Category – Xbox Cheats
Cheat Codes:Activate the following cheats by pausing the game and entering the corresponding sequences of buttons. Note: These only work in Campaign mode on Easy difficulty, and must be re-activated at the start of each new level:CHEAT FUNCTION – CHEAT CODEInfinite health – Down(3), Up, Y, Up, Y, Up, Y, Up(3), Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Left, Y, Right, X, Left, Y, Right, X, RB LB.Infinite ammunition – RT, RB, Y, X, Right, Down, Left, LB, LT, RT, RB, Y, X, Right, Down, Left, LB, LT, RT, LT, LB, RB, Y, Left, Down, X, RB LB.500 Thermal Energy points – Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, X, Y, RB LB.Control intermission sequence view:To control the camera angle during an intermission sequence, press B, A, X, Y, B, A, X, Y, B, A, X, Y.Control ending sequence:To control Wayne’s LP-9999 VS, before “Test Player” appears during the ending sequence, hold LT LB RT RB X Y B. You can fly to the destroyed Akrid.Unlimited mode:To unlock Unlimited mode in which you have infinite ammo, complete Campaign mode.Extreme difficulty:To unlock Extreme difficulty, complete the game.Unlockable Multiplayer Characters:Unlock the following characters by reaching the corresponding levels in Multiplayer mode:CHARACTER – LEVELGale – Level 45Hero – Level 75NEVEC – Level 55Stranger – Level 30 Unlockable Multiplayer Costumes:Unlock the following costumes by reaching the corresponding levels in Multiplayer mode:COSTUME – LEVELBasic costumes – Level 1Third pattern for basic costumes – Level 10Third pattern for Gale – Level 50Third pattern for Hero – Level 80Third pattern for NEVEC – Level 65Third pattern for Stranger – Level 35Fourth pattern for basic costumes – Level 20Fourth pattern for Gale – Level 60Fourth pattern for Hero – Level 85Fourth pattern for NEVEC – Level 70Fourth pattern for Stranger – Level 40 Taunting:To perform a taunt in Multiplayer mode, press Up, Left, Right, and Down. The following characters have the corresponding unique taunts:CHARACTER – TAUNTBasic character #1 (pointed ears) – HumpingBasic character #2 (big helmet) – BowsBasic character #3 – Butt slapNEVEC – Soldier stanceSoldier – ClapsStranger – Holds out his armYuri – KneelsVS invincibility:To become invincible for about five seconds, go to the nearest VS. This is useful when under heavy fire and need to restore you health using Thermal Energy.Anchor distance tip:To throw the anchor slightly further, press A X instead of just X.Unlockable Characters:Unlock the following characters by performing the corresponding actions:JoeComplete any mission. Hold X to select Joe at the mission selection screen in single player mode. In multi-player mode he will appear with the other characters. Joe has the movement speed of 90% of Wayne, 1,500 health, and has the Viewtiful Joe VFX mode slow motion ability activated by pressing RB.FrankBecome a moth hunter. Hold Y to select Frank at the mission selection screen in single player mode. In multi-player mode he will appear with the other characters. Frank has the movement speed of 80% of Wayne, 2,000 health, and is equipped with a flame thrower.Mega ManGet at least two target marks. Hold X Y to select Mega Man at the mission selection screen in single player mode. In multi-player mode he will appear with the other characters. Mega Man has normal movement speed, normal health, does not require Thermal Energy to survive, and has an Energy Gun that requires Thermal Energy to fire. Giant Moth strategy:Make sure you gather as much thermal energy as you can. On your way up the mountain, destroy all of the Akrid hives and get the rocket launcher on the metal slab jutting out of the mountain. You can also get the large VS laser if you want a back up. Then, climb to the top of the mountain, but do not go into the cave. Instead, stand at the top and wait for the moth to fly over you. Aim at the orange weak spots and shoot the tail part with your rocket launcher about two times. After the tail falls off, do the same to the wings. A couple more weak spots will appear near the top of his head. These are easier to hit with a charged laser shot. When the moth crashes into the side of the mountain, the achievement will not appear. However, you will unlock it after you complete the mission.Final Boss strategy:As soon as the fight begins, notice the VS will fly around while doing various little spinning attacks. Fly towards him while holding LT, then release when next to the Boss (to do a horizontal slash). You’ll take a significant amount of health from the Boss. Sometimes you can also score a second hit this way, but be cautious of the homing missiles. The Boss will dart around shooting little lasers at you, which are easily avoidable by simply following in his direction to miss the attack. When the boss reaches around 30% health it will call up two laser weapons that do massive damage if they hit you. One is horizontal and the other is vertical. Notice when he gets ready for this attack that he will throw his arms forward. Use it as your cue to get as far back as possible. The range on the lasers are fairly small. When he is done, he will stand still for a brief moment and shoot missiles from his shoulders. Take this opportunity to go in and deal some damage. The Boss does not have much of a pattern. Remember to hold LT until you are directly on him and release. Around nine well-placed slashes are required to defeat the Boss.Giant Worm strategy on “Crossing The Plains”:Before you fight the worm, gather as much thermal energy as you can. Get more thermal energy by destroying the surrounding heat tankards and activating the outpost. If you need more thermal energy, simply kill the surrounding flying Akrid and their spawn points. Get a sled VS and attach either a rocket launcher or gatling gun (recommended), then ride it just to the entrance of the Snow Plain. If you ride it any further, the worm will knock you off and destroy the VS. Once you get off the sled VS, take off the weapon you brought with you. The gatling gun is recommended? because you can adjust your aim and keep shooting him if you miss, unlike the rocket launcher. Wait until he emerges from the snow and be ready for him to either growl or charge at you. If he charges and hits you, consider yourself dead. You can either roll to the left or right. After rolling, aim at his sides and you will see a number of weak points. Shoot at them until they explode and reveal a reddish boil. Repeat this until they are all gone, then switch sides. Once he is hurt enough, he may start shooting flaming balls that explode from his backside. Be sure to evade them. You will once again see more weak points. Do the same thing as done with his head side to finally kill him. He will leave behind a large deposit of thermal energy when he dies. The worm will re-appear no matter how many times you kill it. Also, the achievement for killing it will not appear until you complete the level.Giant Worm strategy on “Thermal Energy Deposit”:When the worm comes out of its hole, shoot the claw-like hands at the end of each tentacle-like arm. They should eventually turn red. Continue firing at them and they will snap off. When it snaps, the worm will go back in its hole. Run inside after it, but stop at the edge so you don’t fall in the lava. Look around to find the body of the beast, then look closely to see a big eyeball-like thing wiggling around. Shoot it until goes in, then the arm that snapped will regenerate and come back out. Shoot the arm and, when it snaps, go back in and shoot it again. When the arm stops coming out, go for the other arm and repeat the process. Note: If you have a rocket launcher, use that and the battle will over much quicker.VS invincibility hint:When taking heavy fire and need to replenish your health (if you have the thermal energy), hop into the nearest VS. You will be invincible for about five seconds while it is doing the startup animation.Constant VS fire hint:A VS with two empty arms and two Gatlin guns are required for this trick. Attach both guns to each side of the VS and fire only one of the guns a couple times. Then, start firing the second gun. If done correctly, one of the guns will reload while the other is firing, causing the guns to never stop firing until you run out of ammo or manually reload. This works great against any Akrid Boss, especially the one in Mission 05. Getting rid of pursuers hint:Whenever you have a bunch of Akrid or other things after you while riding the sled VS, do a boost jump (press LB) to lose them. While riding around you can also jump snow piles and get air.Easier slashes hint:Charge it up by holding RB or LB and, when you get close to whatever you want to hit, simply release it for a hit. This is easier than pressing it at the spur of the moment as it sometimes misses.Farther anchor distance hint:The useful anchor that everyone uses to reach high places can be used a bit further if you press A X instead of just X. This only results in a slightly further distance, not a significant one.Demo version: Skipping fight:Fight your way up to the building to the left from your beginning viewpoint and, when at the back of the building with the stairs, go to the top or just stay on the ground. Notice a large wall with a nice designed bar gate. Press Y while aiming in the middle area where there is snow. Once at the top on this ledge, aim at the tip of the gate. Reach to over the gate to skip the fight with the large mech below the right building.Demo version: Snow Pirates strategy:Use the rifle that you find at the start of the level to snipe the head of the rider of the VS. It will take about two or three shots, but he returns to the same position for an easy snipe. Disregard all of the other people shooting at you and run to get into the VS. Kill your way to the end of the map, then get out of the VS and go through the door. Once in the next part of the level, run to the VS that’s on the ground forward and slightly to the right of you. Destroy the other VS that are trying to destroy you. Note: The Boss VS is the VS jumping around.Steam achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCK1 Kill (5 points) – Defeat an enemy player during an online battle. 100 Kills (10 points) – Defeat 100 enemy players in total during online battle. 1000 Kills (40 points) – Defeat 1000 enemy players in total during online battle. 500 Kills (20 points) – Defeat 500 enemy players in total during online battle. 5000 Kills (50 points) – Defeat 5000 enemy players in total during online battle. Bronze Winner (10 points) – Win 10 online battles. Easy Difficulty Cleared (5 points) – Complete all missions on “Easy” Difficulty. Easy Mode Coin Collector (5 points) – Find all Target Marks on “Easy” Difficulty. Extreme Difficulty Cleared (20 points) – Complete all missions on “Extreme” Difficulty. Extreme Mode Coin Collector (20 points) – Find all Target Marks on “Extreme” Difficulty. Gold Scorer (30 points) – Receive 100,000,000 points in Score Attack Mode. Gold Winner (40 points) – Win 100 online battles. Great Scorer (20 points) – Clear Trial Battle Mode with over 150,000 points. Hard Difficulty Cleared (10 points) – Complete all missions on “Hard” Difficulty. Hard Mode Coin Collector (10 points) – Find all Target Marks on “Hard” Difficulty. Level 10 Player (5 points) – Achieve level 10 in online battle. Level 100 Player (50 points) – Achieve level 100 in online battle. Level 20 Player (10 points) – Achieve level 20 in online battle. Level 30 Player (20 points) – Achieve level 30 in online battle. Level 50 Player (30 points) – Achieve level 50 in online battle. Map Marker (10 points) – Battle on 10 different maps online. Map Specialist (30 points) – Battle on 20 different maps online. Map Traveler (15 points) – Battle on 15 different maps online. Map Walker (5 points) – Battle on 5 different maps online. Match Beginner (10 points) – Play 10 online battles. Match Expert (40 points) – Play 500 online battles. Match Regular (20 points) – Play 50 online battles. Match Rookie (5 points) – Fight to the finish in one online battle. Match Veteran (30 points) – Play 100 online battles. Medal Catcher (10 points) – Acquire 3 medals. Medal Collector (20 points) – Acquire 6 medals. Medal Grabber (5 points) – Acquire a medal. Medal Hoarder (30 points) – Acquire 9 medals. Medal King (40 points) – Acquire 11 medals. Normal Difficulty Cleared (5 points) – Complete all missions on “Normal” Difficulty. Normal Mode Coin Collector (5 points) – Find all Target Marks on “Normal” Difficulty. Platinum Scorer (40 points) – Receive 300,000,000 points in Score Attack Mode. Platinum Winner (50 points) – Win 200 online battles. Score Attack Clear (5 points) – Clear Score Attack Mode. Silver Scorer (10 points) – Receive 10,000,000 points in Score Attack Mode. Silver Winner (20 points) – Win 25 online battles. Speed Star (30 points) – Clear Trial Battle Mode in less than 300 seconds. Title Catcher (10 points) – Receive 5 titles. Title Collector (20 points) – Receive 10 titles. Title Grabber (5 points) – Receive a title. Title Hoarder (30 points) – Receive 15 titles. Title King (40 points) – Receive 20 titles. Trial Clear (5 points) – Clear Trial Battle Mode. Trial Master (40 points) – Clear Trial Battle Mode on “Extreme” Difficulty. Winner (5 points) – Win an online battle.Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKEasy Difficulty Cleared (5 points) – Beat all missions on Easy.Normal Difficulty Cleared (5 points) – Beat all missions on Normal.Hard Difficulty Cleared (10 points) – Beat all missions on Hard.Extreme Difficulty Cleared (20 points) – Beat all missions on Extreme.Easy Mode Coin Collector (5 points) – Find all Target Marks on Easy.Normal Mode Coin Collector(5 points) – Find all Target Marks on Normal.Hard Mode Coin Collector (10 points) – Find all Target Marks on Hard.Extreme Mode Coin Collector (20 points) – Find all Target Marks on Extreme.Trial Clear (5 points) – Clear Trial Battle Mode.Great Scorer (20 points) – Clear Trial Battle Mode with over 150,000 points.Speed Star (30 points) – Clear Trial Battle Mode in less than 300 seconds.Trial Master (40 points) – Clear Trial Battle Mode on Extreme.Score Attack Clear (5 points) – Clear Score Attack Mode.Silver Scorer (10 points) – Score 10,000,000 points in Score Attack Mode.Gold Scorer (30 points) – Score 100,000,000 points in Score Attack Mode.Platinum Scorer (40 points) – Score 300,000,000 points in Score Attack Mode.Match Rookie (5 points) – Fight to the finish in one online battle.Match Beginner (10 points) – Play 10 online battles.Match Regular (20 points) – Play 50 online battles.Match Veteran (30 points) – Play 100 online battles.Match Expert (40 points) – Play 500 online battles.Winner (5 points) – Win an online battle.Bronze Winner (10 points) – Win 10 online battles.Silver Winner (20 points) – Win 25 online battles.Gold Winner (40 points) – Win 100 online battles.Platinum Winner (50 points) – Win 200 online battles.Level 10 Player (5 points) – Achieve level 10 in online battle.Level 20 Player (10 points) – Achieve level 20 in online battle.Level 30 Player (20 points) – Achieve level 30 in online battle.Level 50 Player (30 points) – Achieve level 50 in online battle.Level 100 Player (50 points) – Achieve level 100 in online battle.Title Grabber (5 points) – Score a title.Title Catcher (10 points) – Score 5 titles.Title Collector (20 points) – Score 10 titles.Title Hoarder (30 points) – Score 15 titles.Title King (40 points) – Score 20 titles.Medal Grabber (5 points) – Get a medal.Medal Catcher (10 points) – Get 3 medals.Medal Collector (20 points) – Get 6 medals.Medal Hoarder (30 points) – Get 9 medals.Medal King (40 points) – Get 11 medals.Map Walker (5 points) – Battle on 5 different maps online.Map Marker (10 points) – Battle on 10 different maps online.Map Traveler (15 points) – Battle on 15 different maps online.Map Specialist (30 points) – Battle on 20 different maps online.1 Kill (5 points) – Defeat an enemy player online.100 Kills (10 points) – Defeat 100 enemy players online.500 Kills (20 points) – Defeat 500 enemy players online.1000 Kills (40 points) – Defeat 1000 enemy players online.5000 Kills (50 points) – Defeat 5000 enemy players online.