Category – Xbox Cheats
Xbox Cheats Title – NBA 2K6
NBA 2k6 Codes:
Enter these code at the codes screen found under features unless stated otherwise.PowerbarTattoo At the Powerbar vending machine: pbink
Get no injuries At the Powerbar vending machine: noinjury
No fatigue At the Powerbar vending machine: nrgmax
10 boost of defensive awareness At the Powerbar vending machine: lockdown
10 boost of offensive awareness At the Powerbar vending machine: getaclue
Unlock the Nike Air Zoom Kobe 1 kobe (case sensative)
Unlocks celebrity players on 24/7 mode ballers
Unlocks 2kSports Dev Team 2ksports
Unlocks 05-06 Indiana Pacers Home and Away Jerseys 31andonly
Unlocks the NBA 2k6 Dev Team nba2k6
Unlocks Lebrons new kicks lebronsummerkicks
Unlock Nike Uptempos anklebreakers