Category – Xbox Cheats
Cheat Codes:Activate the following cheats by performing the corresponding tasks:CHEAT FUNCTION – HOW TO UNLOCKAll Guns In Solo – Have a saved game file from Perfect Dark Zero. Cloaking Device – Have a saved game file from Perfect Dark Zero. Hurricane Fists – Have a saved game file from Perfect Dark Zero. Weapons Stash Locator – Have a saved game file from Perfect Dark Zero. Alien (Co-op Buddy) – Complete Attack Ship: Covert Assault under the Special Agent difficulty in under 5:17. All Guns in Solo – Complete Skedar Ruins: Battle Shrine under the Perfect Agent difficulty in under 5:31. Classic Sight – Complete dataDyne Central: Defection under the Agent difficulty. Cloaking Device – Complete G5 Building: Reconnaissance under the Agent difficulty in under 1:30. DK Mode (everyone has big arms and heads) – Complete Chicago: Stealth under the Agent difficulty. Enemy Rockets – Complete Pelagic II: Exploration under the Agent difficulty. Enemy Shields – Complete Carrington Institute: Defense under the Agent difficulty. Farsight XR-20 – Complete Deep Sea: Nullify Threat under the Perfect Agent difficulty in under 7:27. Hit and Run (Co-op Buddy) – Complete Carrington Villa: Hostage One under the Special Agent difficulty in under 2:30. Hotshot (Co-op Buddy) – Complete Area 51: Infiltration under the Special Agent difficulty in under 5:00. Hurricane Fists – Complete dataDyne Central: Extraction under the Agent difficulty in under 2:03. Invincible – Complete Area 51: Escape under the Agent difficulty in under 3:50. Jo Shield – Complete Deep Sea: Nullify Threat under the Agent difficulty. Laptop Gun – Complete Air Force One; Anti-Terrorism under the Agent difficulty. Marquis of Queensbury Rules (Enemies Don’t Have Guns) – Complete dataDyne Central: Defection under the Special Agent difficulty in under 1:30. Perfect Darkness – Complete Crash Site: Confrontation under the Agent difficulty. Phoenix – Complete Attack Ship: Covert Assault under the Agent difficulty. Play As Elvis – Complete Area 51: Rescue under the Perfect Agent difficulty in under 7:59. Psychosis Gun (Makes enemies attack other enemies) – Complete Chicago: Stealth under the Perfect Agent difficulty in under 2:00. Pugilist (Co-op Buddy) – Complete dataDyne Research: Investigation under the Perfect Agent difficulty in under 6:30. R-Tracker/Weapon Cache Locations – Complete Skedar Ruins: Battle Shrine under the Agent difficulty. Rocket Launcher – Complete dataDyne Central: Extraction under the Agent difficulty. Slo-mo Single Player – Complete dataDyne Research: Investigation under the Agent difficulty. Small Characters – Complete Area 51: Infiltration under the Agent difficulty. Small Jo – Complete G5 Building: Reconnaissance under the Agent difficulty. Sniper Rifle – Complete Carrington Villa: Hostage One under the Agent difficulty. Super Dragon – Complete Area 51: Escape under the Agent difficulty. Super Shield – Complete Carrington Institute: Defense under the Agent difficulty in under 1:45. Team Heads Only – Complete Air Base: Espionage under the Agent difficulty. Trent’s Magnum – Complete Crash Site: Confrontation under the Agent difficulty in under 2:50. Unlimited Ammo – Complete Pelagic II: Exploration under the Special Agent difficulty in under 7:07. Unlimited Ammo: Laptop Sentry Gun – Complete Air Force One: Anti-Terrorism under the Perfect Agent difficulty in under 3:55. Unlimited Ammo: No Reloads – Complete Air Base: Espionage under the Special Agent difficulty in under 3:11. Velvet Dark (Co-op Buddy) – Start the game. X-Ray Scanner – Complete Area 51: Rescue under the Agent difficulty. Unlockable Missions:Unlock the following bonus missions by performing the corresponding tasks:MISSION – HOW TO UNLOCKMaian SOS – Complete single-player mode under the Special Agent or Perfect Agent difficulty. Mr. Blonde’s Revenge – Complete single-player mode. The Duel – Get bronze or higher with every gun in the firing range War! – Beat single-player on perfect agent Play as Agent 4:Have a saved game file from Crackdown 2 on your Xbox 360 hard drive to unlock Agent 4 as a playable character in the Combat Simulator multi-player modes. Skedar Dashboard theme:To unlock the Skeday Dashboard theme, unlock the three “… Specialist” achievements.Gamerpic:To unlock a gamerpic, earn all four multiplayer medals (highest accuracy, most headshots, most kills, fewest deaths) in one match.Avatar Awards:Unlock the following Avatar Awards by performing the corresponding tasks:AVATAR AWARD – HOW TO UNLOCKElvis Plushie – Complete a special mission that is unlocked by completing the game. Perfect Dark Shirt – Headshot an opponent.Cheese Locations:Why are there pieces of cheese hidden in Perfect Dark? Well… The guys who made this game are from England. Search the following missions to find the corresponding cheese pieces:Mission 1.1Enter the first big room with the large ventilation fan, the light switch, and the security hub. To the right of the security hub is a big gray cylinder, hit the cylinder with some type of explosive. A large hole will open up, enter the hole and you will fall to a small room with 3 vents and a ladder. Inside one of the vents you will find the cheese.Mission 1.2The cheese in the dataDyne research lab is on the pipes below the glass floor in the lab where the bastard scientist sounds the alarm on you. The glass is forward and below from the entrance to that particular lab. At least I think it’s cheese.Mission 1.3Kill a guard to get the keycard to Cassandra’s office. She isn’t there this time, but there’s a grenade on her table. If you throw it in the right hand corner of the room, one of the walls breaks away. Inside you’ll find a Dragon and a piece of cheese.Mission 2After activating the wind generator, proceed through the underground passages towards Carrington. After going down a set of steps you’ll soon end up in the wine cellar. The first room has two shelves of bottles, but no cheese. Proceed through this room to the narrow hall. Jackpot. You are in a small, narrow hall with a shelf of wine bottles on the left and one further down on the right. The left one has a small piece of stinky yellowy-orange (with darkish looking holes) cheese on top. It’s pretty much in the middle on top, and it’s kinda hard to see. Once you’ve located a spec of yellow, use the sniper rifle to zoom in and inspect your prize. It’s unmistakable — that’s cheese.Mission 3.1In a toilet in the Punk Pond bar.Mission 3.2In the vent inside the Damping Control room.Mission 4.1Not discovered yet.Mission 4.2It helps if you have a sniper rifle.You have to do it on the difficulty special agent or higher. Blast through the wall and head down to the locker rooms. Go through the door in the middle and kill all the guys there, then go up the ramp across from the door. When you get to the t-section, you should see a section of railing in front of you just to the right. Kneel down and pull out the sniper rifle and look straight ahead down the vent shaft and you will see the cheese. You can walk across the piping and go into the vent shaft but if you go too far you’ll fall into the locker room.Mission 4.3On escape from area 51, on special agent, play the level normally and cross the zig-zag bridge that spans across the gorge. Make your way through the next room (where Johnathon is on agent difficulty). When you reach the next door, just keep heading straight through the series of doors ahead of you until you come across a big room with catwalks and support rails heading off into the left. On the first one there is a break in the rail that you can walk out on the rail to a little vent. Duck and zoom in with the sniper rifle to see that sweet cheddar!!!Mission 5.1Go through the caves where you sedate the stewardess and head to the left of the cable line all the way against the mountain. Pull out your slippery sniper rifle, then point and zoom it at the water where the arrow-shaped mountain seems to indicate. Swiss cheese it is my friends.Mission 5.2The cheese on the level where you are on Air Force One is on some equipment near where the presidential escape pod is.Mission 5.3If you go to the right side of air force 1 on the crash site level and look through the crevice on the right side of the wall guarded by one of those “Scandanavian Freaks”, you’ll see a little speck of yellow. Upon further inspection (with the sniper rifle), it is quite apparent that you are looking at a block of cheese!!! You can’t get to it because of an invisible wall, so you may have trouble finding a good viewing angle.Mission 6.1Say goodbye to Elvis and continue through the first door. Turn right and go down the hall. Left at the alarm and through the door. There should be a sort of pillar in this smallish area. Keep going a bit and there will be a door on the left. The door leads to the room with the big power thingy (where you have to use the XRayScan to hit switches). Don’t go through the door, but instead walk forward a bit. There will be a large grate in the floor. Shoot out the lights on the floor if they’re too bright, and look down. There’s a big stinking wedge of fromage down there. It’s pretty obvious and unmistakable — that’s cheese.Mission 6.2In Mission 6.2 (Deep Sea- Nullify Threat) right at the start of the level, if you look to your right and out the windows that look into the ocean floor you can catch a glimpse of a piece of cheese near the far back wall of rock. You can get an even better look if you go through the first door straight ahead and look to your right again.Mission 7Shoot the Skedar at the start, then go through the door right next to him. You’ll be on a balcony overlooking a landing pad. Directly to your right you’ll see a small ramp leading to a shiny door. Go up the ramp, against the door, and turn around. Above the door you just came through and slightly to the left, you should be able to see the cheese in a narrow crack. Just follow your nose; that cheese has been in the sun for awhile.Mission 8This piece of cheese is easily found. Take the elevator down into the Skedar hangar (with or without Elvis) and turn right after the ramp as you enter the hangar. Proceed towards the elevators on the wall in front of you and go into the room on your right. As you enter the room, turn left, crouch and look into the hole in the glass portion of the floor. In the back left corner is a lovely piece of Swiss cheese.Mission 9Next to the Shield (only there in A/SA) at the end of dead end tunnel (head the WRONG way at the beginning).Firing range hint:Here’s a handy little trick if you’re having problems completing all the weapons challenges in the firing range. Go into the Carrington Institute firing range and access the Laptop Gun challenge (for any medal). When the training session starts, hold down the B button so the gun switches over to the secondary weapon mode (sentry gun). Hit Z to deploy the sentry gun — but as soon as you hit Z, hit the START button. Select “abort” and hit START again as soon as the screen starts to fade. You should now be back at the weapon challenges list. You can now pick any challenge you haven’t completed and commence the training. If done properly, the sentry gun should still be deployed and will begin firing at the targets and beat most of the challenges for you. Note that there are some challenges where this trick doesn’t work, such as the RCP-120.Carrington office rampage hint:You can fire weapons out into the rest of the Carrington Institute using the Farsight XR20, but another way to explore the stage in training mode is to use the crate from the cargo area to jam open the doors to the firing range.Then, fire off a tele-guided Slayer round into the main foyer of the Institute. Since the missile has no fuel, you can move it anywhere you want to where there are no closed doors.Easier explosives hint:On Area 51: Rescue, you don’t need the crate to blow up the wall. Leave the crate where you find it, get a Dragon, then go to the marked wall. Now stand back, switch to the secondary mode (proximity self-destruct), throw it by the mark, and shoot it a few times.Shielded enemies strategy:On levels with shielded enemies, use the K7 Avenger or the AR34. Another way to take them out is to use the Mauler with charged up shots. This also works on Skedar Warriors.Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKHow’s That For Starters? (10 points) – Complete dataDyne Central: Defection. Both Barrels (5 points) – Kill an enemy when dual-wielding Act Your Age, Joanna (5 points) – Destroy Carrington’s wine collection. Double 64 (10 points) – Kill 128 enemies using secondary fire mode. Camera Shy (10 points) – Destroy 5 security cameras. Deadly Laptop (10 points) – Kill 50 enemies using the laptop in sentry gun mode. Paci-Fist (10 points) – Complete any Solo Mission on Special Agent or harder using only your fists. Tools Of The Trade (10 points) – Get a Bronze rating or better with all 32 weapons in the Firing Range. Versatile (10 points) – Complete a Combat Simulator game using each of the six Scenarios. Golden Days (10 points) – Complete a Combat Simulator game on Felicity, Complex or Temple using Classic Weapons. Prime Target (10 points) – Complete every Challenge up to and including 29, the 10th Prime number. A Friend Indeed (10 points) – Complete any mission in Co-operative Mode. …Who Needs Enemies? (10 points) – Complete any mission in Counter-Operative Mode. dataDyne Specialist (10 points) – Kill at least one enemy with each of the dataDyne weapons. Carrington Institute Specialist (10 points) – Kill at least one enemy with each of the Carrington Institute weapons. Maian Specialist (10 points) – Kill at least one enemy with each of the Maian weapons. Agent (10 points) – Complete the Solo Missions on Agent Special Agent (15 points) – Complete the Solo Missions on Special Agent. Perfect Agent (20 points) – Complete the Solo Missions on Perfect Agent. Crowning Glory (5 points) – Earn all the Leaderboard Crowns.