Category – Xbox Cheats
Completion bonuses:-To unlock the ability to replay any mission, view intermission sequences, and toggle help messages, first complete Story mode. Then, go to Blackfoot Territory(the first area in the game) and find the boulder that leads up to a ledge and a gap. While riding a horse, jump on the left side of the boulder and use your spurs until you land. Go onto the ledge and across the following two areas. Stand in between the two rocks in the water and hold LT RT A until you hear a sound play. Then, press Start and go to the Options screen. A new option titled “Gun” will appear from which you can replay any mission, view intermission sequences, and toggle help messages.-To unlock Magruder’s seven barrel Nock gun, complete Story mode.-To unlock Reed’s armored horse and Magruder’s Cannon Nock gun, complete Story mode and all side missions with a 100% game completion. Note: If the horse becomes lost, it will return to the mine.Unlockables:Unlock the following bonuses by performing the corresponding tasks:BONUS – HOW TO UNLOCK.69 Ferguson Rifle – Defeat HollisterApache Shirt – Beat the Hunting missionsCavalry Sword – Defeat ReedDual Peacemakers – Defeat Hoodoo BrownSilver Spurs – Beat the Pony Express missionsInfinite health:To get infinite health, go to the Indian Hunter’s hut. At the building to the left of the hut, go up the first set of stairs and continue heading straight. Jump onto the spout and and walk toward the wall of the building. You should go through the wall and into the house. Inside, there are three bottles of whiskey on the ground. They can be picked up as many times as desired.Unlimited ammo stash:To uncover a hidden ammo stash, take a barrel of TNT from the Badlands mine and then go to the abandoned house where the Buffalo graze. Go to the back of the house and place the TNT barrel on the left side of the chimney. Blow it up to open a hole in the ground that contains ammo for all weapons. The ammo will continually respawn each time you leave the area.Whiskey cache hints:-In Dodge City, go to the lower part of the bridge and follow the path on the other side to reach a beach cave. Look inside for whiskey, which reappears over time after you leave the area. Note: The cave also contains ammunition and money.-Go to the Indian Hunter’s hut, which can be found on your map. Once there, go to the building to the left of the hut, with the stairs going up the side. Go up the first set of stairs and proceed straight. There is a spout-type object coming out of the side of the building. Jump onto that spout and walk toward the wall of the building. If done correctly, you will go through the wall and into the inside of the house. There is only a small ledge for you to drop onto inside, so move slowly. Once inside, look to your left to find three whiskey bottles on the ground. You can pick these up as many times as desired and they will never go away. -For infinite health, go to Hecht Ranch and find the shack next to the windmill. There you will find three whiskey bottles to restore your health. Dutchie strategies:-After speaking with Soapy, run to front of train towards the water. Leave your horse behind the rock near the bridge and run back to the engine of the train while staying in front. Wait for the two riders to come through and use your Quickdraw to take them out. Take their horses and leave them with your horse, then take cover in front of the engine again. Two more riders will appear. You can see them riding fast around the train on your map. Use the same method, then go to one of the horses and ride him around the rock towards the cannon. Use Quickdraw to take out the two men on either side of Dutchie. Your horse will probably die, and you will have to take a shot or perhaps two, but continue toward the back of the train and into tunnel until you find cover behind it. Sneak around to the right on the same side you started on and kill the man on top of the car first, then the man standing by the rail on the same car. Next, squeeze between the two cars and aim directly for the end of the cannon with whatever weapon desired. Shoot Dutchie until he is dead. -Try taking out Duchie first. Use Ned’s rifle and just keep shooting at him while moving to avoid as much damage as possible. Stay on your horse as long as you can. Once your horse has been killed, do not take another until Duchie has been defeated. By this time, all side missions should be unlocked. Do all of them as it will not only make fighting Duchie easier, but it will also make completing the rest of the game a lot easier. -Talk to Soapy, then get your horse and ride back up the mountain. Just before the TNT, get off your horse and walk out on the ledge. Continue walking to reach a location where he cannot hit you. From here, shoot him in the head with fire arrows. The fire arrows will keep wearing down his health, even though it does not have the stopping power. Afterward, you take care of the riders. Get back on your horse and use your Quickdraw. It helps if you get your stats up by doing the Bounty Hunting or Wanted Poster side missions. Make sure that you hit the riders and not their horses. They will shoot at your horse; use their horse as a replacement if needed. The double barrel shotgun is great because they stand close together and it can take out more than one enemy.Hollister strategies:-Sneak up on him and shoot him once, then run off and get behind a rock on top of risen ground in the middle of the arena. When he circles the rock you are behind, be sure to circle as well. He will eventually stop and yell at you to come out, then pace back and forth slowly while you hide behind your rock. When he stops and is not facing you, shoot him in the head. Perform this until the point that he becomes too smart to fall for it again. By then, his health should be low enough so that you can run out and unload on him while strafing. After his health is down all the way, there will be a intermission sequence. Look at your compass at the bottom of the screen; he is the red dot. Find him and he will run at you. Run, but keep firing at him with your pistols and he will blow up -Use Quickdraw with your Dual Peacemakers to make him explode.-When starting the mission, you will be looking at the Indians and Soapy. Start going to the right and go up the ramp-like hill a short distance. He will first throw TNT, then stand there and do nothing. When you are in a crouched position, shoot at him and he will not move.-It is recommended that you purchase the shotgun speed loader, extra shotgun ammunition capacity, and the extra health slot upgrades. When you start the fight, Hollister knows where you are. Sneak up into the rocks as he will not know where you are until you reveal yourself for the first time. Once you do, he will know your location for the rest of the fight. Keeping that in mind, sneak up on him without being seen and with your shotgun equipped and fully loaded. Once you are behind him, get as close as you can without being seen and blast him as fast as possible. Be sure to drink your whiskey when your health gets low. Note: This works under the normal and easy difficulty settings with no shotgun upgrades purchased. Hoodoo Brown strategy:Use Quickdraw with the Volcanic 10 to wipe out his henchman while ignoring Hoodoo until he flees up stairs. Once he does, immediately run to the floor below and grab the whiskey in the bedrooms. When he starts shooting you, take out your double barrel shotgun and repeatedly fire at him until you are almost dead or he is at half health. Then, take out your rifle and get a clear headshot.Reed strategies:-Never let Reed out of your sight as he gains life when he is alone.-Before starting the mission, go back to Empire City and Dodge City to get as many weapon upgrades as possible. Do about 60 to 70 percent of the side missions beforehand and mostly use the upgrades for the rifle, bow, and the health upgrade for your horse. Once you bring these stats up, go to the mission and defeat Hollister again. Then, defeat Magruder’s riders. After that, open the safe and Reed will show up. You will start behind a rock. Take out the newly acquired rifle obtained from Hollister, then get on the horse to the left and chase after him. Keep shooting him. It takes about three minutes to kill him. Do not lose sight of him, or his health will go up. -Use the bow and arrows and make sure you are full up on whiskey. When you hit him with the first arrow, he won’t run. He will continue to fire at you, though not as often. Just launch one arrow after another (several are required) until his life drains away and he falls off the horse. -Corner Reed while he is on his horse, then quickly get of your horse and run up to start using the melee. Make sure to heal and he will soon die.- Try to stay behind Reed and aim for his head with the double-barreled shotgun. -Use Quickdraw to kill his henchman as Reed runs around as they do more damage than he does. Once they are gone, use your rifle to chip his health low. Score a head shot and his head will splatter. Note: During the cinematic where Coles puts the barrel in his mouth, there will be nothing but a neck. Also, the area where his head should be will have the Gun logo; a skull and Peace Makers.Magruder’s Mine mission hints:-As he is wearing armored platying, Magruder is impossible to kill by shooting him. Thus, use the bow with exploding arrows. First, get Magruder to chase you. As you are backing away from him, shoot an arrow at a geyser as he’s walking over it. The flammable gas coming from the geyser will explode and critically damage Magruder. Once he is on the higher level, shoot him in the face with the rifle until he yells, then get into quickdraw mode. Get ready to shoot the big package of dynamite when he throws it. After shooting a few sticks of dynamite, the roof will collapse and crush him.-Simply remain crouched as Magruder is unable to see you and thus becomes very vulnerable to sneak attacks. Keep reloading the whisky and fire arrows for an easy completion.-The easy way to defeat Magruder during the second part of the Mine Mission is by standing beside each pillar. Stand by the left one. When Magruder throws dynamite at you, he will blow up the pillar. Do the same for the pillar on the right. This also works when blowing up the two remaining boulders. Note: Shoot Magruder in the head to get him to throw the dynamite.-While fighting Magruder, run around away from him. When he walks over one of the circular areas, throw some dynamite over it to ignite the gas and damage him. Do not shoot him as he has metal armor and you’ll just waste your ammunition. Throwing dynamite works, but the loco dynamite arrows work better.-When Magruder gets up on the balcony, run up directly in front of the balcony instead of using your Quickdraw to shoot the big pack of TNT. When Magruder throws the TNT, it will go up, bounce off the ceiling, and land directly next to him. This makes this part of the fight much quicker to complete.-Use Coles dad’s rifle to shoot him in the head and anger him, causing him to throw a bundle of dynamite. Then, use the dual Peace Makers Hoodoo drops to Quickdraw it. This will knock down a pillar. Repeat this several times from behind a rock so he cannot hurt you. Securing the bridge hint:To finish the fire arrow level of securing the bridge faster, when shooting arrows, select a spot for the crosshairs that lets you shoot the arrows that come from different directions. When the Indians jump over the wall, instead of shooting, run around the TNT and kill them with melee attacks. When Quick Killer appears, only shoot when he is right away from the barrels. You are better off just using melee and your flask. Quick Killer is not hard to defeat.Finding the wolf on Hunting side missions:During the hunting side missions, on the third animal to hunt (should be a wolf), simply go to the Indian salesman. Speak with him (you do not need to buy anything), then from the conversation and immediately crouch. You should get a message stating that the wolf is near. Walk toward the lake to find it on your right hand side. If not, he is somewhere nearby.Hunting side missions hint:Complete the game, then use the Nock gun that is unlocked on the animals to kill them in a few shots.Animal locations:Find the following animals in the corresponding locations. If you don’t find them there, search the surrounding area. If they still do not appear, go to the farthest town (Empire or Dodge) and return:ANIMAL – LOCATIONGray Wolf – Near the bridge in Dodge.White Buffalo – Near the mine (not Magruder’s). It roams with the other buffalo.White Wolf – Near Piper lake, usually by the waterfall.Mountain Lion – Go to where Magruder’s mine is located. Stand at it with your back to it. To your left is the train tunnel, and to your right is the path to the Indian hunter. Go through the middle path and it should be through there.Great Wolf – Same place the White Buffalo was, usually behind the mine.Grizzly – Near Empire.The map will show you its location. You do not have to use an arrow to kill him.Poker game hints:-When playing Texas Hold ’em inside the Alhambra, it is possible to win with or without a good hand. First, raise the bid to the maximum to make at least one to three players fold. You can then cheat to make your hand better, and if it is a worse card, forget about the cheat card and return to your original hand. Afterward, keep checking your hands until one of you wins. It will be you most of the time. Do not worry if you lose as the tournaments are free. -The betting works as follows: every player is part of a small blind and big blind. The one with the biggest blind starts the betting first, and four steps are performed. The first is called the starting card, where you can choose to raise your money to the highest bidder and must get at least one of the winning hands to get a good suit of cards (not forgetting your community cards). You can choose to fold or to hold onto your better card. Be careful as sometimes this makes the other players win. It is not just about betting but about making decisions on how to create the best hand of the cards. Whoever gets any of the winning hands first wins the pot and gets some money from the players. The four steps to do this is are as follows; Start, The Flop, The Turn, The River. Once you are the on The River, you can finally reveal your last card. You can go all in once you have raised enough chips. If you win, you will get a good money bonus. Occasionally you can call and check, but do not raise too much money even if you know you still have a good hand as that will make the game difficult. No poker cheating: The option of cheating is gone when playing Texas Hold ’em after the tournaments in the Alhambra. Easy money hint:Make more money on bounty hunter side missions by capturing bounties alive. When you find a wanted poster that offers more money if you capture them alive and are having trouble doing so, try killing all gang members or bodyguards (if any). If the bounty is on a horse, kill the horse, then get close and melee attack. This will stun the fugitive and give you an opportunity to grab them using?LB. Then, press?X to subdue the fugitive. This earns you more money for each bounty. If you accidentally release him by pressing LB, melee him and grab him again. However, if you do this too many times or if he has been shot, you may kill him and thus receive less money. Hoodoo battle shortcut hint:While battling Hoodoo in his casino, notice that he is on the balcony upstairs. Make your way up to the second level to find a second set of stairs that has red wallpaper on the walls leading up to the third floor. Climb these stairs to the very top where Hoodoo’s office is located to skip the battle and immediately finish him off.Desecrating Hoodoo’s corpse:-After defeating Hoodoo, there will be a intermission sequence showing his dead body standing up in a coffin. After the sequence, he will still be in West Empire standing in the grave. You can take out your double-barrel shotgun and shoot off his head, arm, and both of his legs, leaving a corpse floating in an up-right coffin. -To completely destroy Hoodoo’s corpse, throw a stick of dynamite in his coffin to completely blow him away. Faster riding hints:-Hold?[Dash]?while continuously jumping your horse to travel at about double the speed.-When you mount your horse but before you get all the way on it, press?B to make your horse sprint without taking off any health.Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKAmbush The Train Complete – Beat the Ambush The Train level.Battle At The Steamboat Complete – Beat the Attack The Fort level.Escape The Ambush Complete – Beat the Escape The Ambush level.Every Upgrade Collected – Collect all upgrades.Every Weapon Collected – Collect all weapons.Hollister’s Fort Complete – Beat the Hollister’s Fort level.Honest Tom Complete – Beat the Honest Tom level.Insane Difficulty Complete – Beat the game on the Insane difficulty setting.Keeper Of The Peace – Beat the Keep the Peace Side mission.Law And Order Complete – Beat the Law And Order level.Normal Difficulty Complete – Beat the game on the Normal difficulty setting.Professional Postman – Beat all Pony Express side missions.Professional Prospector – Mine all gold ingots in the West.Quick Killer Complete – Beat the Quick Killer level.Take Down Hoodoo Complete – Beat the Take Down Hoodoo level.The Hunt Complete – Beat the Hunt level.