Category – Xbox Cheats
Completion bonus:Complete the game and load your cleared saved game file to retain all characters from the previously completed game session.Unlockable Seed Items:Unlock the following items by trading the corresponding amounts of seed pots:ITEM – SEED POTSAdamantis Sword, Adaman Ring – 20 SeedsEarth Charm – 40 SeedsPower Angle – 60 SeedsGigan Brooch – 80 SeedsPipot Charm – 99 Seeds Refill health and SP:To refill you health and SP when you are near a save spot, save and quit the game. Then, load the saved game.Easy money hint:To easily gain money, loan the bad gambler 10,000 gold. He will pay you back 50,000 gold.Easy experience hint:To easily gain experience, have your party at level 44. Have Kaim and Seth in the front row as power hitters, and have the three people you want to level in the back row. For example, start with this formation Kaim, Seth, Sed and back row as Jansen and Ming. Rotate the mortals out as you learn their skills. Go to the Temple of Enlightenment. Make sure you have an abundance of Mana Rechargers and run around the diamond-shaped track by the save point. If you stay in this area you will fight only three types of easy monsters, giving you lots of SP and experience points, but not much gold, You will fight a black Kelolon (weak against Ground magic). In another battle you will fight three exploding poison monsters. They repeat the same strategy every fight; try to stay one step ahead. The third fight is against four wind element bats, and three fire element nymph-like creatures. If you keep Seth and Kaim in your group you will level up quickly.Late game leveling hint:At the start of the game’s fourth disc, head to Urha after obtaining the Nautilus Boat following your party’s reunion. Using Tolten, you can break the Urhan Seal in the Gongora Mansion’s courtyard. This will give you access to a secret dungeon. The enemies you find here are called Experimental Number 42, and you’ll fight them continuously during your time here. These are tough foes that pack a punch and can petrify your party easily. If you’re above level 35 or so, you should be in good shape to hold your own against these enemies. The key is to have some anti-petrify skills or gear equipped to combat their one deadly attack. The SP these enemies give up when killed is impressive and will allow you to level up quickly. There are no level caps here like there is elsewhere in the game, so that makes leveling up in this location over a long period of time up many, many levels a possibility if you have the patience to do so. Simply remember to leave the dungeon every so often to heal and save so you don’t lose all of that leveling progress!HP/MP recovery hints:-To quickly and cheaplyrecover your party’s HP and MP automatically, head to a save point and save your game. Then, shut your game off and reload the save file. Your entire party will then have full HP and MP.-To heal your party quickly (and instantly), simply head to the world map. This works anywhere in the game, as long as you have access to the world map at any given time.Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKSurvived (125 points) – Beat Disc 1.Out to Sea (125 points) – Beat Disc 2.Surfacing (125 points) – Beat Disc 3.The End (125 points) – Beat Disc 4.Skill Linker (30 points) – Make an immortal learn a skill from a mortal using Skill Link.Skill Master Kaim (20 points) – Master all of Kaim’s skills.The Dreamer Wakes (20 points) – Unlock the first episode from A Thousand Years of Dreams.Big Dreamer (10 points) – View all the episodes from A Thousand Years of Dreams.Treasure Trove (20 points) – Obtain all Treasure Box items in the field. The items you missed may be available at auction houses.Perfect Three (30 points) – Achieve Perfect three consecutive times in battle.No One’s This Perfect (10 points) – Achieve Perfect a total of 500 times in battle.Thanks a Million (10 points) – Inflict a total of more than 1,000,000 damage points.True Warrior (10 points) – Defeat 1000 enemies in battle.Well Travelled (10 points) – Visit all the fields in the world.Light Class Master (10 points) – Meet the secret requirement of the Backyard Light Class battle set and win.Skill Master Seth (20 points) – Seth mastered all skills.Skill Master Ming (20 points) – Ming mastered all skills.Skill Master Sarah (20 points) – Sarah mastered all skills.Skill Master Jansen (20 points) – Jansen mastered all available skills.Skill Master Cooke (20 points) – Cooke mastered all available skills.Skill Master Mack (20 points) – Mack mastered all available skills.Skill Master Tolten (20 points) – Tolten mastered all available skills.Skill Master Sed (20 points) – Sed mastered all available skills.Spell Collector (20 points) – All spells have been obtained.Defeated Cave Worm (10 points) – Defeat Cave Worm at the Forgotten Cave.Defeated Persona (10 points) – Defeat Persona at the Old Sorceress’ Mansion.Defeated Holy Beast (10 points) – Defeat Holy Beast at Numara Atoll.Defeated Blue Dragon (10 points) – Defeat Blue Dragon at the Snowfields of the Northernmost Land.Defeated King Kelolon (10 points) – Defeat King Kelolon at Kelolon VillageDefeated Ghost of Eastern Ruins (10 points) – Defeat the Ancient Spirit Magician Fu at the Temple of Enlightenment.Defeated Golden Knight (10 points) – Deactivate all Royal Seals and defeated Golden Knight.Ring Assembler (30 points) – Assemble a ring using Ring Assembly.Middle Class Master (10 points) – Meet the secret requirement of the Backyard Middle Class battle set and won.Heavy Class Master (10 points) – Meet the secret requirement of the Backyard Heavy Class battle set and won.Super Heavy Class Master (10 points) – Meet the secret requirement of the Backyard Super Heavy Class battle set and won.Champion (10 points) – Meet the secret requirement of the Backyard last challenger and won.Reached Conference Area 5B (Requires the bonus DLC) (10 points) – Go to Conference Area 5B in Professor K’s Dungeon.Reached Conference Area 10B (Requires the bonus DLC) (10 points) – Reached Conference Area 10B in Professor K’s Dungeon.Reached Conference Area 15B (Requires the bonus DLC) (10 points) – Reached Conference Area 15B in Professor K’s Dungeon.Reached Conference Area 20B (Requires the bonus DLC) (10 points) – Reached Conference Area 20B in Professor K’s Dungeon.Reached Conference Area 25B (Requires the bonus DLC) (10 points) – Reached Conference Area 25B in Professor K’s Dungeon.Defeated Killalon (Requires the bonus DLC) (50 points) – Defeated Killalon in Professor K’s Dungeon. Achievements (Japanese version):ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCK3 Perfects in a Row (30 points) – In battle, perform 3 Perfect ring maneuvers in a row.500 Perfects (10 points) – In battle, perform 500 Perfect ring maneuvers.Accumulate 1000000 damage (10 points) – In battle, deal 1,000,000 damage to enemies.Around the World (10 points) – Visit all the unexplored areas in all the fields of the world.Backyard – Light Class Master (10 points) – In the Backyard, achieve the battle bonus by clearing all hidden objectives in the Light Class.Clear Disk 1 (125 points) – Beat Disc 1.Clear Disk 2 (125 points) – Beat Disc 2.Clear Disk 3 (125 points) – Beat Disc 3.Clear Disk 4 (125 points) – Beat Disc 4.Defeat 1000 Enemies (10 points) – In battle, defeat 1,000 enemies.Dream of a Thousand Years (20 points) – Gain access to all Dreams Of A Thousand Years.First Dream of a Thousand Years (20 points) – Gain access to the first Dream Of A Thousand Years.Learned All Skills – Kaim (20 points) – Learn all available skills with Kaim.Learned from a Skill Ring (30 points) – Immortals can learn skills through accessories.Open All Treasure Chests (20 points) – Open all treasure chests in the field.