 2.Cole Train – Play the multiplayer beta.Colonel Hoffman – Reach level 50.Dizzy Wallin – Reach level 7.Golden Gear – Earn the Bronze War Supporter medal.Jace Stratton – Reach level 10.Samantha Byrne – Reach level 4.Superstar Cole – Earn the Gold MVP medal.Unarmored Marcus – Earn the Silver Veteran medal.Unlockable Locust Characters:Unlock the following Locust characters for multiplayer by performing the corresponding tasks:LOCUST -?? HOW TO UNLOCKBeast Rider – Reach level 5.Flame Grenadier – Reach level 26.Golden Hunter – Earn the Gold Master-at-Arms medal.Golden Miner – Earn the Gold Rifleman medal.Grenadier – Reach level 39.Hunter – Reach level 8.Hunter Elite – Reach level 60.Kantus – Earn the Gold Medic medal.Miner – Reach level 3.Savage Grenadier Elite – Preorder code from Walmart.Savage Kantus – Preorder code from Theron Guard – Complete Beast Mode without failing, on all difficulties.Sniper – Earn the Bronze Headshot medal.Spotter – Reach level 20.Theron Guard – Reach level 12.Thrashball Drone – Play Gears of War 3 the week before and during the SuperbowlAaron Griffin multi-player character skin:To receive a code to unlock this skin, simply “Like” the “Gears Of War Facebook” page.Slide on Act 1:While playing as “Cole Train”, you will pass through a playground. After an intermission sequence, clear all the enemies around you and return to the playground, then jump up to the top of a mini-slide. Press?X?when you get near the slide and Cole will slide down.Cole’s hat on Act 1 hint:When playing as “Cole Train”, you will eventually pass through a grocery store. Some time early on, you will find a small stand with a cut-out of Cole in his Thrashball outfit near where you will fight some Lambent after a few stalks appears. During or after the fight, interact with the cut-out. You will be given a choice to wear a white hat either front or backwards. This hat will stay on Cole’s head during the intermission sequences (not pre-rendered) until the scene where you take a zip-line down to the bridge.Avatar Awards:Unlock the following Avatar Awards by performing the corresponding tasks:AVATAR AWARD – HOW TO UNLOCKHorde Shirt – Earn the “Welcome To Horde mode” achievement.Locust Drone Mask – Earn the “Welcome To Beast Mode” achievement.Marcus’ Doo-rag – Complete Campaign mode.
Unlockable Weapons (Beta version):Unlock the following weapons by performing the corresponding tasks in the Gears of War 3 beta. Note: Some unlockables will be available in the official Gears of War 3 while others will have extra requirements.WEAPON – HOW TO UNLOCKFlaming Hammerburst – Complete one match by Sunday, April 24Flaming Lancer – Complete one match during the week of April 25Flaming Sawed-Off Shotgun – Complete one match during the week of May 2Flaming Gnasher Shotgun – Complete one match during the week of May 9Beta Tester Medal – Complete one match in the BetaThrashball Cole – Complete 50 matches in any game type to unlock for the Beta / To permanently unlock, complete 10 matches as Thrashball Cole during the BetaGold-Plated Retro Lancer – Complete 90 matches in any game type to unlock for the Beta / To permanently unlock, score 100 kills with the Gold-Plated Retro Lancer during the Beta Smoke Grenade easter egg:Pull the fire alarm switches on Checkout to drop a lame Smoke Grenade in the Beta.Unlockable Mutators:Mutators are special options that activate specific changes to be made to the game as you play. Unlock the following Mutators by performing the corresponding tasks:MUTATOR – HOW TO UNLOCKBig Explosions – In any mode, unlock the Hail Mary ribbon 100 times.Big Head – In Horde Mode, unlock the Gold Horder medal.Comet – In Versus Mode, unlock the Gold Shock Trooper medal.Enemy Regeneration – In Arcade Mode, unlock the Silver Afficianado medal.Flower Blood – In Arcade Mode, unlock the Silver King of Cog medal.Friendly Fire – In Co-op Campaign, complete the co-op campaign with four players.Infinite Ammo – In Horde Mode, unlock the Combat Engineer ribbon 100 times.Instagib Melee – In Beast Mode, play as a Wretch and score 200 kills.Laugh Track – Unlock the Bronze Tour of Duty, For the Horde, I?m a Beast, and Warmonger medals.Must Active Reload – Unlock the Silver Active Reloader medal.Pinata – In Beast Mode, unlock the Gold Investor medal.Super Reload – In Versus Mode, unlock the Bronze Master at Arms medal.Vampire – In Versus Mode, unlock the Executioner ribbon 100 times.The CluckShot:The CluckShot is a Boom Shot that fires exploding Chickens. To unlock this, first play through Act 4 Chapter 1 on Insane. This means that you must have completed the game once already, or you?ll need to play coop with someone who has completed the game once.Go through Act 1 without touching any of the ash bodies. Doing so will get you the secret ?Respect For the Dead? Achievement once you arrive at Griffin?s Hideout and enter his secret weapon stash. More importantly though, it will give you access to this little chicken to the right with a pirate hat. Press X to interact with the chicken to cause it to explode, as if to officially kick off our easter egg hunt. Afterward, play through Act 4 Chapter 2 like normal. Simply make sure that you find two special ammo boxes that fall off a cliff as you approach them. The first one can be found at the start of the act on top of a car. The second can be found at the end of a railroad track in the underground section where you?re attacked by Polyps. Then proceed playing as normal until you reach Act 4 Chapter 3. After you head past the lift and go through the barbed wire, you?ll come to a fight with a bunch of Formers. Make sure to take them all out and then look for a stack of objects with another ammo box on top. Kick the stack to cause the ammo box to fall. Wait for a second and you?ll spot your ?air support?, which is one Cluckshot for every member of your party!Mad World easter egg Gridlock:Play a match with at least 2 round wins required to complete a match and go a whole round without destroying any of the “ash people” within the multiplayer map. (This includes everyone playing, not just you) The next round, an instrumental piano version of “Mad World” will play for about 50 seconds at the start of the round.Dom’s Beard easter egg:This trick makes every character in the game have Dom’s beard, during gameplay and cut-scenes. Start a new game on Insane and stick near Dom when the flashback starts, though you may need to walk away from him for a bit to get him to move at first. You’ll know you’re doing it right when he says “Yo” but you still need to stay near Dom for the entire flashback. It’s okay to fight the Locust though, just be sure you’re near Dom while you do it. When the flashback ends, if you did it right, everyone will have Dom’s beard on them for the rest of the game.Big Golden Chicken easter egg:On “Chapter 1 – Act ” you will come across four giant tubes just after raising the landing pad on top deck. After getting rid of all the enemies around the area, whatever player is playing as Marcus will need to step in front of one of the pipe openings. Stare down the opening until Marcus says “hello”, then repeat the same thing for the other three tubes. After saying “hello” down all four tubes, a small, harmless chicken will pop out. If you deal some significant damage to the little chicken, the chicken will then become a huge, golden, enraged, fire-breathing chicken (a.k.a. Lambent Chicken). If you deal more significant damage to the Lambent Chicken, it will then blow up into confetti and end with a funny quote by Marcus.Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKMarcus, It’s Your Father (5 points) – You woke up from a bad dream. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 1 (Cinematic or Arcade). Swimmin’ in Glowie Gravy (10 points) – Defended the Ravens Nest from Lambent Leviathan. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 2 (Cinematic or Arcade). We Struck Gold! (10 points) – Found food and ammo in Hanover. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 3 (Cinematic or Arcade). Welcome to Cougar Town (10 points) – Defended and escaped from Cougar Stadium. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 4 (Cinematic or Arcade. Big Ass Headshot (10 points) – Blew up the Lambent Laviathan from the bridge. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 5 (Cinematic or Arcade). Where is that? (10 points) – Discover the location of Adam Felix. Story Progression in Act 2 Chapter 6 (Cinematic or Arcade). Well We Did Flood Them Out (10 points) – Grabbed a Locust Gas Barge to travel to Anvil Gate. Story Progression in Act 3 Chapter 3 (Cinematic or Arcade). Thanks For Flying GasBag Airway (10 points) – Arrived safely, kinda. Story Progression in Act 3 Chapter 4. (Cinematic or Arcade). The Bitch is Back (10 points) – Defeated the Lambent Berserker. Story Progression in Act 3 Chapter 6. (Cinematic or Arcade). Good Driver Discount (10 points) – Drove from Anvil Gate to Mercy. Story Progression in Act 4 Chapter 2 (Cinematic or Arcade). Brothers to the End (10 points) – Escaped Mercy. Story Progression in Act 4 Chapter 3 (Cinematic or Arcade). Welcome to Griffin Tower (10 points) – Found enough fuel to get to Endeavor naval base. Story Progression in Act 4 Chapter 6 (Cinematic or Arcade). Baird’s Favorite Kind of Top (10 points) – Launched the sub. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 1 (Cinematic or Arcade). That Looks Like the Front Door (10 points) – Passed under the Maelstrom and found Azura. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 2 (Cinematic or Arcade). Look at That, Instant Summer (10 points) – Turned off the Maelstrom device. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 4 (Cinematic or Arcade). Ok. Faith. Yeah. Got It. (10 points) – Rescued Adam Fenix from captivity. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 5 (Cinematic or Arcade). We’ve Finally Got a Tomorrow (10 points) – Saved Sera and killed Myrrah. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 6 (Cinematic or Arcade). Ready For More (50 points) – Completed all campaign Acts on Casual or Normal Difficulty (Cinematic or Arcade). Ain’t My First Rodeo (50 points) – Completed all campaign Acts on Hardcore Difficulty (Cinematic or Arcade). Once More Unto the Breach (75 points) – Completed all campaign Acts on Insane Difficulty (Cinematic or Arcade). Collector (5 points) – Recovered 5 of 41 Collectables. [any difficulty, cinematic or arcade]. Pack Rat (10 points) – Recovered 20 of 41 Collectables. [any difficulty, cinematic or arcade]. Hoarder (15 points) – Recovered all 41 Collectables [any difficulty, cinematic or arcade]. Remembered the Fallen (15 points) – Recovered all 15 COG Tags during the Campaign (any difficulty, cinematic, or arcade). My Fellow Gears (50 points) – Completed all chapters in Co-op on any difficulty (cinematic or arcade). A Different Kind of Foursome (75 points) – Completed all Acts in 4 Player Co-op on any difficulty (cinematic or arcade). It’s Called Progress (10 points) – Complete a chapter in Arcade campaign with an improved high score. Level 5 (5 points) – Reached Level 5. Level 10 (10 points) – Reached Level 10. Level 15 (15 points) – Reached Level 15. Level 25 (25 points) – Reached Level 25. Calling Your Shots (25 points) – Completed 10 mini-challenges in Horde (any difficulty). First Among Equals (25 points) – Was the highest scoring squadmate in 5 chapters of 4-Player Co-op Arcade (any difficulty). Don’t You Die on Me! (25 points) – Reached a x20 team score multiplier in 4-Player Co-op Arcade (any difficulty). Award Winning Tactics (25 points) – Collected an Onyx Medal. Seriously 3.0 (100 points) – You’ve done it all! Level 100, campaign on insane, earn every ribbon/medal, complete Horde/Beast on all 10 maps. Back to Basic (5 points) – Won a match against bots in the Training Grounds. Welcome to Versus (10 points) – Killed 10 enemies in Team Deathmatch (Ranked or Social). Welcome to King of the Hill (10 points) – Completed a match of King of the Hill (Ranked or Social). Welcome to Team Death Match (10 points) – Completed a match of Team Deathmatch (Ranked or Social). Welcome to Capture the Leader (10 points) – Completed a match of Capture the Leader (Ranked or Social). Welcome to Execution (10 points) – Completed a match of Execution (Ranked or Social). Welcome to Wingman (10 points) – Completed a match of Wingman (Ranked or Social). Welcome to Warzone (10 points) – Completed a match of Warzone (Ranked or Social). Welcome to Horde Mode (10 points) – Survived the first 10 waves of Horde (any difficulty, any map). Welcome to Beast Mode (10 points) – Completed the first 12 waves of Beast (any difficulty any map). Welcome to Arcade Mode (10 points) – Completed 5 Arcade Campaign chapters in Co-Op (any difficulty). Rust Lung (50 points) – Executed an infected player and is now turning Lambent(or execute an Epic Employee or someone who already has this achievement).”Horde Command Pack” achievementsACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKThe Host with the Most (25 points) – Host a private Horde Match with a party of 5 players on any Horde Command Pack map (any difficulty).Places to See, People to Destroy (25 points) – Host a private Beast Match with a party of 5 players on any Horde Command Pack map (any difficulty).What Does This Button Do? (50 points) – Get 500 Silverback rocket kills in Horde (any map, any difficulty).It’s Hammer Time! (50 points) – Achieve Level 4 in Horde Command Center fortifications.Kill Locust (Like a Boss) (100 points) – Defeat a Boss Wave as 5 Onyx Guards (Hardcore difficulty).”RAAM’s Shadow” achievementsACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKDeath from Above (15) – Showed 50 Locusts the meaning of sky-fire with HOD Command Center.Finger of Doom (15) – As RAAM, ripped 50 Gears to shreds with your Kryll.Foreshadowing (25) – As RAAM, made sure Minh never forgets that day outside the House of Sovereigns.Ghosts from the Past (15) – Honored the memory of Zeta Squad in 10 matches of Versus.Help From My Friends (25) – Completed “RAAM’s Shadow” in 4 player co-op.I’m Rubber, You’re Glue (15) – Used the Mauler shield to kill 10 Gears that had the temerity to fire upon you and your General.Some Friendly Competition (25) – Completed “RAAM’s Shadow” in Arcade Campaign.Unarmed and Dangerous (15) – Ignored all Loader safety guidelines and killed 10 Locusts.Welcome To Zeta (25) – Completed “RAAM’s Shadow” in Standard Campaign.Zeta Team, Go! (75) – Defeated the first 10 waves of Horde with every member of Zeta in your party.”Fenix Rising” achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKAgain! (50) – Achieve level 100 a second time and choose to re-up for another tour.Come to Poppa! (15) – Win a Versus multiplayer match as a team of five Recruit Claytons (any mode).Defending the Past (25) – Complete all 50 waves of Horde on any of the Fenix Rising maps.I’ve Done it All! (75) – Earn at least one of each of the original 132 combat ribbons.Locust, Forever! (15) – Win a Versus multiplayer match as a team of five Savage Marauders (any mode).Now They Begin to Understand (20) – Complete all 12 waves of Beast on all Fenix Rising maps.Time to Re-up! (50) – Achieve level 100 and choose to re-up for another tour of duty.