Category – Xbox Cheats
Xbox Cheats Title – Need for Speed: Underground
Unlock All Circuit Tracks:
On the main menu, press DOWN, R, R, R, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, X.
Unlock All Drag Tracks:
On the main menu, press RIGHT, X, LEFT, R, X, L, WHITE, BLACK.
Unlock All Drift Tracks:
On the main menu, press RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, BLACK, R, WHITE.
Unlock All Sprint Tracks:
On the main menu, press UP, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, R, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN.
Unlock Drift Physics in All Modes:
In the Main Menu Screen enter: R, UP, UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, L.
Code Breaker Cheats:
Enable Code (Must Be On)
FA7A006E 329F9E39
Infinite Nitrous Usage:
2A77342B 44801000 2A633425 00000000
Always Max Nitrous Turbo:
2A0B3FC1 2403270F 2AF73FC1 AE2303F0 2AF33FC1 AE2303F8 2A77342B 44801000 2A633425 00000000
Max Total Style Points:
2A470ABF 05F5E0FF
Max Total Starts:
2A6F09A6 05F5E0FF
Max Total Wins:
2A6B09A6 05F5E0FF
No Total Losses:
2A5709A6 00000000
Max Total Sprint Starts:
2A5309A6 05F5E0FF
Max Total Sprint Wins:
2A5F09A6 05F5E0FF
Max Total Sprint Style Points:
2A5B09A6 05F5E0FF
Max Total Drag Starts:
2A4709A6 05F5E0FF
Max Total Drag Wins:
2A4309A6 05F5E0FF
Max Total Drag Style Points:
2A4F09A6 05F5E0FF
Max Total Drift Starts:
2A4B09A6 05F5E0FF
Max Total Drift Wins:
2A3709A6 05F5E0FF
Max Total Drift Style Points:
2A3309A6 05F5E0FF
Max Total Circuit Starts:
2A3F09A6 05F5E0FF
Max Total Circuit Wins:
2A3B09A6 05F5E0FF
Max Total Circuit Style Points:
2A2709A6 05F5E0FF
Unlock Everything:
4AF47206 C4B31102 08210A03 00000000