Category – Xbox Cheats
Xbox Cheats Title – Predator: Concrete Jungle
Unlockable: New Costumes:
Alien Hunter: Kill all snipers in the mission A Night to Remember.
Bad Blood: Destroy the large computer at the start of the mission The New Flesh.
City Hunter Costume: Kill 50 aliens in the mission Bug Hunt.
Dark Blade Clan: Ignore the first enemies and kill a man instead on the mission Extinction.
Jungle Hunter costume: Kill the Irish boss in the mission Midsummer Night’s Massacre.
Ritual Armor: Destroy the three trucks after following El Hongo. The first truck is by a billboard at the start of the mission. THe second truck is in a carpark, and the third truck is at the southeast edge of the level.
Unlockable: Maul Upgrade:
Destroy the large computer at the start of the mission The New Flesh.
Hint: Bonus Missions:
Note: bonus mission hints are sometimes available in stages, but not always. Accomplishing a bonus mission will unlock an attribute or costume bonus (viewable in the Trophy Room or on the costumes screen).
Midsummer Night Massacre: Kill the Irish gang’s boss. He is on the first street and easy to locate.
Copycat: Head towards the waterfront and locate an enemy with a bonus mission icon over his head.
Dead Man Walking: Locate and open two explosive crates. One is near where the Predator starts the mission, on a rooftop. The second is in a parking lot near where the weapons van is crashed.
Death In The Family: – At the top of the mansion’s stairs, head past the red curtains and take your new trophy.
Under The Gun: After completing the timed section of the mission, locate three pick-up trucks with weapons on their beds. Destroy all three. Two of the vans are near the multi-tiered parking structure where the Predator started the mission. The last van is parked on the street next to some of the gang cars.
Skin Trade: Before taking out all the pimps, terminate eight prostitutes by any means.
Sink The Shipment: An entry gate near the shed with the Pulse Mines and Maul has several Les Serviteurs ogling some ex-porn star hookers. Terminate the Serviteur leader (icon over his head). Note that causing any moderate amount of noise or undue attention will cause the enemy to flee from the spot.
Raze The Depot: Near where the Predator starts, there are several enemies in an inaccessible room. One of them is the bonus target. Take him out when the chance arises.
Night To Remember: In the museum courtyard where Borgia’s lieutenants are, take out all the window snipers.
Extinction Event: Stay cloaked and head through the first gate to kill the corrupt police chief.
Escape: There is a weapons scientist in a depressed area of the lab. Killing him will fulfill this objective. You may want to do that after using him to unlock the retinal scanner door.
Rescue: Use any of the Borgia security guards to open all the retinal scan doors (the scanner extends, and there is no cut-scene movie). Kill the Juvenile-9 leader being held prisoner to complete this mission.
Ten Thousand Ways to Die: Locate and activate the three cloaked beacons. Tech view will make them easy to find.
Come To MOTHER: Destroy all four upgraded battle armor in the room where the main lift is.
Hot Time/Old Town: Stealth kill the black ops in the recreation without causing them alarm. Use the Voice-lure to draw them out and get behind them (or snipe them).
If It Bleeds: Disable the cooling fans in order (from one to four).
Bug Hunt: Kill enough aliens to complete the bonus before returning to MOTHER’s chamber.
In The Flesh: Destroy the computer in the upper levels. It may be a good idea to do this bonus mission during the boss’ first phase.
Hint: Weapon Upgrades:
Note: Weapon upgrades are cumulative and you do not need to get them in a particular order to “up your guns”. All weapon upgrades are out in the open (never in a box) and are usually just hard to find.
Copycat: An elevated walkway between buildings has this upgrade. High jump to reach it.
Dead Men Walking: There is a weapon upgrade near one of the two bonus mission crates (the ones that explode).
La Famiglia: On top of the mansion. Atttempt it after disabling all the guns and using the greenhouse on the left side of the mansion as a step-up.
Under The Gun: Near the multi-tier parking structure where the Predator started the misson. Use the destroyed floors to reach it.
The Machine Men: On the track past where the Machine Men initially started off.
Monster Squad: On the west side of the map, there was one of the lift power boxes inside a small tunnel (on the ground) in the previous stage. The weapon upgrade is in the fire.
Rescue: There are four upgrades here. If you attempt to do the bonus mission here, you wind up opening all the doors and having acccess to all the bonus upgrades and missions.
Ten Thousand Ways to Die: There is a weapon upgrade on the side of one of the final buildings (you will be able to see it but cannot reach it (forcefield) until you defeat the upgraded battle armor.
Hot Time/Old Town: On top of the church. use gecko ability to reach it.
If It Bleeds: At the 1-2-3-4 junction where the power core is, the weapon upgrade is on the lower level, where the mines are.
In The Flesh: The upgrade is at the end of one of the very narrow bridges at the edge of the arena.