Category – Xbox Cheats
Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCK5 Times Win! (25 points) – Win a total of 5 games of Sorry! against a friend. All Out Offensive (30 points) – Move 2 pawns from every opposing team back to the start in one game. Fragile Alliance (10 points) – Finish Sorry! without sending any of one teams pawns back to the start. I am not Sorry at all (30 points) – Win a multiplayer game in under 10 minutes. Master of the Cards (40 points) – Use all the Sorry! Bonus Cards in one game. My Apologies (5 points) – Move one pawn of an opposing team back to the start zone. Rainbow Dancing (10 points) – Win a game after moving one pawn from each team back to the start zone. Red Vengeance (20 points) – Use Sorry! on an opponent within one round of them using Sorry! on one of your pawns. The Yellow Dart (20 points) – Use a Sorry! yellow slide to send a pawn back to start. Win! (10 points) – Win one game of Sorry!?