Category – Xbox Cheats
Seraphic Gate:To unlock access to Seraphic Gate, beat the game and then load the cleared saved game file.Unlockable difficulties:To unlock Hard difficulty, completethe game on Normal difficulty. To unlock Infinity difficulty, complete the game on Hard difficulty.Item Creation:Improve the following skills by performing the corresponding tasks:SKILL – TASKImprove Alchemy – Go to Fayel, talk to the Alchimistier next to Savio in the castle, and give him a Dragon Eye.Improve Cooking – Go to Halgiti, talk to Rucha, and give her 1 Rare Salmon, 3 Sapran Green Peppers, 2 Prehistoric Meat, and 3 Piera Mushrooms.Improve Enchanting – Go to Sapran, talk to the elder by the chain, and answer his questions. The answers are 1. New moon, 2. Levan, 3. Bone comb, 4. Burgasstadt, and 5. Faina.Improve Forging – Go to Kolten, talk to Kristopher, and give him the third answer.Improve Writing – Go to Port Zala, and talk to Rico. Give him two Clerk Quills, one Genius Quill, 2 Lunatite, and 1 Amarlista. Michelle Item Creation:Michelle will make the following items at level 6 with improvements:ITEM – INGREDIENTSDamask Cloth – 2 Gold Metal, 2 Silver Metal, 1 MetatiteEmpryean Cloth – 3 Dasmask Cloth, 4 Holy Water (buy at Halgiti)Halgatian Paper – 3 Kenaf Cloth, 2 Lenteso WoodParchment – 2 Sheep Hide, 2 Buffalo HideRachnuvus Cloth – 2 Silk Cloth, 4 Rachnuvus Shells (from Rachnuvus spiders on first Seraphic Gate floor)Salamander Skin – 4 Snake Skin (from snake at Luce Plains), 1 Blaze Metal Seraphina Item Creation:Seraphina will make the following items at level 6 with improvements:ITEM – INGREDIENTSAtlantis Metal – 2 Crystalite Metal, 2 AmarlistaBlaze Metal – 2 Gold metal (buy at Halgiti), 3 Sunstone (buy at Fayel)Ceramic – 2 MarbleCopper Metal – 2 Iron Metal, 1 SandstoneCrystalite Metal – 2 Mecruius Metal, 2 Blaze MetalGenius Quill – 1 Pius Wood (from Yellow Gigas in second forest area in Seraphic Gate), 1 Dragon Fang (from snakes on Wyvern Seraphic Gate)Granite – 2 Sandstone (buy at Nolaan)Iron Metal – 2 Bronze Metal (buy at Halgiti)Lunatite – 2 Hearthstone (buy at Halgiti), 2 CeramicMarble – 2 GraniteMecurius Metal – 2 Prismatite Metal, 2 Blaze MetalPrismatite Metal – 2 Blaze Metal, 2 Gold MetalSilver Metal – 2 Steel Metal, 1 MarbleSteel Metal – 2 Copper Metal, 1 Granite Item Creation extra moves:The following Item Creation extra moves are available at level 6 with improved skills for the specified characters:MichelleHalgatian Paper – 3 Kenaf Cloth, 2 Lenteso Wood Rico-RicoAyas Simorgh Zal – 1 Memoir Of A Hunter, 2 Genius QuillsCapells Alfheim – 1 Memoir Of A Knight, 2 Genius QuillsCapells Levatine Slash – 1 Memoir Of A Warrior, 2 Genius QuillsEdwards Tempest Clash – 1 Memoir Of A Warrior, 2 Genius QuillsKomachis Nightshade – 1 Memoir Of A Thief, 2 Genius QuillsToumas Peerless Valor – 1 Memoir Of A Mercenary, 2 Genius Quills Rico or SavioMemoir Of A Alchemist (MAX MP 20%) – 3 Halgatian Paper, 1 Genius QuillMemoir Of A Hunter (MAX HIT 4) – 3 Halgatian Paper, 1 Genius QuillMemoir Of A Knight (MAX DEF 4) – 3 Halgatian Paper, 1 Genius QuillMemoir Of A Mage (MAX INT 4) – Halgatian Paper, 1 Genius QuillMemoir Of A Mercenary (MAX HP 20%) – 3 Halgatian Paper, 1 Genius QuillMemoir Of A Thief (MAX AGL 4) – 3 Halgatian Paper, 1 Genius QuillMemoir Of A Warrior (MAX ATK 4) – 3 Halgatian Paper, 1 Genius Quill Savio-SavioEugenes Geoquake – 1 Memoir Of A Alchemist, 2 Genius QuillsEugenes Pyrdance – 1 Memoir Of A Mage, 2 Genius QuillsMichelles Nekros – 1 Memoir Of A Mage, 2 Genius QuillsMichelles Voltsweep – 1 Memoir Of A Mage, 2 Genius QuillsRicos Geocrush – 1 Memoir Of A Mage, 2 Genius QuillsRuchas Miasma – 1 Memoir Of A Alchemist, 2 Genius QuillsRuchas Pyrgeddon – 1 Memoir Of A Alchemist, 2 Genius Quills SeraphinaGenius Quill – 1 Pius Wood, 1 Dragon Fang Armor item creation:The following armor are the best that can be made through Item Creation for the specified characters:Armor for Balbagon, Capell, Edward, and SigmundArmorHydra Armor (DEF 450, Anti-magic) – 3 Atlantis Metal, 2 Feeble Cloth, 1 Eclipse ArmorEclipse Armor (DEF 350, anti aliment 50%) – 3 Amirlista, 1 Crescent ArmorCrescent Armor – 3 Lunatite, 1 Prominence ArmorProminence Armor – 3 Blaze Metal, 1 Assault Suit HeadwearEclipse Helmet (DEF 120, Magic damage -50%) – 2 Amarlista, 1 Crescent HelmetCrescent Helmet – 2 Luatite, 1 Prominence HelmetProminence Helmet – 2 Blaze Metal, 1 Mercenary Helmet BootsEclipse Leggings (DEF 110, AGL 45, Anti-magic) – 1 Amarlista, 1 Crescent LeggingsCrescent Leggings – 1 Lunatite, 1 Prominence LeggingsProminence Leggings – 1 Blaze Metal, 1 Heavy Greaves Armor for Eugene, Michelle, Rico, and RuchaArmorBlessed Garb (DEF 200, INT 50) – 2 Empyrean Cloth (Michelle makes these), 1 Mage Robe (Eugene makes these)Mage Robe – 2 Rachnuvus Cloth (Michelle makes these), 1 Rachnuvus Sari (Eugene makes these)Rachnuvus Sari – 2 Rachnuvus Cloth (Michelle makes these), 1 Beast Fur Garb (buy at Halgiti after doing the Armorer sidequest) HeadwearVermillion Wing Piece (DEF 110, INT 30, MP consumption -20%) – 1 Amarlista, 1 Eye of Avifir (Eugene makes these) BootsKrathos sandals (DEF 95, AGL -20, INT 30) – 1 Amarlista, 2 Empyrean Cloth (Michelle makes these) Armor for Aya, Komachi, Touma, and VicArmorFierce Leapord Garb (DEF 180, AGL 20) – 3 Feeble cloth (Michelle can make these or can get them from purple dogs on the second forest area in Seraphic Gate), 1 Nighwhisper Uniform (buy at Halgiti after doing the Armorer sidequest)HeadwearEye of Avifir (DEF 105, HIT 40) – 2 Salamander Skin (Michelle makes these), 2 Garuda Skin (from Quetzalcotl “big birds” outside Port Zala), 1 Amarlista BootsKylin Sandals (DEF 110) – 2 Atlantis Metal, 1 Kylin BootsKyli Boots – 1 Empyrean cloth (Michelle makes these), 1 Amarlista Helping the shop people:To help the shop people in Halgiti after talking to Owen the old Nightwhisper next to Michelle, perform the following tasks:To help the item lady, give her 3 Lenteso Wood. Get them from the Lumpers on the mine floor in Seraphic Gate.To help the Armorer, kill the lizards outside Halgiti next to the teleporter to Kolton.To help the Weaponsmithm, give him 150,000 FOL.Afterward, they will sell better items and weapons but will get rid of some of the old ones. Buy 99 Silver Metal from the item lady before giving her the Lenteso Wood. The item lady sells these once you have given her the Lenteso Wood:Cloths – Linen Cloth, Cotton Cloth, Bark Cloth, Ramie Cloth, Kenaf Cloth, Buffalo Hide, Silver Fox Fur, Rabbit HideMetals – Gold Metal, Titanium Metal, Bronze Metal, Hearth Stone, Metatite, Metal FragmentWoods – Ebony Wood, Lux Wood, Lenteso WoodEasy money hints:-In the first town, after defeating the Shine, go to the market and buy Red Berry for 30 and Blue Berry for 35, for a total of 65. Make 100% Berry Juice using Rucho, then sell it back to the market for 225 for a profit of 160.- After completing the Shrine event in Nolaan at the start, use the following crafting steps to help make easy money.1. Help the merchant woman in the shop with deliveries. It takes about five minutes and allows for better merchandise:a. Deliver the pottery wheel to the cranky old man that lives in the house which, when leaving the shop, is directly across the alley from the stairs.b. Give the hair clip to woman in front of shop,c. Give the iron weights to the energetic old man running around near the well.2. Do Castle Prevant and destroy the Azure chain.3. Return to Nolaan and connect with Aya or Rucha. Buy twice as many red berries as blue berries, then create 100% berry juice. The cost to create each juice is approximately 95 Fol.4. Repeat step 3 as many times as desired. To level Edward’s blacksmithing, save up until you can buy 99 sandstone. Then, make sandstone rings until you can create smile charms, which cost 240 Fol to make (two sheep skin at 120 each and sell for 1,500 Foll; or roughly 1,340 Fol profit each. About 99 of those is worth over 100,000 Fol. If you cannot find Edward, he is near the front of the town, and Aya hangs out in Rico and Rucha’s mother’s house on top of the hill. At some point if you get bored with the sandstone, relax but save all metal scraps, as well as bronze and iron metal, until Edward can create plate armor. You can create the plate armor, but it takes time, effort, and patience to level his blacksmithing.-Have Edward, Eugene and Rucha in your party and buy the following: Sliced Fish, Deviant Fish, Iron, Granite and Sheep Hide. To buy 99 of each will cost about 46,000 total. After buying all of those goods, head to Port Zala and use all three party members? skills to create a Deviant Fish Platter, Smiley Charm, and Horseshoe Charm. All of the goods will sell to Faina for 249,000, making you 203,000 each time you attempt this technique!-At the very start of the game, there?s a great technique to earn a profit. Level up Edwards first, doing so by making the Cork Bow. Once your party regroups after saving Aya, head back to Nolaan. Once you can make the Smile Charm, go to town and purchase Sheep Skins, as many as you can. It takes two Sheep Skins to make a Smile Charm, and while the materials cost you 240, they will earn you 1,500 when sold! Later in the game, when you can go to Port Zala, you can purchase Iron and Granite from Faina, allowing you to make the Horseshoe Charm. These items sell for 2,600! Both of these techniques are quick and easy, so give ?em a try!Castle Valette maze puzzle hint:In Castle Valette, you will find a portion of the castle where you see a glyph on the wall. Sheathe your sword and read it to see that it says the following: “The crimson flame engulfs the alabaster bird, which ever-hungry feeds on azure skies, clouds that cover amber lands, sealing in, onyx seas whose waters quench wild fire. repeat the cycle to weave the path together”. That is your hint to get through the maze. It translates as red floor panel go through white door, white floor panel go through blue door, blue floor panel go through yellow door, yellow floor panel go through pink door, pink floor panel go through red door. Note: If no colors are appearing on the doors, make sure all your party members are completely inside the room and the door you walked through is closed.Weapons from Seraphic GateCreate the following weapons by using the corresponding items:Capell/SigmundAzureal Blade – 2 Amarlista, 1 Gram, 1 Embolized Sword (do not sell this you get it from Sigmund at the start of the game). Stats – ATK 2600, HIT 50, MP Regeneration 1%, MP 10%, HP 10%.Gram – 3 Atlantis Metal, 1 Quartz (from Gigas in Wyvern Seraphic Gate area, Flying swords in undead Seraphic Gate area or Seraphina can make them), 1 Aqua blade (Buy at Port Zala).Seraphic Gate Weapon – Celestial Sword. Stats – ATK 2500, HIT 30, HP drain 1%, MP drain 1%.EdwardKarathos Blade – 1 Ascalon, 1 Krathos Sandals (Kristopher makes these), 1 Krathos Necklace (Kristopher makes these). Stats – ATK 3050, HIT 50, HP absorb attack, MP absorb attack.Ascalon – 3 Atlantis Metal, 2 Ring Of Life (Kristopher makes these), 1 Atlantis blade.Atlantis Blade – 3 Atlantis Metal, 1 Dullahan.Dullahan – 3 Cyrstalite Metal (Seraphina makes these or the people on the Gabriel floor drop them), 1 Braveheart (Buy at Halgiti after doing the Armorer sidequest).Seraphic Gate Weapon” Hrotti. Stats – ATK 2500, HIT 30/EugeneCaduceus – 2 Atlantis Metal, 2 Amarlista, 2 Moon Staff Stats – ATK 700, HIT 30, INT 1450, Earth damage 30%, HP regeneration 3%, MP regeneration 1%.Moon Staff – 2 Atlantis Metal, 2 Lunatite (Serphenia makes them), 1 Ancient StaffAncient Staff – 1 Amarlista, 1 Atlantis Metal, 1 Holy Staff (buy at Kolton)Seraphic Gate Weapon – Discipline staff. Stats – ATK 600, INT 1300, HIT 30.BalbagonMjoinir – 3 Atlantis Metal, 1 Eye of Avifir (Eugene makes these), 1 Ground Breaker. Stats – ATK 3450, HIT 40, HP 10%.Ground Breaker – 2 Atlantis Metal, 3 Ceramic Ring (buy at Kolton), 1 Bardiche (Yellow Gigas drop these on second forest area in Seraphic Gate).Bardiche – 2 Amarlista, Crystalite Axe (buy at Halgiti after doing the armorer sidequest).Seraphic Gate Weapon – Executione. Stats – 4000 ATK, HP drain 1%, DEF – 10 %/RuchaMystic Drum – 1 Atlantis Metal, 1 Okedo Taiko Drum (found on the undead Seraphic Gate floor), 1 Empyrean Cloth (Michelle makes these) Stats – ATK 600, HIT 30, INT 1650, Magic damage 10%, Casting time down, EXP 10%.Seraphic Gate Weapon – Okedo Taiko Drum. Stats – ATK 550, INT 1450, HIT 30, Charm attack.AyaAvifir Bow – 3 Pious Wood (Yellow Gigas drop these on second forest area in Seraphic Gate), 1 Eye of Avifir (Eugene makes these), 1 Vermillion Wind Piece (Kristopher makes these). Stats – ATK 1370, HIT 50, Fire attack, MP consumption -20%.Seraphic Gate Weapon – Sarnga. Stats – ATK 830, HIT 40, MP 10%.ToumaHoly King – 2 Atlantis Metal, 2 Pious Wood (Yellow Gigas drop these on second forest area in Seraphic Gate), 1 Rage. Stats – ATK 2200, HIT 40, DEF 10, Silence attack.Rage – 2 Atlantis Metal, 2 Pious Wood, 1 Dragon Edge (buy at Halgiti after doing the armorer sidequest)Seraphic Gate Weapon – Divinity. Stats – 2500 ATK, 10 DEF, Stone attack.KomachiPlovers – 2 Atlantis Metal, 1 Vulture Weapon, 1 Jacana Weapon. Stats – ATK 1700 HIT 40.Vulture – 1 Atlantis Metal, 2 Shrike WeaponsJocana – 2 Amarlista, 2 Eagle eye Accessory, 2 Raven weapons (buy at Halgiti after doing the armorer sidequest)Shrike – 1 Amarlista, 2 Raven weapons (buy at Halgiti after doing the armorer sidequest)Seraphic Gate Weapon – Nighthawk. Stats – ATK 2000, HIT 50, Curse attack, Weird noise.GustavClaws of Glory:3 Atlantis Metal, 1 Dragon Claws (buy at Halgiti after doing the armorer sidequest). Stats – ATK 3800, HIT 20, Critical rae 3%, Autoguard rate 3%.Seraphic Gate Weapon – Sabris Claws. Stats – ATK 4000, HIT 20, HP 20%, Freeze attack.VicJambia – 2 Atlantis Metal, 1 Carnwennan. Stats – ATK 1500, HIT 50.Carnwennan – 2 Amarlista, 1 Viperfang (get from Queen wasps on first forest Seraphic Gate floor)Seraphic Gate Weapon – Moon Blade. Stats – ATK 1700, HIT 50, HP absorb attack.MichelleSeraphic Gate Weapon – Genesis. Stats – ATK 300, INT 1850, HIT 30, Magic damage 10%, Casting time down.Accessories creation:Create the following accessories by using the corresponding items: SigmundNote: He has to be in your party outside of a town to make the following accessories. Only girls can equip Eternal Rose.Blossom Ring – 2 LaurelLei – 2 LaurelKristopherKristopher makes these at Level 6 Item Creation with improvements:King Of Kings – 1 Queen Of Queens (Seraphina makes these), 1 Servant Of Jacks (from Lumpers in mine Seraphic Gate floor). Stats – Magic damage 10%, Anti-ailment, AP consumption.Eternal Rose – 2 Amarlista, 1 Blossom Ring (Sigmund makes these), 1 Lei (Sigmund makes these). Stats – HP Regeneration 3%, MP Regeneration 1%.Moon Drop – 2 Amarlista, 1 Lunar Suppressant (buy at Halgiti), 1 Lunar Suppressant X (buy at Halgiti). Stats – Tranquil Glyph; characters with glyphs charge slower with the rain.Crimson Moon – 2 Lunatite (Seraphina makes these), 1 Lunar Incense (enemies on Halgiti Seraphic Gate floor drop these), 1 Lunar Powder (enemies on Halgiti Seraphic Gate floor drop these). Stats – Chaotic Glyph; characters with glyphs charge faster with the rain.Harvest Coin – 2 Gold Metal (buy at Halgiti), 1 Silver Metal (Seraphina makes these). Stats – Gold 10%.Wisdom Coin – 2 Harvest Coins, 1 Four-leaf Clover (buy at Halgiti). Stats – EXP 10%.Sabris Wristband – 2 Atlantis Metal, 1 Amarlista Ring. Stats – HP 20%, MP 20%, all stats 5).Dragon Wristband – 3 Dragon Hide (big birds on desert Seraphic Gate floor drop these), 1 Oversized Wristband. Stats – ATK/DEF 5%, ATK/DEF 100, HIT 20, AGL 10, Gustav only.Karathos Wristband – 3 Ceramic (Seraphina makes these), 1 Sheep Wristband (Kristopher easily make these. Stats – Main party EXP 100%, people not in party get same amount of EXP as you.Saruleus Ring – 1 Atlantis Metal, 1 Dragon Eye (Lava Glutton on first forest Seraphic Gate floor drop these), 1 Amarlista Ring. Stats – ATK 200, INT 20.Amarlista Ring – 1 Amarlista, 1 Ring of Heart, 1 Ring of Life. Stats – Magic Damage 10%, INT 5.Ring of Heart – 1 Pius wood (from Gigas’s in the Seraphic Gate), 1 Lentesco Ring (buy at Halgiti). Stats – MP Regenaration 1%.Ring of Life – 1 Malus wood (from Vine ladies in the Seraphic Gate), 1 Lentesco Ring (buy at Halgiti). Stats – HP Regenaration 3%.Crafting upgrades:Upgrade the following types of crafting by performing the corresponding tasks:Cooking:-After reaching Port Zala on Disc 2, buy as many Red and Blue Berries as you can afford from Faina. Make 100% Berry Juice until you reach IC Level 3. Sell any you do not want for a decent profit.-Go back to Faina and purchase as much Honey and Wood Syrup as you can afford. Make Royal Jelly until IC Level 6. Sell any you do not want for a decent profit.Alchemy-After reaching Port Zala on Disc 2, buy as much Cork Wood as you can afford from Faina. Make Papyrus Paper until you reach IC Level 4. Keep the Papyrus Paper as you will need it for the Writing skill.-Go back to Faina and purchase as many Green Berries as you can afford. Make Green Berry Potions until IC Level 6. Sell any you do not want for a decent profit.Blacksmith-After reaching Port Zala on Disc 2, buy as much Bronze Metal as you can afford from Faina. Make Bronze Scale Greaves until you reach IC Level 3. Do not sell any of them as you will need them for the next step.-Go back to Faina and again purchase as much Bronze Metal as you can afford. Make Bronze Plate Greaves until IC Level 6. Sell any you do not want for a very good profit.Scribe-After you cutthe chain in Port Zala, go to the General Store and buy as much Papyrus Paper as you can afford. Write “Talk With Animals” or “Intro to Astrology” until IC Level 3. Sell the books to get your money back.-After arriving in Kolton, go to the General Store and buy as much Pulp Paper and Quills as you can afford. Write “Animal Secrets” or “Understanding Astrology” until IC Level 4. Sell this book for a small profit.-Go to the General Store in Kolton and purchase Writer’s Quill’s and Pulp Paper. Go to The Emporium and buy the “Fear of the Unseen” weapon. Write “Endless Tale” until IC Level 6. Sell the books for a decent profit.Enchanter-After reaching Port Zala on Disc 2, buy some Cork Wood from Faina. Keep using the Air Attack enchantment until you reach IC Level 2.-Return to Faina, and again buy as much Bronze Metal as you can afford from Faina. Keep using the DEF 5% enchantment until you reach IC Level 3.-Return to Faina and again buy as much Bronze Metal as you can afford. Keep using the Autoguard Rate 10% enchantment until you reach IC Level 6.Seraphic Gate Boss stats:The following Bosses have the corresponding stats under the Normal difficulty setting:BOSS – STATSVembert (Red Gigas) – HP 268,000; Element – UnknownWyvern (Dragon) – HP 534,000; Element – Green 100, Red -50, Brown 100, Yellow 100, Black 250.Leviathan (Squid) – HP 417,000; Element – Green 100, Red 100, Brown 250, Yellow 100, Black -50.Peluda (Fire beast) – HP 400,000; Element – Green 100, Red -50, Brown 100, Yellow 100, Black 250.Gabriel Celeste (Boy with six wings) – HP 1,045,000; Element – Green 100, Red 100, Brown 100, Yellow 100, Black 100. The magic balls had about HP 14,000.Rib Farager (Reaper) – HP 400,000; Element – Green 100, Red 250, Brown 100, Yellow 50, Black 100.Seaspawn (Turtle) – HP 500,000; Element – Green 100, Red 100, Brown 250, Yellow 100, Black -50.Grymon (Knight) – HP 500,000; Element – Green 100, Red 100, Brown 100, Yellow 100, Black 100. The magic balls have about 22,000 HP.Leonid (Dark knight) – HP 1,800,000; Element – Green 100, Red 100, Brown 100, Yellow 100, Black 50.Ethereal Queen (Girl with six wings) – HP 2,400,000; Element – Green 100, Red 100, Brown 100, Yellow 100, Black 100. The magic balls have about 60,000 HP. Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKSurprise! (5 points) – Attack the enemy without being detected.Blitzkrieg (10 points) – Keep on surprising the enemy.Infinitely Unobservant (10 points) – Keep on getting surprised by the enemy.Groundbreaking (20 points) – Work on your ground combos.Aerial Acrobat (20 points) – Work on your aerial combos.Down to Earth (20 points) – Work on your down strikes.Stalwart (30 points) – Learn every battle skill.Sagacious (30 points) – Learn every spell.Artistic (30 points) – Learn every tune.Compulsive (50 points) – Obtain every item.Mister Chef (5 points) – Improve your cooking skills.Claridian Chef (10 points) – Keep improving your cooking skills.Aspiring Chemist (5 points) – Improve your alchemy skills.Claridian Mind (10 points) – Keep improving your alchemy skills.Goldsmith (5 points) – Improve your forging skills.Claridian Hammer (10 points) – Keep improving your forging skills.Bestselling Author (5 points) – Improve your writing skills.Claridian Scribe (10 points) – Keep improving your writing skills.High Enchanter (5 points) – Improve your enchanting skills.Claridian Hand (10 points) – Keep improving your enchanting skills.Social Butterfly (10 points) – Take advantage of your party’s skills.Filthy Rich (20 points) – Gather as much Fol as you can.Hero of the Millennium (20 points) – Defeat as many enemies as you can.Time for Glasses? (30 points) – Keep on clocking hours.Barrel of Lulz (15 points) – Detonate all the barrels in prison.On the Run (30 points) – Deliver Aya to the village without getting hurt.Rock, Stock, and Barrel (30 points) – Use machines of war to destroy your foes.Capell to the Rescue (30 points) – Rescue the imprisoned.Guardian (30 points) – Deliver the villagers without letting any of them perish.For the Children (30 points) – Rescue the child before he gets hurt.Reckless Driver (30 points) – Use the carts in the mine.The Tide of Battle (20 points) – Watch out for the tsunami.Imperial Guard (20 points) – Hurry to the empress.Marathon Man (20 points) – Hurry to the village under attack.Hephaestus’s Hammer (30 points) – Forge an Azureal blade.Creme de la Creme (30 points) – Cook a Heaven and Earth Dish.Mad Scientist (30 points) – Alchemize a Holy Grail.Summa Cum Laude (30 points) – Write “Will of the Universe”.Bad Influence (30 points) – Allow nine characters to vermify.Cherubic Gatekeeper (30 points) – Defeat Ethereal Queen in Hard mode.Azure Avenger (10 points) – Destroy the Azure Chain.Crimson Crusader (10 points) – Destroy the Crimson Chain.Orange Officer (10 points) – Destroy the Orange Chain.Cerulean Savior (10 points) – Destroy the Cerulean Chain.Amber Ace (10 points) – Destroy the Amber Chain.Ashen Assailant (10 points) – Destroy the Ashen Chain.Vengeance at Last (30 points) – Defeat the Dreadknight.Decide (45 points) – Defeat Veros.Big Daddy’s Back (49 points) – Sigmund joined your party in the Seraphic Gate.Seraphic Gatekeeper (1 point) – Defeat Ethereal Queen in Infinity mode.