Category – Xbox Cheats
FAMAS in Quick Mission mode:To unlock the FAMAS in Quick Mission mode, enter “GRAW2QUICKFAMAS”(case-sensitive) as your campaign name.Unlockables Quick Mission Decorations:Unlock the following decorations by performing the corresponding tasks:DECORATION – HOW TO UNLOCKBullz Eye – Get 100% accuracy.Hawks Eye – Get all intels.Iron Man – Do not get hit during the mission.Predator – Engage all fights.Team ELITE decoration – No teammates hit and 50% of enemies dead.Unlockable Decorations:Unlock the following decorations by performing the corresponding tasks:DECORATION – HOW TO UNLOCKAct 1 (elevated risk) decoration – Complete act 1 under elevated risk.Act 1 (low risk) decoration – Complete act 1 under low risk, normal risk, or elevated risk.Act 1 (normal risk) decoration – Complete act 1 under normal risk or elevated risk.Act 2 (elevated risk) decoration – Complete act 2 under elevated risk.Act 2 (low risk) decoration – Complete act 2 under low risk, normal risk, or elevated risk.Act 2 (normal risk) decoration – Complete act 2 under normal risk or elevated risk.Act 3 (elevated risk) decoration – Complete act 3 under elevated risk.Act 3 (low risk) decoration – Complete act 3 under low risk, normal risk, or elevated risk.Act 3 (normal risk) decoration – Complete act 3 under normal risk or elevated risk.Master Tutorial Challenge 1 – Kill all of the enemies without getting hit.Master Tutorial Challenge 2 – Kill all the enemies with one headshot per enemy.Master Tutorial Challenge 3 – Kill the tank using only one satchel charge.Master Tutorial Challenge 4 – Have your team kill all five enemies.Mission Accomplished Decoration – Complete all secondary objectives.Single Player Master Decoration – Unlock all other single player decorations.Tutorial Walkthrough Decoration??? – Complete the tutorial.Unlockable Headgear:Unlock the following headgear by having a saved game file of the corresponding games on the Xbox 360 hard drive:HEADGEAR – HOW TO UNLOCKICS-PL Helmet – Rainbow Six Vegas saved game file.J-E FO Helmet – Splinter Cell Double Agent saved game file.PAS GT Helmet – Rainbow Six Vegas saved game file.Tactical Shemagh – Splinter Cell Double Agent saved game file.Unlockable Music Videos:Unlock the following music videos by completing the corresponding missions:MUSIC – MISSIONGimme Danger – Mission 1Battle Axe – Mission 3Hero – Mission 7Unlockable Character/Weapons Info:To unlock character info you must unlock 5 decorations. To unlock weapons info you must unlock 10 decorations.Unlock all weapons(quick mission):To unlock all weapons, complete the game.Drone hint:Use the drone to recon areas before entering. If not, you may end up fighting huge amounts of enemies from unknown locations. Use the drone to find them before they find you.”Ultimate Defender” achievement hint:Most people got it on Headquarters with 8 people and all with M36 SAWs. When someone died, they used the fallen’s ammo when they ran out. You need people that can be team players, use the drone well, and have your M36 SAW on semiautomatic (giving you 800 accurately placed rounds). It is highly recommended that you attempt this achievement on the Headquarters map. Have at least five other people to play with and pack some M36 SAWs (note the auto-gunner class has the full 800 rounds, not other classes). Now, if you can tolerate it and have a pretty good size TV and extra controllers, go into the game with guests. These phantom players should also equip M36 SAWs. When you enter the game, stash them behind the wooden shack to the left and deploy them when you need them. This helps when you need to get ammo but can’t find any. Lastly, and it should go without saying but, make sure your online connection is solid. It blows to get 50 some minutes into the match and then your conection drops.Achievements:Station (Co-op 1) Perfect (20 points) – Beat Co-op Campaign Mission without failing an objective or respawning.The Cut (Co-op 2) Perfect (20 points) – Beat Co-op Campaign Mission without failing an objective or respawning.Locks (Co-op 3) Perfect (20 points) – Beat Co-op Campaign Mission without failing an objective or respawning.Caldera (Co-op 4) Perfect (20 points) – Beat Co-op Campaign Mission without failing an objective or respawning.Outpost (Co-op 5) Perfect (20 points) – Beat Co-op Campaign Mission without failing an objective or respawning.Hideout (Co-op 6) Perfect (20 points) – Beat Co-op Campaign Mission without failing an objective or respawning.Perfect Co-op Campaign (40 points) – Beat all Co-op Campaign Missions without failing an objective or respawning.Team Veteran (25 points) – Win 30 Team matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.Solo Veteran (25 points) – Win 10 Solo matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.Co-op Veteran (25 points) – Win 30 Co-op matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.Ultimate Defender (40 points) – Win a 60 minute Co-op Defend match on any map.Helo Hunter (20 points) – Shoot down 20 helicopters in the Helicopter Hunt game type.Demo Expert (20 points) – Plant 10 demo charges in Team Mission matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.Combat Medic (25 points) – Heal 10 teammates wounded by enemy fire in a multiplayer match with at least 5 gamertags in the room.Team MVP (15 points) – Lead your team in kills in a Team match with at least 5 gamertags on your team.Team All-Star (35 points) – Lead your team in kills in 10 Team matches with at least 5 gamertags on your team.Enforcer (20 points) – Eliminate 5 different human opponents in 30 seconds with at least 10 gamertags in the room.Threatening (10 points) – Get a total of 50 kills in Team or Solo matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.Dangerous (15 points) – Get a total of 150 kills in Team or Solo matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.Lethal (20 points) – Get a total of 300 kills in Team or Solo matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.Ruthless (25 points) – Get a total of 500 kills in Team or Solo matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.Sniper Expert (20 points) – Get a total of 100 sniper rifle kills in Team or Solo matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.Single Player Master (50 points) – Unlock all other “Single player mode” achievements to unlock the “Single player Master” achievement.Tutorial Walkthrough (5 points) – Beat the whole tutorial at least once.Challenge 1 Beat (10 points) – Beat the first tutorial challenge with the highest appreciation.Challenge 2 Beat (10 points) – Beat the second tutorial challenge with the highest appreciation.Challenge 3 Beat (10 points) – Beat the third tutorial challenge with the highest appreciation.Challenge 4 Beat (10 points) – Beat the fourth tutorial challenge with the highest appreciation.Mission accomplished (30 points) – Beat all the secondary objectives in “Campaign mode” or in “Quick Mission mode”.Act 1 Beat – low risk (10 points) – Beat campaign Act 1 in “low risk” or higher.Act 2 Beat – low risk (15 points) – Beat campaign Act 2 in “low risk” or higher.Act 3 Beat – low risk (20 points) – Beat campaign Act 3 in “low risk” or higher.Act 1 Beat – guarded risk (20 points) – Beat campaign Act 1 in “guarded risk” or higher.Act 2 Beat – guarded risk (25 points) – Beat campaign Act 2 in “guarded risk” or higher.Act 3 Beat – guarded risk (30 points) – Beat campaign Act 3 in “guarded risk” or higher.Act 1 Beat – elevated risk (30 points) – Beat campaign Act 1 in “elevated risk”.Act 2 Beat – elevated risk (35 points) – Beat campaign Act 2 in “elevated risk”.Act 3 Beat – elevated risk (40 points) – Beat campaign Act 3 in “elevated risk”.Bull’s eye – Quick mission (30 points) – Finish a mission with a 100% accuracy statistic.Iron man – Quick mission (30 points) – Finish a mission without being hit.Team “Elite” – Quick mission – (30 points) – Finish a mission with no teammates wounded and 50% enemies killed by them.Hawk’s eye – Quick mission – (30 points) – Finish a mission with all your intels acquired while out of combat.Predator – Quick mission – (30 points) – Finish a mission with all fights engaged by you. “Co-op Collection” DLC achievementsCaves (Co-op) Perfect (15 points) – Beat Caves Co-op Mission without respawning at default or hard difficulty.RR Bridge (Co-op) Perfect (15 points) – Beat Railroad Bridge Co-op Mission without respawning at default or hard difficulty.Battlefield (Co-op) Perfect (15 points) – Beat Battlefield Co-op Mission without respawning at default or hard difficulty.Swamp Airfield (Co-op) Perfect (15 points) – Beat Swamp Airfield Co-op Mission without respawning at default or hard difficulty.Plantation (Co-op) Perfect (15 points) – Beat Plantation Co-op Mission without respawning at default or hard difficulty.From Downtown (10 points) – Kill exactly 3 enemies and no teammates with one grenade on a map.Clever Retort (10 points) – In a match, get a grenade kill while you are incapacitated or dead; minimum 5 players.Kickin’ It Old School (15 points) – Beat a Co-op Mission without respawning, hard difficulty, and the Drone off.2-Point Swing (15 points) – In a CTF match with 5 players, recover your stolen flag and score in a single run. “Co-op Collection 2” DLC achievementsBridges (Co-op) Perfect (15) – Beat Bridges Co-op Mission without respawns at default or hard difficulty.Color Guard (15) – Kill 3 enemies while you carry a flag in a CTF match on a Co-op Collection Pack 2 map(Minimum 5 players).Depot (Co-op) Perfect (15) – Beat Depot co-op mission without respawns at default or hard difficulty.Ghost Town (Co-op) Perfect (15) – Beat Ghost Town co-op mission without respawns at default or hard difficulty.Pistoleer (20) – Kill 6 or more enemies with a pistol in a single match on a Co-op Collection Pack 2 map(Minimum 5 players).Riverbed (Co-op) Perfect (15) – Beat Riverbed co-op mission without respawns at default or hard difficulty.Stronghold (Co-op) Perfect (15) – Beat Stronghold co-op mission without respawns at default or hard difficulty.Untouchable (15) – Survive 10 minutes and kill at least 3 enemies on a Co-op Collection Pack 2 map(Minimum 5 players).