Category – Xbox Cheats
Cheat Codes:Activate the following cheats by entering the corresponding sequences of buttons at the specified area:CHEAT FUNCTION – CHEAT CODE$5,000 – Pause the game and press X, Y, X(2), Y, click Left Analog-stick.Full Ammo – Pause the game and press Y, Left, Y, Right, X, click Right Analog-stick.Full Health – Pause the game and press X, Y, X(2), Y, click Left Analog-stick.Unlock all Movies – At the main menu, press Y, X, Y, X(2), click Left Analog-stick.Unlockables:Unlock the following bonuses by performing the corresponding tasks:BONUS – HOW TO UNLOCKDillinger – Purchase the 3rd upgrade for the tommy gun.Luca’s Demise Clip – Get 30 film reels.Street Sweeper – Purchase 3rd upgrade for the shotgun.Unlimited ammunition and $1 million:To get unlimited ammunition and $1 million, reach the “Don Of New York City” rank at a 91.5% game completion. Unlimited ammo does not apply to bombs, dynamite, molotov cocktails, and melee weapons.Infinite money:You can get as much money as you want by entering a nightclub, hotel, shop etc that you own and smashing register. Collect the money and walk outside. Then walk back in and repeat as many times as desired.No heat when stealing a car:To have no heat when stealing a parked car, reach the “Underboss” rank.Avoid getting shot:When you are getting shot at, grab someone nearby and use them as shield.Luring enemies:On missions where you must kill your enemy in a certain way such as throwing them off of a roof, first lure them over to it by avoiding them and they will come to you. Then beat them up a little bit and grab them by holding L1 R1, and swing them so they have their back to the hazard. Push forward with the analog-sticks to shove them.Ammunition at safe houses:The orange safe houses on the map have ammo. They are usually in hotels.Marlon Brando’s last appearance:Marlon Brando makes his last appearance in the game at the mission where you protect the Don at the hospital. After you kill the assassin and Michale Corleone tells you to go to the basement, go forward and turn left. You will see Michael Corleone talking to Vito Corleone while he is in the hospital bed. This is Marlon Brando talking, which was recorded while he was hospitalized.Unlockable Movies:Unlock the following movies by completing the corresponding mission or collecting the corresponding number of film reels:MOVIE – MISSION OR FILM REELSRegarding Sollozzo – “The Alley” mission Mr. Bonasera – “The Enforcer” mission Meeting With Sollozzo – “A Grave Situation” mission Sicilian Sign – “Sleeping With The Fishes” mission Five Shots – “The Don Is Dead” mission Sonny And Tom Disagree – “Intensive Care” mission Sonny And Tom Argue Again – “Fireworks” mission Mr. Woltz – “Death To The Traitor ” mission Trigger Too Tight – “Horseplay” mission Mattresses Montage – “A Recipe For Revenge” mission Where’s Michael? – “Now it’s Personal” mission Spoiled Guinea Brat – “The Silent Witness” mission Carlo Learns A Lesson – “Sonny’s War” mission Are You Ready To Do Me This Favor? – “Change Of Plans” mission The Don’s Demise – “Order To Kill” mission Carlo Goes For A Ride – “It’s Only Business” mission The Baptism – “Baptism By Fire” mission Johnny Fontane – Collect 10 film reels Don Sends Luca On An Errand – Collect 20 film reels Luca’s Demise – Collect 30 film reels The Don Is Dead – Collect 40 film reels Whack Paulie – Collect 55 film reels Good Morning Mr. Woltz – Collect 70 film reels Sonny At The Tollbooth – Collect 85 film reels Sorry Sally – Collect 100 film reels Unlimited money and respect:After completing the first mission, save the game and quit before answering the downstairs phone. Load the game to get the $500 and 500 respect mission rewards. Save the game and reload it to earn the money and respect again. Repeat as desired.Easy money “The Alley” mission:After you complete the mission, go back to the alley you beat the thugs up at. There, shoot the crate to find $1,000 inside. Free pistol on “The Alley” mission:After beating up the men and being told to locate your safehouse, follow the Don’s enforcer out of the alley and turn left. Walk down a short distance to the next alley on your left to find a thug standing there, staring at you. He will not attack, but if you beat him up, he will drop a pistol that’s good for a first gun. You can now select this as a weapon and shoot people to get through the next few missions with ease (even before you are given a gun by the mob)Hidden money on “Death To The Traitor” mission:After you place the bomb in the upstairs of the bar, a single enemy will suddenly open up the previously locked door at the top of the stairs. Immediately run into the hallway he reveals to collect a massive stash of money bags. Do this quickly by sprinting since you will not have much time to run downstairs and leave before the bomb explodes. Do not bother trying to open the second door in the hallway as it is locked. Easy completion “The Don Is Dead” mission:Break the windows in the barber shop beforeyou begin the mission. This allows for easy shooting once the Don is shot. The recommended gun for this (and any other close range shooting mission) is the magnum. Easy money on “Horseplay” mission:For an easy $20,000, after your partner has the “package” with him, go in the house and head upstairs at the first staircase. Kill the guard with the garrote wire, then wait for the maid to leave the next room. You will hear a guard talk to her before she walks away. Kill that guard, but be careful — make sure the maid does not see you. Follow the maid through the door on the right. When she is facing away from the guard, silently kill the guard. To the left (behind the maid) you will see the money bag containing the $20,000. Always crouch and use the garrote wire so you are silent and do not get caught. Free bag of money on “Intensive Care” mission:After killing the first assassin, go to Room 6 (the Don’s hospital room) and adjust the camera until you see a bag of money. The door is locked. Go to the basement as Michael said and kill everyone. Come back to where you see Michael the first time, but do not talk to him. Then, go back to Room 6 and collect your money. Easy money on “Now It’s Personal” mission:Go to the top floor of the hotel that you begin in and open the door on the right. Look behind the bar in front of you to find three bags of money, each containing $2,000.Easy completion of “Whack Bruno Tataglia” mission:Make sure to have full health, loaded weapons, and a Molotov cocktail before riding the elevator to the crematorium. Get some cover and kill Bruno’s henchmen first — they will come after you anyway. Then, throw the Molotov cocktail so it lands near enough to burn Bruno, but not kill him. He will scream and drop his weapon. You will not be able to grab him while he burns, but it will not affect your health if you try it. When the flames stop, grab him and march him to the oven. When his back is against the oven, push him back so his head and shoulders are inside it. Then, pretend like you are really trying to shove him in there with your controller. Extortion hints:-If you?re having trouble extorting business owners, destroy some of their property or hold a gun to their face. For example, the best way to take over Good Eats in Brooklyn is to gold your gun in the man?s face before reholstering it. If he refuses then simply draw your gun again and hold it to his face, repeating until he caves in. For the hotel owner in Brooklyn, hold a gun up to him, break the downstairs cupboard, blow up his safe, and then beat him into submission.-The best time to take over all the businesses and rackets is when you have reached the ?Don of New York? rank. This rank will allow you to take over anything without the need to smash things or convince the person.- Reach the Underboss rank while making sure you have the Vendetta level at a minimum. (An easy way is to bribe an FBI agent and save the game). Head to the business you want to control but don?t attack any rival family members outside and inside. Enter the business and speak with the owner, making sure you don?t break any objects or attack. Make them accept Corleone?s protection and then find the racket boss through the back door of the business. Talk to him to make the ?Buyout? option available. Following these steps carefully will ensure that you take control of businesses and rackets without force or risk of starting a mob war, resulting in maximum benefits, respect, and payday incomes.Note: Kill rival family members to gain respect after taking over a business, though you will gain heat and vendetta.Bank robbing hints:-Whether the bank is easy to rob is determined by the bank type. Banks with one room and three guards are the easiest and thus should be robbed as much as possible. Use the following method to rob these kinds of banks with being chased or getting past two shields. First bribe the cop outside before going into the bank and choking the first guard by the door. Next, head into the vault area and strangle the guard on the left. The other guard will then attack you with his billy club. Make sure to always strangle the guard on the left since he likes using his shotgun if you attack the other guard first. -When robbing big banks start the same way by bribing the cop outside and then strangling the guards inside the main room. Now hurry down toward the vault and also strangle the two guards there. Open the door and blow up the vault. Now take out your Tommy Gun to make short work of the few guards that attack while you?re fleeing the vault. Now run up the stairs and move to the right. Take another right to leave the building and reach your get-away car. You must go to your hangout to receive the money.-Note: The easiest bank to rob is the midtown bank near the apartment that the Corleone?s give you after saving Michael. You?ll receive $50,000 there.Compound hints:-Before trying to take over a compound, equip ammo for all your guns or use a powerful gun to kill other gangsters and steal their weapons. You must also always make sure to take cover.-When destroying rival family compounds, the best way is to up one building at a time. Make sure you have full ammo on all your weapons-One of the best ways to take over a compound is by killing enemies from afar and working your way in. Enemies won?t respawn as long as you stay within one city block. Be sure to hide behind objects by crouching and shoot around corners. It?s also a good idea to upgrade at least two of the pistols.-You can also run people over with your car before jumping out and using it as cover. Once inside the yard be sure to mow down any nearby enemies. If you have plenty of ammo, lure enemies outside by entering the house and shooting at the floor or any nearby enemy. Hide again and shoo them as they step outside. Now continue toward the basement and plant a bomb.-Pick off gang members guarding businesses or compounds from a long distance. This way they can?t shoot back .-Use the Street Sweeper or upgraded Tommy Gun to easily take out enemies. Dynamite and Molotov cocktails are also handy for blowing up road blocks.-The Tattaglias in northeast Brooklyn should be your first attempt at taking on a compound since they?re the weakest family in New York. However, they?re still tough to beat and thus it?s recommended you try to take them on with caution.- Find a fresh, undamaged car and blast through the roadblock by going to the far left or right. Keep driving and then use you car as a shield.Rackets hint:It?s easier to buy out rackets but you won?t get as much. For example, if you can buy out someone for $800 then you could probably make them pay you almost $900 if you find their weak spot.Warehouse hints:-Be sure to have the following items before assaulting a warehouse: pistol, shotgun, magnum, Tommy gun, six Molotovs, and about $25,000. Make sure all you guns are fully loaded. When heading toward a warehouse, first try to blow up the roadblocks. Then wait there and headshot oncoming gangsters with your pistol.? Now go into the warehouse area and stand behind boxes while shooting at enemies with your pistol or Magnum.? Have your shotgun or Tommy gun ready once you actually enter the warehouse since most enemies will also have those weapons. Kill the enemies and find the owner (he will have puppeteer hands). Buy him out, making sure you don?t hit or injure him. Now check your map to find the nearest FBI agent. Bribe him, which may cost you $3,000 but it?s less of a risk. you will now have your own warehouse and avoid a mob war at the same time.-An easy way to take a warehouse is by driving a car into the blockades and running over people. If your car catches on fire, look for a new car and continue running enemies over.Barricade hints:-Use the following method when you go to a warehouse, compound, or hub with people and cars are blocking your way. Find a truck and run into cars and people until it catches fire. Then kill anyone that?s still alive.-When destroying a barricade, stand close enough so you can lock onto a person and toss either dynamite or a Molotov cocktail. You?ll blow up the cars next to the people and clear the way toward your destination.How to become the Don of New York:To become Don of New Yorkm you must first blow up all safes. Make sure to blow up any safes while you?re taking over a business, that way you won?t have to search for them later on. You?ll also receive money, 1,000 respect, and dynamite for blowing up safes.Special kills hint:The easiest way to kill important figures that have to die a certain way (such as pushing them into a furnace or off a roof) is by luring them near the hazard you must use to kill them, before actually fighting them. Simply avoid them and run to the hazard, forcing them to come over to you. Now beat them up a bit and swing them so they have their back against the hazard you?re about to kill them with.Shooting covered enemies:Sometimes body parts of enemies, such as their head or arm, will be sticking out while taking cover. Lock onto them and move the crosshair to the exposed part of the body and shoot them.Bum respawning hint:Go to Stracci Container Park where you get the box of $120,000 in the maze. Head back until you see a wall. Turn right and kill the bum that you find there. Come back and other bums should appear and attack you.Execution styles:For the executions that require you to press RB, your enemy must be low enough on health for it to work. Only by performing the execution styles on mobsters will they count toward the execution achievements. Accomplish the following executions by performing the corresponding tasks:EXECUTION – HOW TO PERFORMBack Of The Head execution – Using a pistol, stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press [Right Shoulder].Barehanded Kneeling execution – Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Then, without any weapons drawn, stand in front of your enemy. While they are still kneeling, lock onto them and press [Right Shoulder].Barehanded Standing execution – Without any weapons drawn, stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press [Right Shoulder].Between The Eyes execution – Using a revolver, stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press [Right Shoulder].Blackhand execution – Kill your enemy with your fists without grabbing them.Blackhand Grapple execution – Kill your enemy with your fists while grabbing them.Bombs Away execution – Kill your enemy with dynamite, a bomb, an explosive barrel, or an explosive crate.Bottle execution – Kill your enemy by throwing a bottle at them.Chin Up execution – Using a 2×4, stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press [Right Shoulder]. 2x4s can be found by blowing up a burning barrel on the street.Clavicle Crush execution – Using a tire iron, stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press [Right Shoulder].Cocktail Hour execution – Kill your enemy with a Molotov.Crooked Cop execution – Using a police baton, stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press [Right Shoulder].Disarmed execution – Shoot your enemy in the shoulder to make them drop their weapon.Double Play execution – Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Then, using a baseball bat, stand in front of your enemy. While they are still kneeling, lock onto them and press [Right Shoulder].Face-off execution – Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Get directly in front of them while holding a shotgun. Lock on to them and press [Right Shoulder].Foot In Mouth execution – Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Get directly in front of them while holding a magnum. Lock on to them, then press [Right Shoulder].Gut Shot execution – Using a shotgun, stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press [Right Shoulder].Hard Head execution – Kill your enemy by slamming their head into a counter or other low object.Hats Off execution – Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Get directly in front of them while holding a pistol. Lock on to them and press [Right Shoulder].Headstrong execution – Using a Tommy gun, stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press [Right Shoulder].How’s Your Leg execution – Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Get directly in front of them while holding a golf club or shovel. Lock on to them, and press [Right Shoulder].Kneecapped execution – Shoot your enemy in the knee.Last Gasp execution – Strangle your enemy to death with your bare hands.Look at Me execution – Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Then, using a revolver, stand in front of your enemy. While they are still kneeling, lock onto them and press [Right Shoulder].Magnum execution – Kill your enemy with a magnum.Melee Weapon execution – Kill your enemy using any melee weapon.Neck Boned execution – Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Get directly in front of them while holding a tire iron. Lock on to them and press [Right Shoulder].Neck Kink execution – Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Then, using a police baton, stand in front of your enemy. While they are still kneeling, lock onto them and press [Right Shoulder].Over Cooked execution – Throw your enemy into a furnace. Furnaces can be found in bakeries and funeral homes.Pipe Down execution – Using a lead pipe, stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press [Right Shoulder].Pistol execution – Kill your enemy with a pistol.Protect Ya Neck execution – Using a golf club or shovel, stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press [Right Shoulder].Revolver execution – Kill your enemy with a revolver.Riddled With Lead execution – Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Get directly in front of them while holding a Tommy gun, lock on to them, and press [Right Shoulder].Road Rage execution – Kill your enemy by running them over with a car.Shotgun execution – Kill your enemy with a shotgun.Sicilian Candle execution – Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Get directly in front of them while holding a 2×4, lock on to them, and press [Right Shoulder]. 2x4s can be found by blowing up a burning barrel on the street.Silent Assassin execution – Strangle your enemy to death using the garrote wire.Stained Glass execution – Kill your enemy by throwing them through a window.Sure Shot execution – Kill your enemy with a head shot.Taste My Chamber execution – Using a magnum, stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press [Right Shoulder].Tommy Gun execution – Kill your enemy with a Tommy gun.Traffic Accident execution – Kill your enemy by throwing them in front of a moving vehicle. Do not stand in front of traffic or it will stop; stand to the side of the road.Wallpapered execution – Kill your enemy by slamming them against a wall.Watch Your Step execution – Kill your enemy by throwing them off a roof, ledge, two-story window, etc.Wrenched execution – Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Get directly in front of them while holding a lead pipe, lock on to them, and press [Right Shoulder].You’re Out execution – Using a baseball bat, stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press [Right Shoulder]. Note There is a glitch in the onscreen message, which will call it a “Melee Standing Execution”. Car chase hint:When an enemy in a car is pursuing you let them drive up to your side. They will usually come up near your rear on your left or right. Now look ahead and try to lure them into an accident. If timed correctly you can make them smash into oncoming traffic or other objects. They?ll eventually recover and catch up to you again. Repeat this until they blow themselves up.Quickly lose the police:-Causing lots of damage and killing people will make you get wanted stars. Once you get a certain number of stars, police will chase and shoot at you. To lose them easily, simply move to a different area. All your stars should then instantly disappear.-When you have heat, get rid of it by going to another neighborhood. This will only work if you don?t have cops tailing you.Meat shield hint:When enemies are shooting at you, grab a nearby person and use them as a shield. This will prevent you from receiving damage from the shots.Easy money hints:-Go into the sewer system (the entrance is south of the westernmost Tattaglia warehouse on the Hell?s Kitchen Loop). Fight your way through the heavily-armed bell boys until you reach a create containing money.- Take over as many rackets, warehouses, and businesses as possible before completing missions. This will allow you to receive more money on payday.-Use the following trick to prevent your money from going into useless rackets. Instead of buying out a person, get the pressure up so he pays you instead.-On missions where you?re required to raid enemy gang operations (such as suppliers or storefront rackets), search the interior for hidden cash and ammo after finishing the main objective. Back rooms, closets, and rooftops usually have hidden moneybags and weapon stashes.- If you want free respect and money, head over to the Molotov cocktail seller in Midtown.? Shoot any hobos walking around to receive either 750 respect and $3,000 or 900 and $100 without getting any heat.- Income differs among various families. The richest family is the Barzini family (green), while the 2nd richest is the Cuneo family (red). Taking businesses from these two families will earn you the most cash. Make sure to also pick up the money they drop when taking over their businesses. Barzini family members will usually drop at least $200 when killed, while a Tattaglia family will only give you $15.-To make an easy $2,000 or more, get on the freeway. Stop your car in front of any warehouse truck you see to make it stop. Now kill the bagmen and take the loot. Repeat this until you?ve accumulated your desired amount of money.- Head to Brooklyn and bribe the chief inside the police station. You can then rob the bank without any police chasing or shooting at you.Note: Make sure to have no heat when bribing the chief.-Go to New Jersey and head to the Stracci compound. Drive into the container park and head far behind until you see a lot of containers. Step out and kill all the Stracci soldiers before going into the maze. At the back you will find two boxes and another group of soldiers. Combined these boxes will give you $125,000. Make sure to get in your car and leave before more Stracci appear.-Always kill homeless men you find. Most of the time they?ll drop $5,500 and you will have no heat.- Take over the Transportation Hub in Brooklyn right on Main St. and Empire. Find the man with a Blackhand icon and speak to him. Do as he says and deliver the truck to the Cafe Vitales, which is located on Dock St. (between Church and Prospect). Make sure that you?ve already extorted that business and racket. Doing this task will earn you three stacks of $25,000.-Get a fast car and drive to the Holland Tunnel. Enter it in the opposite direction and drive until you see a racket truck. Hit it head on and get out. Once it explodes, use your gun to kill any survivors and take the $2,000. Repeat until you reach the end of the tunnel. -Enter New Jersey, with dynamite, full ammo, and full health. Drive to the bank and find a door that leads to a hallway with three big doors. Find down the stairs and walk through the door. Kill the guard you see along with any other guard that appears. Now go through the metal door in the room and plant dynamite on the safe. Enter the safe and grab the money. You must now fight your way out in order to reach a car and drive to your safe house.-Pay off some policemen and prepare your weapon of choice. Stand in the back entrance of one of your safe houses and wait for a racket truck to drive by. Talk to the driver to get his keys and drive it to the back entrance of the safe house. Each truck is worth between $1,000 and $10,000.-Head to Brooklyn and take every warehouse and business. Go to the westernmost warehouse and get a truck. It should be a 45 second drive to get $75,000. Repeat as many times as desired.-Take over businesses and rackets so your income increases. You will then have enough money to purchase weapons, safe houses, and even higher crew members with ease.-Rob a bank and get captured. You get to keep the money and only have to pay the hospital fee.-Go to Midtown and turn right on 42nd Street. Keep going until you see a club owned by the Barzini and a safe house called ?Lucy?s Apartments? on the other side of the street. Bribe a cop, preferably the chief of police, and then buy the safe house. Take over the club and your Corleone men should appear later. If you keep the cops bribed you should now control those two blocks. There should be green Barzini warehouse trucks that drive by once in a while. Shoot the trucks until they stop. Two Barzinis should appear. Take them out to make the driver exit the truck. Interrogate him and kill him afterwards for extra money. One of the Barzini men will also drop a bag of $3,6000. Now drive the truck to your safe house to receive a payout of $13,000. Repeat the process.-Go to the Midtown bank next to the barbershop and bribe one of the cops wearing black. Now go inside, down the stairs, and through the door at the end of the hallway. Kill the four guards and blow open the safe. Take the money and kill the three guards that attack. Run out of the bank and steal a car to make your getaway.Ammo stashes hint:All safe houses you buy will have ammo caches. Whenever you?re low on ammo or health, head back into these houses to restock.Recommended weapons:-Don?t spend money on safe houses. Instead, save your money to buy clothing and weapons. The best weapons are expensive but always worth it. The following is a list of the best weapons and their price: WEAPON – COSTSaturday Night Special – $75,000Assassin’s Pistol – $200,000Python – $250,000Dillinger – $450,000Street Sweeper – $500,000 – A level 3 pistol is perfect for taking over businesses since it works just like a semi-automatic gun, holds fourteen bullets, and has plenty of firepower. The level 3 shotgun has more firepower, holds more ammo, and is the best weapon to take over warehouses. -The best guns? to buy are the level 2 Tommy gun level, Street Sweeper, Saturday Night Snubnose, extended clip Pistol, and Python. Drive warehouse trucks to make the money for these weapons.-The Street Sweeper is handy because it kills with one shot and holds 100
bullets. Another great gun is the Colt Python which, despite having
poor shot power at medium and long range, at close range kills in one
shot. The Assassin?s Pistol is also useful. It fires like any other
pistol while running but fires like a Tommy Gun when standing. Below are
the most recommended guns followed by their price:Actual gun names:Every gun in the game is based on an actual firearm. Below is the in-game gun followed by the real-life equivalent:IN-GAME NAME – REAL NAME.38 Snub-Nose – Colt Detective .38 Special/Smith