Category – Xbox Cheats
Unlockable Heroes:Unlock the following Heroes by performing the corresponding tasks:HERO – HOW TO UNLOCKAvatan – Win 10 Capture and Hold games.Berethor – Beat Good Campaign.Celebrim – Win 10 Resource Race games.Felek – Win 10 Hero Vs Hero games.Fhaleen – Win 10 King of the Hillgames.Hadhod – Beat Good Rivendell with all bonus objectives (Level 1 – Good Campaign).Idrial – Beat Good Dol Guldur with all bonus objectives (Level 8 – Good Campaign).Krashnak – Beat Evil Lorien with all bonus objectives (Level 1 – Evil Campaign).Maur – Beat Good Blue Mountains with all bonus objectives (Level 4 – Good Campaign).Mektar – Beat Good Campaign without a Hero dying.Ohta – Win 10 Versus games.Olog – Beat Evil Rivendell with all bonus objectives (Level 8 – Evil Campaign).Thrugg – Beat Evil Fornost with all bonus objectives (Level 4 – Evil Campaign).Tumna – Beat Evil Campaign.Urulooke – Beat Evil Campaign without a Hero dying. Ring Heroes:To recruit a Ring Hero for 9,000 resources, you must kill Gollum to get the ring. Then take the ring back to your fortress. Gollum is hidden in all Skirmish and Multiplayer maps.Enemies strategies:-When facing large groups of enemies, have a lot of defensive structures in your base and teleport the opponents to your base. The towers should kill the enemies before they can do significant damage. The Convert spell will also work as they are free men.-Note: This strategy works best with elves.To kill armies (including brutal) easily, get as many Mirkwoods as possible. Have them guard your fortress while making sure they get Silverthorn Arrows. Then, get Glorfindel, Arwen, and three to five groups of horses. Upgrade them completely and send them around the back of the enemy base. Have them attack. This works almost every time. Make sure that Glorfindel and Arwen are on their horses. It also helps to have Rally Call and Heal. -On the Minis Tirith, Minis Morgul, Helm’s Deep, or Isengard maps, build your army and close the gate. Place three battalions of Archers on the walls of both sides of the gate. When the enemies start attack, kill them. You can open and close your gate quickly from time to time to taunt them. They will try to enter when you open the gate, but your archers should take care of them.Easy experience hint:To quickly level your race up in Skirmish mode, create a hero that can learn the Recruit Battlions power. Set up a game against an easy AI with a handicap of -95%. As soon as the game starts, create your hero and rush into the enemy while using the power to summon a battalion. The skirmish will be over in two minutes.Grey Havens strategy:Start at the bottom-most part and build as many resource collectors as possible. Then, capture the Shipright. Get Builders to build Wall Hubs where the Cave Trolls lair is found (kill it first) and build a wall. Then, build units and an upgrade structure. Get your units upgraded as much as possible. Put some by the wall to defend it, then send the rest to the Shipright. Build the number of transports needed. Put the units by the Shipright onto the transports. Send the transports to the enemy camp. Another way is to split your units up and surround the camp. Destroy all the structures except for the fortress. Finally, destroy the fortress.The Shire strategy:The third level of the Evil campaign requires you to capture the Shire. This mission is pretty easy, up to a point. When you reach the part where you must build a base in the Eastfarthing, built it with two of each building (including Fortresses). Also, build at least ten Sentry Towers and upgrade your Fortress to the maximum, then build all your Fortress expansions as Mountain Giants. Stay in your base and repel all Dunedain attacks until you have killed them all. You will be notified when all Dunedain are dead. When you reach the part where you must destroy the three remaining Seats of Power, only send one Goblin horde to destroy them, as there is pretty much no resistance with the Dunedain defeated. Do not destroy the Seat of Power in the bottom-left corner of the mini-map. At this point, build a large army with at least 750 command points available. Purchase all available upgrades for your Goblins, then send all your units to the large, grassy field at the bottom-left corner of the mini-map, just south of the last remaining Seat of Power. Destroy the last remaining Seat of Power with as little units as possible, then retreat a short distance to the north. This is necessary because a volley of arrows will kill many goblins if you remain in that grassy field. After a couple seconds, quickly return to the grassy field and a large army from Isengard will emerge, led by Grima Wormtoungue. Fight this army until only two Goblin hordes remain in your forces. Send these troops to your base and build as many Goblin hordes as fast as you can. In a very short time the army will attack your base. Do not try to defend any other buildings besides one Goblin cave and your Fortress. Uruk-Hai will lay waste to your forces in a short time, but your fully upgraded fortress should hold them back while you create more Goblin hordes. After awhile of relentless Uruk-Hai attacks, the flow of enemies will stop. At this time, rebuild your base and construct a large army, then lead this army into the Isengard base and kill Grima. This part of the level is very difficult, as the Ballista will quickly destroy your units. Destroying the Ballista first is recommended, if not necessary.Postern Gates strategy:Never put in gates when building a wall around your base in Skirmish mode. Instead, always put in Postern Gates; a small door in a wall that allows allies to pass through, but not enemies. It is invisible to the enemy, making passing through a wall undetectable. Allies can pass through a Postern Gates as fast as they would pass through a regular gate.General strategies:-Never rush your opponent’s territory. Instead, either send in a camo capable unit or a very cheap, weak unit such as Orc Warriers. Always scope out your opponent’s base before attacking with stronger units-When attacking, use melee soldiers to attack buildings while the Bowmen and Cavalry take out enemy units.Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKDefend Rivendell (5 points) – Beat Good Rivendell with all bonus objectives on Level 1.Clear The High Pass (5 points) – Beat Good High Pass with all bonus objectives on Level 2.Cleanse The Ettenmoors (10 points) – Beat Good Ettenmoors with all bonus objectives on Level 3.Reclaim The Blue Mountains (10 points) – Beat Good Blue Mountains with all bonus objectives on Level 4.Secure The Grey Havens (10 points) – Beat Good Grey Havens with all bonus objectives on Level 5.Rescue Celduin (15 points) – Beat Good Celduin with all bonus objectives on Level 6.Defend Erebor (10 points) – Beat Good Erebor with all bonus objectives on Level 7.Assault Dol Guldur (30 points) – Beat Good Dol Guldur with all bonus objectives on Level 8.Destroy Lothlorien (5 points) – Beat Evil Lorien with all bonus objectives on Level 1.Demolish The Grey Havens (5 points) – Beat Evil Grey Havens with all bonus objectives on Level 2.Scour The Shire (10 points) – Beat Evil Shire with all bonus objectives on Level 3.Ravage Fornost (10 points) – Beat Evil Fornost with all bonus objectives on Level 4.Commandeer The Old Forest Road (10 points) – Beat Evil Mirkwood with all bonus objectives on Level 5.The Dragons Of Withered Heath (15 points) – Beat Evil Withered Heath with all bonus objectives on Level 6.Pillage Erebor (20 points) – Beat Evil Erebor with all bonus objectives on Level 7.Crush Rivendell (30 points) – Beat Evil Rivendell with all bonus objectives on Level 8.Istari Power (5 points) – Purchase first player power.Captains Of The West (25 points) – Beat the Good Campaign.Cover The Lands In Darkness (25 points) – Beat the Evil Campaign.Servant Of The Secret Fire (80 points) – Beat the Good Campaign without a Hero dying.Servant Of The Shadow (80 points) – Beat the Evil Campaign without a Hero dying.Sergeant (15 points) – Win one Versus game.King Of The Hill! (15 points) – Win one King of the Hill game.Capture And Hold (15 points) – Win one Capture and Hold game.Middle-Earth Financier (15 points) – Win one Resource Race game.My Heroes!!!! (15 points) – Win one Hero Vs Hero game.General – Win 10 Versus games.King Of Kings (30 points) – Win 10 King of the Hill games.Capture Them All!!! (30 points) – Win 10 Capture and Hold games.Entrepreneur Of Middle-Earth (30 points) – Win 10 Resource Race games.My Heroes Are Better Than Yours (30 points) – Win 10 Hero Vs Hero games.Good Practice (5 points) – Win 1 Single Player Skirmish game.The Hobbit And The Troll (50 points) – Win a game against someone 20 places higher than you.In Need Of A Lesson (0 points) – Lose 10 consecutive Multiplayer matches.Try A Tutorial (0 points) – Lose to someone ranked 20 places less than you.