Category – Xbox Cheats
Xbox Cheats Title – Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings
Infinite ring use,ammo,health:
Infinite Ring:YBABYX
Infinite Ammo:XBYAXB
Infinite Health:YAXBAY
When you reach the door of Moria,as gandalf, hit X against the door. it will ask which chant gandalf can say. pick “Mellon”.
Walk fast while blocking:
To move fast while blocking, franticly press the B button. Yeah, sure it looks weird but on certain levels its a good idea
Getting past the 21st Hall:
To get past the 21st Hall in Moria, go to the platforms in the middle of the room. Stand on one of them then save the game. After you’re done saving, load the game and walk off the platform. You’ll see it stays down. Just do it again and again for each one and you can leave the level.
Get past Black Riders:
To get past the riders sneak past the ones that are off horses by using the ring and the ones on horses hide behind rock or something nearby.
Note: save Ring power, also when using the infinite ring,ammo,health cheats do you go to the start screen or something to type in those
Basic strategy:
In the beginning horde the honey combs. They are an extremely powerful strength booster. You will need them starting a few levels later in the game.
Also you don’t have to kill every spider
you come across. For the most part you can outrun them and move faster then they can. Which means you can run circles around them and get your items from cracking open the little mounds of dirt that the spiders are always hanging around.
Basic strategy 2 and 1st boss:
Don’t waste your firecrackers or apples either. you will need them later on harder enemies.
OK presuming you made it out on your journey you will come across a big tree who wants to eat your friends. You will have to beat the tentacles a few times that are popping out of the ground. Then the tree animates itself and will try to smash you with its main branches. That’s the ticket,, hit his hands when they are resting on the ground. After a few good whacks a jolly weird guy steps in and sings the tree to sleep. Fight is over.
Basic strategy 3 and second boss:
Try not to use the ring or steal your neighbors stuff. All of which drops your humanity. The second main boss you actually have to fight is in a cave that you have to bust some rocks out of the way to get in.
I wasted all my ammo and then realized I had a note in my inventory that was from the guy who sang the tree to sleep(read basic strategy 2). OK here’s what to do.
Use your dagger only and you will have to hit him about 4 times before he disappears in the dirt. Do this sequence a few times and then Froto will say he needs help. Then read the letter by pressing the black button when you have it pulled up in your right inv. window.,, boss beaten. For extra goodies try to get the chest open that is sitting up on the ramp BEFORE you read the letter.
Spiders and Lillies:
Ok if you don’t like spiders you will not like this round. 12 lillies is what you need.
For the first lillie and some cool weapons stay to the left after you leave the tree that you just defeated. You will come across a big Rock with spiders on the left of it.
Run right up to the rock and you will see a ledge, climb it and make your way to the top of the rock mass. Thats your first flower but before you get down look at the closest tree and you will see a sparkle up in the leaves. Throw a few rocks at it and it will drop some steal balls used for throwing. They land on the ground. Jump down carefully and get them.
Outrun the spiders except when you run across some bees wich means a hive in a tree and honey comb. You need that honeycomb so do whatever it takes to get it. The rest of the lillies are up to you to find. the first one was the hardest to find.
Get better walking stick:
Go to the place where you find the thing that rings the bell. The man asks you to get him some ingredients for a pie. He wants a honeycomb and an egg. On your way from Bag end you’ll see a building with a ladder next to it. There is a cram on top of the building. Climb the ladder. Then throw a rock at the wind pane. If you do this the guy will give you an egg. In order to get the honeycomb, just go to a beehive and start throwing rocks at it. A honeycomb will fall out of it. Take the egg and the honeycomb to the guy and he will give you a choice between ointment and a walking stick. If I were you, I would choose the walking stick because it is a useful weapon in the beginning of your journey.Unlimited Charges (Frodo):While idle during the game (not moving or attacking)press Y, B, A, B, Y, X.Unlockable: Infinite SpiritYou must beat the game once, and find at least 12 secrets.Get the Fish:Just before you get to the second campfire with the two trolls and the wolves, look for a fallen tree. Follow it to the top of the hill and you will meet Gollum. After a brief cutscene, the vile creature will throw you a fish — which, for the rest of the game, replaces Aragorn’s sword and proves to be a mighty weapon indeed.Infinite Magic For Gandalf:During gameplay, quickly press X, Y, A, X, B, X.Infinite Ammo:To cheat your way to infinite ammo, press these buttons quickly during gameplay: X, B, Y, A, X, B.Infinite Ring Power:To have infinite ring power, quickly press Y, B, A, B, Y, X during gameplay (Frodo only).Unlimited Health:During gameplay, press Y, A, X, B, A, Y quickly to get inifinite health.