Category – Xbox Cheats
Xbox Cheats Title – Judge Dredd vs Death
Block War arcade level:
Successfully complete Chapter 1: The Halls of Justice in story mode.
Breakout arcade level:
Successfully complete Chapter 8: Smokatorium in story mode.
Defeating vampires:
Save your ammunition by shooting them once with an incendiary round. They will run away instead of chasing you. Keep moving until they fall to the ground and burn into a pile of bones. This is useful in the Prison and Undercity levels.
Deformed Mode cheat:
Successfully complete the DeMarco PI level in arcade mode.
DeMarco PI arcade level:
Successfully complete Chapter 2: Nixon Penitentiary in story mode.
Escort Duty arcade level:
Successfully complete Chapter 10: Undercity in story mode.
Fugitive arcade level:
Successfully complete Chapter 3: The Docks in story mode.
Ghost cheat:
Successfully complete the Night Shift level in arcade mode.
Headless cheat:
Successfully complete the Riot level in arcade mode.
Infinite Ammo cheat:
Successfully complete the Escort Duty level in arcade mode.
Infinite Lawmeter cheat:
Successfully complete the Visiting Hours level in arcade mode.
Infinite Medi-paks cheat:
Successfully complete the Training Day level in arcade mode.
Low Gravity Ragdoll cheat:
Successfully complete the Block War level in arcade mode.
Mirror World cheat:
Successfully complete the Walter’s Wobot Wampage level in arcade mode.
Night Shift arcade level:
Successfully complete Chapter 4: Ryder Mega-Mall in story mode.
Pinhead cheat:
Successfully complete the Fugitive level in arcade mode.
Play as Business Female:
Successfully complete Icarus Labs in story mode with a ‘Rookie’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Business Female Undead:
Successfully complete Smokatorium in story mode with a ‘Senior Judge’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Business Male Undead:
Successfully complete Smokatorium in story mode with a ‘Street Judge’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Cadet:
Successfully complete Halls of Justice in story mode with a ‘Judge Dredd’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Casual Female:
Successfully complete Smokatorium in story mode with a ‘Rookie’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Casual Male:
Successfully complete Smokatorium in story mode with a ‘Cadet’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Casual Undead Female:
Successfully complete Undercity in story mode with a ‘Rookie’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Casual Undead Male:
Successfully complete Undercity in story mode with a ‘Cadet’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Charred Skeleton:
Successfully complete Deadworld in story mode with a ‘Cadet’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Cult Assassin:
Successfully complete Mean Streets in story mode with a ‘Judge Dredd’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Cult Guard:
Successfully complete Undercity in story mode with a ‘Senior Judge’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Cult Priest:
Successfully complete Undercity in story mode with a ‘Street Judge’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Cybergoth A:
Successfully complete Mean Streets in story mode with a ‘Cadet’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Cybergoth B:
Successfully complete Mean Streets in story mode with a ‘Rookie’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Dr Icarus:
Successfully complete Icarus Labs in story mode with a ‘Judge Dredd’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Eldster Female Undead:
Successfully complete Resyk in story mode with a ‘Senior Judge rating.
Play as Eldster Male Undead:
Successfully complete Resyk in story mode with a ‘Street Judge rating.
Play as Female Cult Disciple:
Successfully complete Mean Streets in story mode with a ‘Street Judge’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Female Hood:
Successfully complete The Docks in story mode with a ‘Senior Judge’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Female Hood Inmate:
Successfully complete Nixon Penitentiary in story mode with a ‘Rookie’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Female Psi Judge:
Successfully complete Deadworld in story mode with a ‘Street Judge’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Female Punk:
Successfully complete Ryder Mega-Mall in story mode with a ‘Cadet’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Female Punk Inmate:
Successfully complete Nixon Penitentiary in story mode with a ‘Senior Judge’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Female Scrawler:
Successfully complete Halls of Justice in story mode with a ‘Rookie’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Female Vagrant:
Successfully complete The Docks in story mode with a ‘Rookie’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Hospital Worker:
Successfully complete Clooney Hospital in story mode with a ‘Cadet’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Judge Anderson:
Successfully complete Zombie Apocalypse in arcade mode with a ‘Judge Dredd’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Judge Death:
Successfully complete Deadworld in story mode with a ‘Judge Dredd’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Judge Fear:
Successfully complete Undercity in story mode with a ‘Judge Dredd’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Judge Fire:
Successfully complete Smokatorium in story mode with a ‘Judge Dredd’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Judge Hershey:
Successfully complete Public Relations in arcade mode with a ‘Judge Dredd’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Judge Mortis:
Successfully complete Clooney Hospital in story mode with a ‘Judge Dredd’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Judge Rico:
Successfully complete Deadworld in story mode with a ‘Senior Judge’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Large Undead:
Successfully complete Ryder Mega-Mall in story mode with a ‘Street Judge’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Male Cult Disciple:
Successfully complete Mean Streets in story mode with a ‘Senior Judge’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Male Hood:
Successfully complete The Docks in story mode with a ‘Street Judge’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Male Hood Inmate:
Successfully complete Nixon Penitentiary in story mode with a ‘Cadet’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Male Judge Undead:
Successfully complete Resyk in story mode with a ‘Judge Dredd rating.
Play as Male Psi Judge:
Successfully complete Deadworld in story mode with a ‘Rookie’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Male Punk:
Successfully complete Ryder Mega-Mall in story mode with a ‘Rookie’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Male Punk Inmate:
Successfully complete Nixon Penitentiary in story mode with a ‘Street Judge’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Male Scrawler:
Successfully complete Halls of Justice in story mode with a ‘Cadet’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Male Vagrant:
Successfully complete The Docks in story mode with a ‘Cadet’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Med Judge:
Successfully complete Nixon Penitentiary in story mode with a ‘Judge Dredd’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Med Judge Undead:
Successfully complete Clooney Hospital in story mode with a ‘Rookie’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Necrus:
Successfully complete The Docks in story mode with a ‘Judge Dredd’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Regen Worker:
Successfully complete Icarus Labs in story mode with a ‘Cadet’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Resyk Worker:
Successfully complete Resyk in story mode with a ‘Cadet rating.
Play as SJS Judge:
Successfully complete Ryder Mega-Mall in story mode with a ‘Judge Dredd’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Skinny Undead:
Successfully complete Ryder Mega-Mall in story mode with a ‘Senior Judge’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Suit A:
Successfully complete Halls of Justice in story mode with a ‘Street Judge’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Suit B:
Successfully complete Halls of Justice in story mode with a ‘Senior Judge’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Tek Judge:
Successfully complete Clooney Hospital in story mode with a ‘Senior Judge’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Undead Hospital Worker:
Successfully complete Clooney Hospital in story mode with a ‘Street Judge’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Undead Resyk Worker:
Successfully complete Resyk in story mode with a ‘Rookie rating.
Play as Vampire Female:
Successfully complete Icarus Labs in story mode with a ‘Senior Judge’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Play as Vampire Male:
Successfully complete Icarus Labs in story mode with a ‘Street Judge’ rank to unlock this character in multi-player mode.
Public Relations arcade level:
Successfully complete Chapter 5: Icarus Labs in story mode.
Riot arcade level:
Successfully complete Chapter 6: Mean Streets in story mode.
Touch of Mortis cheat:
Successfully complete the Breakout level in arcade mode.
Training Day arcade level:
Successfully complete Chapter 11: Deadworld in story mode.
Visiting Hours arcade level:
Successfully complete Chapter 9: Resyk in story mode.
Zombie Apocalypse arcade level:
Successfully complete Chapter 7: Clooney Hospital in story mode.