Category – Xbox Cheats
Unlockable Elite armor permutations:Unlock the following Elite armor permutations by performing the corresponding tasks:ARMOR PERMUTATION – HOW TO UNLOCKAscetic (Body) – Get the “up close and personal” achievement.Ascetic (Head) – Get the “steppin’ razor” achievement.Ascetic (Shoulders) – Get the “overkill” achievement.Commando (Body) – Get the “triple kill” achievement.Commando (Head) – Get the “overkill” achievement.Commando (Shoulders) – Get the “killing frenzy” achievement.Flight (Body) – Complete tsavo highway (on heroic or legendary).Flight (Head) – Complete the campaign mode (on legendary or heroic).Flight (Shoulders) – Complete “the ark” (on heroic or legendary).Silver skull locations:Find the following silver skulls in the specified locations to activate the corresponding cheat functions:SKULL/LOCATION – CHEAT FUNCTIONBlind(Sierra 117) – The arms of the player and the motion tracker disappear.Cowbell(The Ark) – Explosives increase in strength.Grunt Birthday Party(Crow’s Nest) – If you get a headshot on a grunt it will explode.I Would Have Been Your Daddy(The Covenant) – Unlock new dialogue for the campaign.Gold skull locations:Find the following gold skulls in the specified locations to activate the corresponding cheat functions:GOLD SKULL/LOCATION – CHEAT FUNCTIONBlack Eye(Crow’s Nest) – You will have to battle enemies with melee tactics to regain shield energy.Catch(The Storm) – Enemies will throw more grenades.Famine(The Ark) – Dropped weapons hold less ammunition.Fog(Floodgate) – Motion tracker disappears.Iron(Sierra 117) – Get sent back to the beginning of the stage you’re on when you die instead of to the last checkpoint.Mythic(Halo) – All enemies will have twice as much health.Thunderstorm(The Covenant) – Enemies will be have higher ranks.Tilt(Cortana) – Enemies will become more resilient to your attacks.Tough Luck(Tsavo Highway) – Enemies are skilled at getting away from projectiles such as grenades.Unlockable Spartan armor permutations:Unlock the following Spartan armor permutations by performing the corresponding tasks:SPARTAN PERMUTATION – HOW TO UNLOCKEOD (Body) – Complete “tsavo highway” on legendary.EOD (Head) – Complete campaign mode on legendary.EOD (Shoulders) – Complete “the ark” on legendary.EVA (Body) – Complete “tsavo highway” on normal, heroic, or legendary.EVA (Head) – Complete campaign mode on normal.EVA (Shoulders) – Complete “the ark” on normal, heroic, or legendary.Mark V (Head) – Get the UNSC spartan achievement.ODST (Head) – Get the spartan graduate achievement.Rogue (Head) – Get the spartan officer achievement.Scout (Body) – Get the too close to the sun achievement.Scout (Head) – Get the used car salesman achievement.Scout (Shoulders) – Get the we’re in for some chop achievement.Security (Head) – Get 1,000 gamerscore points.Security (Shoulders) – Get 750 gamerscore points.Unlock the Katana:To unlock Katana, collect all 13 skulls and achieve a gamerscore of 1,000. The Katana is the fourth piece of hayabusa armor and is an unusable item.Hayabusa armor:There are three pieces of Hayabusa Armor. Unlock the following pieces by collecting the corresponding amounts of skulls:ARMOR – SKULLSChest piece – Collect 6 skulls.Shoulders piece – Collect 9 skulls.Helmet piece – Collect all 13 skulls.Bonus content:To unlock pictures and a making of video on xbox live, complete the game on Legendary difficulty.Mythic map pack skulls:In the mythic map expansion levels, locate the following skulls in the corresponding locations:SKULL – LOCATIONAssembly – On the central tower in forge.Sandbox – Fly towards the sunset and turn around to find this skull.Orbital – At the two road blocks where you have to jump, located on top of the structure on the right.Skull collecting hint:In order to collect a skull, you must start the level from the beginning rather than at a checkpoint.Plasma pistol tip:Use the plasma pistol’s charges shot to stop a moving vehicle. However it will not stop a vehicle mounted weapon.Lower your weapon:To make your character lower there weapon in an offline game, hold LB RB down(on d-pad) L3 click left stick A.Show coordinates:To show coordinates in an offline game, hold left analog-stick right analog-stick LB RB down/right.Toggle panning camera:To toggle the panning camera in an offline game, hold left analog-stick right analog-stick LB RB up/left.Infinite Spartan laser in Halo mission:To get infinite Spartan laser in the “Halo” mission, shoot Seargeant Johnson until he falls down and drops the Spartan Laser. Pick it up and continue to shoot him until ke kills you. When you respawn, shoot him until he falls down again and pick up the laser. He will get back up with a new laser on his back. Shoot him again and pick up the new gun he drops. It will have unlimited Spartan ammunition.Recon armor:To unlock the Recon armor, in the Mythic Map Pack DLC, get the three “Vid Master Challenge” achievements.Easy legendary mode:In legendary mode, turn on an idle second player. When you die, you will respawn rather than restarting.Prevent lagging:To prevent lag, clear the hard drive cache in solo or multiplayer by holding A up at the start of the game. Select “Yes” when prompted.Terminal locations:To unlock the “Marathon Man” achievement, find all seven terminals in the following locations:The Ark-Go left through a door once in the very first building of the stage. The terminal is located beyond a curving passage.-A terminal is located right near the device that activates the bridge on this stage.-There’s a secret room in the third building which holds the third and final terminal on The Ark. After you come across and kill a group of sleeping Covenant enemies, head down the nearby corridor. You’ll reach a door that is locked if you do. To the left of the locked door is an open door. Head through the door, and then turn around to find the terminal.The Covenant-Head to the stage’s first tower and stand on the elevator. Face the control panel, and then turn left. Jump over the obstacle, and find the terminal you seek.-Head to the stage’s second tower and walk towards the entrance. When you come across a locked door, turn around to find the second of three terminals here.-Head to the stage’s third tower and stand on the elevator. Face the control panel, and then turn right. Jump over the obstacle, and find the third and final terminal on the stage.Halo-Traverse the first cave, and then head right until you come across a building. Walk along the passageway towards the building. Once inside, run left to find the terminal.Weapon descriptions:The following is a list of weapons and their descriptions:Assault rifleVery handy weapon to fight all enemies with, but not vehicles. This weapon is great for both covenant and flood and is available all through the game.Pistol/MagnumA very powerful dual-wielding gun that has high firing power. The new pistol no longer has a small zoom and has very little bullets. But great for taking out both covenant and flood.SMGJust as powerful as in Halo 2. I think it has been upgraded to have higher firing power and has a recoil. Great for taking out both covenant and flood but can be tricky to find. Dual wielded.Battle rifleA powerful burst-firing rifle that has high damage and high accuracy. Better for taking out covenant than flood. Great for sniping.ShotgunLow ranged but powerful weapon. Can hold small amount of ammunition but can fire in mid-reloading. Great against both covenant and flood but far more efficient verses flood.Sniper rifleAn extremely long-ranged rifle that can fire 4 shots in one round. Is the main weapon for sniping and usually takes 2 shots to kill in the torso.Rocket launcherAn extremely high damage weapon that is good for taking out powerful opponents and vehicles. Also useful against groups of enemies. Has a splashed damage so be careful, can be hazardous to yourself as well…Spartan laserThe most powerful weapon of the game but requires a long charged wait. Good for killing vehicles and powerful enemies. Vital to kill the Monitor.Plasma rifleA powerful weapon that is great against flood. Can dual-wield but will over-heat if fired for too long.Plasma pistolOne shot of a fully powered shot can take out all of your shield. A powerful but tricky weapon to use. Can be dual-wielded. Handy because of its high range and high attack speed. Is better against covenant.Brute spikerA brute weapon that is commonly used through out the game. Has a medium-sized clip and can be dual-wielded. Is more powerful against covenant.NeedlerCan no longer be dual-wielded but is much more powerful. Can now explode with 4 needles. Good against a group and powerful opponents.CarbineA covenant version of a battle rifle. Is very handy for sniping and close combat. Fires single shots and has an average round. Commonly used by Jackals.Brute shotA less powerful splash weapon that is handy for taking out crowds or vehicles. Has a high range and is very common throughout the game.Beam rifleA covenant sniper-rifle. Needs no clips but cannot be fired repeatedly due to overheating. Has high range and is powerful against brutes.Energy swordA melee weapon that is extremely powerful against one opponent. Usually a one-hit KO. Great against both covenant and flood. Has a small rush towards target before striking.Gravity hammerA rare and powerful melee weapon. Is only used by extremely powerful brutes. Can take out crowds and can push opponents away. Has a tiny rush when attacking.Frag grenadeIs a powerful and dangerous grenade that has the highest kill-radius. Has a bounce that can make killing opponents tricky.Plasma grenadeIs a weaker grenade that can stick to opponents and detonate killing those around it. Sticks only on opponents.Spike grenadeA less powerful but lethal version of a plasma grenade. When detonating is send spikes shooting in all directions. Can stick to BOTH opponents and vehicles.Unknown weaponExplodes on impact spreading flames around the area. Has a burning effect that is good against flood more than covenant but can spread.Multiplayer ranks:Reach the following ranks by getting the corresponding amount of skill and experience points.RANK – SKILL/EXPERIENCE POINTS1. Recruit – Skill: 0, EXP: 12. Apprentice – Skill: 0, EXP: 23. Apprentice Grade 2 – Skill: 0, EXP: 34. Private – Skill: 0, EXP: 55. Private Grade 2 – Skill: 0, EXP: 76. Corporal: Skill – 0, EXP: 107. Corporal Grade 2 – Skill: 0, EXP: 158. Sergeant – Skill: 0, EXP: 209. Sergeant Grade 2 – Skill: 0, EXP: 3010. Sergeant Grade 3 – Skill: 0, EXP: 4011. Gunnery Sergeant: Skill – 0, EXP: 5012. Gunnery Sergeant Grade 2 – Skill: 0, EXP: 6013. Gunnery Sergeant Grade 3 – Skill: 0, EXP: 15014. Gunnery Sergeant Grade 4 – Skill: 0, EXP: 30015. Lieutenant: Skill – 10, EXP: 7016. Lieutenant Grade 2 – Skill: 10, EXP: 8517. Lieutenant Grade 3 – Skill: 10, EXP: 20018. Lieutenant Grade 4 – Skill: 10, EXP: 40019. Captain – Skill: 20, EXP: 10020. Captain Grade 2 – Skill: 20, EXP: 15021. Captain Grade 3 – Skill: 20, EXP: 30022. Captain Grade 4 – Skill: 20, EXP: 60023. Major – Skill: 30, EXP: 20024. Major Grade 2 – Skill: 30, EXP: 30025. Major Grade 3 – Skill: 30, EXP: 60026. Major Grade 4 – Skill: 30, EXP: 1,20027. Commander – Skill: 35, EXP: 30028. Commander Grade 2 – Skill: 35, EXP: 45029. Commander Grade 3 – Skill: 35, EXP: 90030. Commander Grade 4 – Skill: 35, EXP: 1,80031. Colonel – Skill: 40, EXP: 40032. Colonel Grade 2 – Skill: 40, EXP: 60033. Colonel Grade 3 – Skill: 40, EXP: 1,20034. Colonel Grade 4 – Skill: 40, EXP: 1,80035. Brigadier – Skill: 45, EXP: 50036. Brigadier Grade 2 – Skill: 45, EXP: 1,00037. Brigadier Grade 3 – Skill: 45, EXP: 2,00038. Brigadier Grade 4 – Skill: 45, EXP: 4,00039. General: Skill – 50, EXP: 60040. General Grade 2 – Skill: 50, EXP: 1,20041. General Grade 3 – Skill: 50, EXP: 2,50042. General Grade 4 – Skill: 50, EXP: 5,000Extra grenades:To get extra grenades after killing someone in Multiplayer or System Link mode, slash the corpse with the Energy Sword.Alternate endings: Unlock the following alternate endings by performing the corresponding tasks:ALTERNATE ENDING – HOW TO UNLOCKAlternate ending 1 – Complete the game on Legendary difficulty.Alternate ending 2 – Complete the game on Legendary difficulty with all Skulls activated.Super fast Spartan laser fire:To fire the Spartan laser almost instantly, in Forge mode, charge a Spartan laser until its about to fire and then turn into the Monitor. Fly around until you find a target. Before you turn back into a human, hold RT to fire it.Easy experience in Multiplayer mode:To easily gain experience in Multiplayer mode, you will need four accounts on your console. Go to the matchmaking lobby and choose “Social”