Category – Xbox Cheats
Half-Life 2 Cheat Codes:To activate the following cheats, enter the corresponding codes during gameplay:Restore Health By 25 Points – Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A.Restore ammo for current weapon – Select the weapon you want to restore ammo for and press RB to switch to the gravity gun. Then press Y, B, A, X, RB, Y, X, A, B, RB. Invincibility – LB, Up, RB, Up, LB, LB, Up, RB, RB, Up.Unlock All Levels – Left, Left, Left, Left, LB, Right, Right, Right, Right, RB.AA – Y, Up, Y, Right, Y, Down, Y, Left, Y, Up.Kill – LB, Down, RB, Down, LB(2), Down, RB(2), Down.No Clipping mode – Up(3), LB, Up(3), RB, Up(2).Enemies do not target you – Down(3), LB, Down(3), RB, Down(2).Wireframe cycle – LB(2), RB(2), LB, RB, LB, RB, Left, Right.Portal Cheat Codes:To activate the following cheats, enter the corresponding codes during gameplay:Create box – Down, B, A, B, Y, Down, B, A, B, Y ??? Fire energy ball – Up, Y(2), X(2), A(2), B(2), Up ??? Fire rocket projectile – Up, Y(2), B(2), A(2), X(2), UpPortalgun ID 0 – Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Y(2)Portalgun ID 1 – Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, X(2)Portalgun ID 2 – Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, A(2)Portalgun ID 3 – Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, B(2) ??? Portal placement anywhere: – Y, A, B, A, B, Y(2), A, Left, RightUpgrade Portalgun from Blue to Blue