Category – Xbox Cheats
Cheat Codes:Activate the following cheats by pausing the game and holding down the L or R trigger to access the phone. Then, select “Dial” and dial any of the corresponding numbers:CHEAT FUNCTION – NUMBER.44 Shepherd – #Shepherd12gauge – #12GaugeAccess Eagleline Yellow (Taxi Service) – 555 018 0174Access TNA Taxi Service – 555 455 8008Access Eye for an Eye Voodoo – 555 5966Access On the Fence (Pawn Shop) – 555 7296Access Lik-a-Chick – 555 3863Access The Dead Cow – 555 6238Access Rim Jobs – 555 3493Access Legal Lee’s – 555 9467Access Grounds for Divorce – 555 9473Access On The Rag Clothing – 555 5926All missions – #all missonsAll vehicles – #9479664763851478Ambulace (Restores Health) – 911Ar-40 Xtnd Rifle – #27127468AS12 Riot – #27409863Bad Gas mode(pedestrians avoid you) – #BadgasBaseball Bat – #22732255Beer Muscles – #BeerMusclesBig Willy’s Cab – 555-819-8416Brown Baggers – 555-3765Clear skies – #78669Crash Landing – 555-6278Crowbar – #84734766Do It Up Hair Salon – 555-4247Eagleline Yellow (Taxi Service) – 555 018-0174Evil cars – #38452277Evil Dumb cars – #Evilcars2Eye for an Eye Voodoo – 55-5966Foreign Power (car dealer) – 555-2046Forgive And Forget – 555-4448Freckle Bitch’s (fast food restaurant) – 555-6328Full Health – #fullhealthGameStop T-Shirt – #42637867Gang level reduced – #no gangsGDHC 50 – #GDHC50Get $1,000 – #66639God’s Wrath (lightning strikes randomly) – #10Grounds for Divorce – 555-9473Guy in chicken suit – 555 2445Hand Grenade – #GrenadeHeavy rain – #47246Image As Designed – 555-6398Impressions Clothing – 555-3248Infinite Ammo – #AMMOInfinite Car Mass – #463464836277Infinite Sprint – #SPRINTKnife – #KnifeKrukov – #K6KrukovLegal Lee’s – 555-9467Lik-a-Chick – 555-3863Light rain – #57246List all phone numbers – 555-6666″ as a number.MacManus Sniper Rifle – #62262687Medium rain – #67248Molotov Cocktail – #MolotovNightstick – #6444878425NR4 – #NR4On Thin Ice – 555-2564On the Fence (Pawn Shop) – 555-7296On the Rag Clothing – 555-5926Overcast skies – #62278Pimpcane Shotgun – #74672263Pipe Bomb – #PipebombPolice level reduced – #nocopsRagdoll effect – #72436557Repair Car – #778RPG Launcher – #RocketRim Jobs – 555-3493Riotgun – #AS12RiotSKR-7 Spree – #SKRSPREET3K Urban – #83587226Shear Intensity Hair Salon – 555-6666Slow life regeneration – 911Spawns aqua car – #AQUAStocks – 555-2626Suicide Hotline – 1-555-ITS-OVERTee’N’Ay Gentlemen’s Club – 555-9866The Dead Cow – 555-6238Time set to midnight – #11111Time set to noon – #11112TNA Taxi Service – 555-455-8008Tombstone – #TombstoneTurbulence – 1234-567Urban – #T3KUrbanVice9 – #Vice9Ambulance – #262852623Anchor news van – #AnchorAnt – #268Aqua – #2782Attrazione – #288729463Backhoe – #22254563Bag Boy – #226269Baron – #22766Betsy – #23879Bootlegger – #2668534427Bulldog – #2855364Bulldozer – #BulldozerCapshaw – #227429Cavallaro – #228255276Compton – #ComptonCosmos – #267667Delivery Truck – #33548379Destiny – #3378469Eiswolf – #3479653FBI vehicle – #324Fer de Lance – #3373352623Five-O – #32830Gunslinger – #GunslingerHalberd – #4252373Hammerhead – #HammerheadHannibal – #42664225Hollywood – #465599663Interest – #46837378Jackrabbit – #5225722248The Job (Hummer H1 limousine) – #843562Justice – #5878423Keystone – #53978663Komodo – #566636La Fuerza – #52383792Mag – #MagMockingbird – #66254642473Nelson – #635766Newman mail truck – #NewmanNightingale – #64448464253Nordberg – #66732374NRG V8 – #67498Peacekeeper – #73223533737Quasar – #QuasarQuota – #78682Rampage – #7267243Rattler – #7288537Raycaster – #729227837Reaper – #732737Ricochet – #74262438Ruckus – #782587Shogun – #746486Slingshot – #754647468Socialite – #762425483Status Quo – #72887786Stilletto – #784553886Taxi – #8294Thorogood – #846764663Titan – #84816TraxxMaster – #87299627837Tuasar – #882727Varsity – #8277489Venom – #83666Venom Classic – #836662527742Vice 9 – #84239Vortex – #867839Voxel – #87935Westbury – #93782879Xenor – #14333Zenith – #936484Zimos – #94667Zircon – #947266Zomkah – #966524Chop Shop activity bonuses:Unlock the following bonuses by completing all Chop Shop activities for the corresponding gangs:BONUS – GANGSpecial Hollywood version – Los Carnales Chop Shop activities.Special Ricochet version – Westside Rollerz Chop Shop activities.Special Stiletto version – Vice King Chop Shop activities.Discounted car repair – Complete all Chop Shop activities.Drug Trafficking activity bonuses:Unlock the following bonuses by completing all Drug Trafficking activities for the corresponding gangs:BONUS – GANGLos Carnales Notoriety decreases 5% quicker – Complete the Los Carnales Drug Trafficking activities.Vice King Notoriety decreases 5% quicker – Complete the Vice King Drug Trafficking activities.Westside Rollerz Notoriety decreases 5% quicker – Complete the Westside Rollerz Drug Trafficking activities.Laura homie – Complete the Westside Rollerz Drug Trafficking activities.Police Notority decreases 5% quicker – Complete all Drug Trafficking activities.Escort activity bonuses:Unlock the following bonuses by completing all Escort activities for the corresponding gangs:BONUS – GANGAnchor vehicle – Westside Rollerz Escort activities.Dressed To Kill clothing – Los Carnales Escort activities.Samantha homie – Vice King Escort activities.The Job (Hummer H1 limousine) – Complete all Escort activities.Hijacking activity bonuses:Unlock the following bonuses by completing all Hijacking activities for the corresponding gangs:BONUS – GANGAttrazione vehicle – Westside Rollerz Hijacking activities.Jewelery – Vice King Hijacking activities.Racing clothes – Los Carnales Hijacking activities.Titan vehicle – Complete all Hijacking activities.Hitman activity bonuses:Unlock the following bonuses by completing all Hitman activities for the corresponding gangs:BONUS – GANGGold GDHC .50 at Crib – Los Carnales Hitman activities.Mr. Wong homie – Westside Rollerz Hitman activities.Platinum AS12 Riot at Crib – Westside Rollerz Hitman activities.Platinum T3K-Urban at Crib – Vice King Hitman activities.50% discount at Friendly Fire – Complete all Hitman activities.Platinum RPG Launcher at Crib – Complete all Hitman activities.Insurance Fraud activity bonuses:Unlock the following bonuses by completing all Insurance Fraud activities for the corresponding gangs:BONUS – GANGReduced damage from bullet – Vice King Insurance Fraud activities.Reduced damage from cars – Los Carnales Insurance Fraud activities.Reduced damage from explosions – Westside Rollerz Insurance Fraud activities.Health regenerates faster – Complete all Insurance Fraud activities.Mayhem activity bonuses:Unlock the following bonuses by completing all Mayhem activities for the corresponding gangs:BONUS – GANGGrenades at Crib – Vice King Mayhem activities.Molotov Cocktails at Crib – Los Carnales Mayhem activities.Pipe Bomb at Crib – Westside Rollerz Mayhem activities.RPG Launcher at Crib – Complete all Mayhem activities.Racing activity bonuses:Unlock the following bonuses by completing the corresponding number of racing activities:BONUS – RACING ACTIVITIES10% discount at Rim Jobs – Complete one Racing activity.20% discount at Rim Jobs – Complete two Racing activities.30% discount at Rim Jobs – Complete three Racing activities.50% discount at Rim Jobs – Complete all Racing activities.Snatch activity bonuses:Unlock the following bonuses by completing all Snatch activities for the corresponding gangs:BONUS – GANGPimp hat, fluffy coat, and pimp pants – Los Carnales Snatch activities.Pimp medallion – Vice King Snatch activities.Pimp variant of the Baron – Westside Rollerz Snatch activities.Will homie – 3rd Street Saints Snatch activities.Pimpcane Shotgun at Crib – Complete all Snatch activities.Tagging activity bonuses:Unlock the following bonuses by completing all Tagging activities for the corresponding gangs:BONUS – GANG10% Stamina Boost – Los Carnales Tagging activities.10% Stamina Boost – Vice King Tagging activities.10% Stamina Boost – Westside Rollerz Tagging activities.Infinite stamina – Complete all Tagging activities.Unlockables:Unlock the following bonuses by completing the corresponding tasks:BONUS – HOW TO UNLOCK3rd Street Saints Crib – Complete the Back To Basic mission.King’s Penthouse – Complete all Vice King missions.Lopez Mansion – Complete all Los Carnales missions.Price Mansion – Complete all Westside Rollerz missions.All Los Carnales cars – Complete all Los Carnales missions.All Vice King cars – Complete all Vice King missions.All Westside Rollerz cars – Complete all Westside Rollerz missions.Wheel Woman homie – Complete the Canonized mission for the 3rd Street Saints.Zombie Lin homie – Complete the Westside Rollerz storyline. Then, call Eye For An Eye Voodoo (555-5966) to unlock Zombie Lin as a homie.Recruiting homies:Get the ability to recruit the following number of homies by performing the corresponding tasks:HOMIES – HOW TO UNLOCK1 homie – Complete the Canonized mission for the 3rd Street Saints.2 homies – 25% of city owned.3 homies – 50% of city owned.Bonus songs:Collect the following number of CDs to unlock the corresponding bonus songs in the custom soundtracks:CDS – SONG10 CDs – Don’t F*** Me Like I’m Your Wife by Aisha20 CDs – Man Up by Ghostface Killa30 CDs – Git Out Of My Way by Daz Dillinger40 CDs – Hurry, Hurry by Strong Arm Steady50 CDs – Shut You Down by Rhymefest60 CDs – Saints Row by David BannerTitan armored truck:To find a Titan armored truck, go to the business side of Stillwater during the day. Or, complete the Westside Rollerz hijackings up to level 7. Instead of completing the hijacking, steal the Titan.Easy money:To easily gain money, drive a Titan armored truck to your garage and save the game. Then, back it out of your garage and blow it up. Go to the garage selection screen and press cancel to make the Titan disappear and collect money. Go to the selection screen before the garage door closes and repair the Titan for $500. Repeat as desired.More easy money:To easily gain money, go to the Downtown Chop Shop activity. Build up your notoriety until the FBI comes after you. Steal the FBI’s cars and give them to the Chop Shop guy for $5,000 each.Robbing shops:To successfully rob a shop, enter a shop that has a safe and aim any gun(except rocket launcher) at the clerk. Follow and continue to aim at the clerk while he starts to move towards the safe or else he will sound the alarm.Free online accessories:To get free online acccessories, sign into Xbox Live and have a friend create lobby. Join the lobby, then exit to your wardrobe. Remove all upper body clothing except hats and buy an expensive item that you cannot afford. You will be told it costs too much, but your character will be displaying it on his body to show you what it looks like. Join your friends game and you will still be wearing the item.AK-47 in Brown Baggers:There is an AK-47 at Brown Baggers in Shivington, Projects District. It is located in the middle of the basketball court adjacent to the building.Free ammo:To get free ammo, enter a gun shop and press RB to run into someone who is holding a gun. They will drop the gun and you can pick up the ammo.Enter vehicles faster:To instantly enter a car, stand on top of it and press Y.Super strength:To gain super strength, dial “#BeerMuscles” on your phone. Go to the liquor store and drink some alcohol. When you hit somebody they will go twice as far.Attrazonie car:When you want a fast racing car, go to the Demolition Derby and complete three levels. After that, continue playing until you lose. When you finally do lose there should be an Attrazonie outside in the parking lot. (You can also get two cars from the derby if you complete all levels – both cars can be customized.)Higher Jumping:To jump 3 to 4 times higher than normal you’ll need to find a vehicle which has a front bumper that you can stand on. Jump on the bumper, sprint toward the driver’s seat and jump. If done right you can get onto high up buildings that you can’t normally get onto (no skyscrapers or anything that high). The average height for me is about 1 – 1 1/2 stories high. The car that I usually use is a Nordberg (a jeep-like SUV). Unlockable Cribs:Unlock the following cribs by performing the corresponding tasks:CRIB – HOW TO UNLOCKAngelo Lopez’s beach house – Complete the “What Goes Up…” mission.Benjamin King’s penthouse – Complete the “Return Of The King” mission.Price’s mansion – Complete the “Semi-Charmed Life” mission.Saints Row loft crib – Complete the “Back To Basics” mission. Soccer ball:When you get Price’s Crib, walk into the room that lets you save,change clothes, get cash, and get weapons. Go to the north wall to find three doors. Open the door on the left. The one on the right is the door you entered the room with, and the one in the middle cannot be opened. When you open the door, walk out a bit and turn left. Jump over the balcony and onto the roof. Make your way up the roof until you get to the peak. Turn left and you should see a chimney. Run over to it and press X to climb up. When you are on top you will see a soccer ball that you can kick to get it out.Unique car locations:Find the following cars by searching the corresponding locations:Attrazione car locationThe Attrazione car occasionally spawns in the parking lot next to the Demolition Derby activity icon. It spawns in the fourth parking space to the left of the activity-start facing the building. Many tries may be required before it appears. However, certain cars appear more frequently if you are in a car of a similar class.Nelson car locationGo to the front door of Price’s crib to see the exit (gate). Next door to that will be a house with a Nelson car outside (normally done up).Zenith car locationThe Zenith car occasionally spawns in the parking lot of the National News Center building in the Union Square Region of the Downtown District. To get there, find the drawbridge. It is the second bridge from the left on the map. Follow the bridge north to reach a four-way intersection. Keep going straight. You will eventually get to a T-intersection. The parking lot should be on your right, and is very small. The Zenith will probably require a few attempts before it spawns. However, certain cars appear more frequently if you are in a car of a similar class. Recommended cars for races:The Voxel is at the top of its class ranking for the way that the racing car class is set up. The Voxel can get ahead faster than all other cars in its class due to its higher top speed. Stronghold bonuses hint:Some of the strongholds from various factions give certain bonus to your fellow homies. For example, the second stronghold of the Carnales is a weapons factory that lets your homies get better guns (from pistols to SMG, AK47s, and grenades). Some homies might also have a shotgun with them.Quick parts on Chop Shop activity:The easiest and fastest way to get all the parts is by finding the correct car and steal it. If it does not have the parts you need, bring it to Rim Jobs and customize it with the correct items.Easy completion of Demolition Derby activity:When you begin the activity and the announcer says “Go!”, click the Right Analog-stick to boost and drive straight into a car. Repeat this to complete the activity within minutes.Easy completion of Hijacking activity:Whenever you reach three or more stars for stealing cars, the cops will begin ramming you and end up blowing you up before you get back to turn the car in. However, if you go to the nearest Forgive And Forget, your police notoriety will go down, You will be home free without any cops interfering with you returning with the car. Activity characters:Find the following characters for the indicated acivity by performing the corresponding tasks:BillTo find Bill for the Chinatown Hitman activity, get maximum police notoriety. Bill is one of the FBI agents. DonTo find Don for the Projects Hitman activity, go to the Red Light District. He should be in one of the Baron cars with the pimps.HenryTo find Henry for the Projects Hitman activity, go to the Downtown District. He should be driving the Status Quo limousines. JohnTo find John for Airport Hitman activity, get four stars of police notoriety and he will appear. He will be riding in a helicopter. JackieTo find Jackie for the Chinatown Hitman activity, call “911” on your phone. She is an ambulance driver. If she does not show up immediately, try again.Easy completion of Insurance Fraud activity:Get a Five-0 police car and go to the scoring area. Then, try to get up to top speed and get into a head on crash with an oncoming car. If done correctly, you will get a x4 vehicle bonus, a x2 civil vehicle bonus, a x5 vehicle eject bonus, and (if you are lucky) a x2 distance bonus. It is possible to get scores as high as $400,000 on a single crash using this technique.Easy wins on Racing activity:Get a Slingshot or other slow car and take it to Rimjobs to get nitrous put in it. Then, race. All cars should be just as slow as you and easy to race with. With the nitrous you can get an easy jump at the start of the race and coming out of turns.Easy completion of Snatch activity:Purchase some hand grenades at Friendly Fire, then call any of the taxi services (for example, the TNA taxi service). When the taxi gets there, jump on top of the hood and press LT to short toss the grenade on to the windshield. After about one second, press Y. If done correctly, you will jump out of the taxi as it explodes. The taxi will be partially blown up but you will still be able to drive it. It will be invincible, allowing you to drive in peace during the Snatch activities without worrying about your car blowing up.-During the Los Carnales Snatch activity, after picking up the client, go to the airport. At the end of the road, turn left and go through the gates. Quickly turn right and go to the ramp, then jump the ramp onto the warehouse and stay there. The reporters will not be able to get close enough to you. There is also a CD up there.Burning man:Complete the “Canonized” and “Back To Basics” missions, then go outside the Sloppy Seconds clothing store in the Saint’s Row district. Dial #74672263 into your cell phone to unlock the Pimpcane shotgun, then activate that cheat. Equip the Pimpcane and wait until it is midnight in the game. Enter the back door of Sloppy Seconds, then go to safe and start unlocking it. A safe code will appear. Enter the safe code backwards, from right to left, starting with “A”. When rotating the Analog-stick, do not let it return to the center before starting the next rotation. Cancel out of the safe opening by tapping D-pad Down(2). Then, walk out the back of the store.Longer lasting stamina hints:-To make your stamina last just a bit longer than usual, rapidly tap RB.-To get around faster and maintain stamina outside of a car instead of tapping RB, jump while you are sprinting. When you are in the air, you will be moving at the same speed as your sprint.Entering cars faster hints:-Stand on top of a vehicle and press Y to instantly be in the car.-Jump on top of a car’s hood and press Y. You should then be in the car instantly, giving the hostages no time to react. This works well on Insurance Fraud activity (stealing cop car) and Easy Car Theft (jump on then take).Destroying pursuers hint:During a high speed pursuit with police, photographers, gang members, etc., toss your hand grenades out of your car window while driving at high speed to destroy their vehicle. It may requires a few grenades, but it is easier, cheaper, and faster than using your projectile weapons.Robbing Friendly Fire and getting extra ammunition:When robbing Friendly Fire, some of the pedestrians will be looking at the guns. Start a robbery and they will drop the guns in terror. After that, you should be able to pick up the gun.Finding Alan:Alan is usually in the “Technically Legal” strip club (from the Westside Rollers escort mission).Easy safe opening hint:Go into a shop that has a safe, then aim any gun except the rocket launcher at the clerk. You will have started a hold up and the clerk will put their hands up and say “Don’t kill me”. Keep aiming the gun at the clerk and they will start to move toward the safe. Follow them while still aiming your gun at them, or they she will put their hands down and sound the alarm. If you keep your gun aimed at them until they get to the safe, they will open it for you. You can now get what is in the safe. Note: This will raise your felony, but will not sound the alarm.Scaring homeless people:There is usually a homeless person sleeping on the bench at the front of the drug store. Buy a 40 oz. and get close to the character, then face them and drink the 40 oz. to slam it over his body. He will then scream and run in terror.Faster driving Wheel Woman:When you call “Wheel Woman” and ride with her, she goes pretty slow. To make her drive faster, get into the car with her and, once she starts going, hold?D-pad Up?to release her as a “homie”. She will drive faster and will still be able to control which direction she goes. Car elevator hint:Go to the penthouse that you get from Benjamin King, then go to the garage and get a car. Back it up into the elevator to be taken up to your penthouse in your car.De-railing trains hint:With a rocket launcher, shoot at the train up on the tracks. If you can hit it, the train will explode and fly off the tracks.Double explosion hint:When you see a police car, use your RPG launcher to shoot it at the brush guards (in between the headlights). The car will explode catching fire, killing the cops inside. Right afterward, it will explode again and kill the cops around it.Suicidal person:Go to the most northwestern island and go to the very top of it. There are some rocks and a cliff there. Depending on the time of day, a person will be standing on the cliff. Walk up to them to have them say something like “Life isn’t worth it” before jumping off the cliff.Super strength hints:-Note: This works for most of the alcohol in the game. Drink some form of alcohol to get super strength when fighting with your fists. You can do far more damage and if you hit the right combo, you can send your opponent flying into the air.-For even more strength, dial?#BEERMUSCLES?in your cell phone for milk bones. Then, go to the liquor shop and drink some bubbly. Punch somebody and they will now go twice as far.Zombie Lin:After Lin dies (West Side Rollers missions), phone Eye For An Eye (555-5966). You will be able to call Zombie Lin on your cell phone. She drives a hearse, beats people with her own arm, and sometimes eats dead bodies. She will follow you around and attack anyone you attack, like other homies.Dash board sidewinder flip:An ambulance in perfect condition is required. Jump on the step to get in the ambulance, but do not enter it. Keep running (but not sprinting), and jump on the mirror. Immediately jump on the hood of the car. Shoot out the windshield with a hand pistol, then turn 180 degrees. Walk to the edge of the hood, but do not fall off. Get in the dead center of the hood. Get some grenades (make sure you are throwing back on) and aim all the way. Press?Fire, then run. If done correctly, it should be doing a backflip on a spin while moving diagonally in the air.Scared drivers hint:Jump onto a car and stay there. After a couple seconds the driver will drive crazily before slowing down, but will get back to driving crazy again. Occasionally you will also get a warrant star.Repeatedly set hobo on fire:Shoot a hobo with a one hit kill gun when he is next to a barrel on fire. Once he stops burning, shoot him again and he will catch on fire again.Free online accessories glitches:-A friend who has Xbox Live and the game is required. Have him create a lobby and join it, then leave to go to your wardrobe. Remove all the upper body clothing (not including hats), then go to the store and buy an expensive item (platinum chain or other jewelry). You will be told that it costs too much, but your character model will be wearing it to show you what it looks like. While wearing the chain or other accessory, open up your friends list and join his game. You will be wearing the chain when in the lobby. Repeat this process until you get everything desired. -Skip the online lobby and go directly to the customization tab on the Xbox Live section. Choose “Body” and, as soon as the screen loads, press Y to quit and make sure to save with A. Then, scroll down to purchase clothing and select it. When it loads, find the item of clothing desired. When you see the clothing on your character’s body, join a friend’s game in progress or have someone send you an invite. Join their game. Note: The glitched clothing cannot be removed unless you buy a piece of clothing of the same type, such as coat or shoes, and wear that purchased piece of clothing. Free Forgive And Forget confessional glitch:To get free forgiveness, drive through the Forgive And Forget very fast so it clears your wanted level, but does not have enough time to charge you.Gang or cop car damage glitch:When being chased by the cops or any gangs, go to a mission marker and begin the mission. When the intermission sequence is over, the car will be empty and damage done to it by you or the driver will be there.Chasing Warren glitch:Play the mission where you must chase down Warren and destroy his car. If you lose sight of Warren and his car, immediately get out of the Mag (King’s car) and get back in. The timer to catch up to Warren will be gone and all you have to do is track him down. You can use this as many times as you want. Immediately fix your car. If your car is in bad condition, go to an activity marker. Make sure that you cover up half of the marker with your car, then get out and start the activity. After the scene, your car will disappear. Wait a couple seconds and a new car should drop down where your first car was.Riding on train glitch:To get a free ride on the trains above Stillwater, walk up to the front of a train before it begins moving and jump on the little ledge. Stand there until it starts moving, then wait about 20 to 30 seconds and sprint towards the front door. This is very hard. If done correctly, you should be inside the train. Do not touch the front or back of the train or you will get off. When you want to get off, walk to the back and touch the wall. You will fall off but still be alive.Getting on top of hospital:This trick only works on Xbox Live, Bling That Ride. On the level “Hustler”, there is a hospital (where you turn the chain in). This glitch lets you get on top of that building. Get a quick car and drive to the ditch that has the broken down cars in it, just in front of the location listed above. Get to the opposite side (the side farthest away from the hospital) and quickly drive to the ramp that gets you out of the ditch. As soon as you get on it, drive sideways onto the incline. Just before the incline disappears, use the Analog-stick to ramp off the fence. If done correctly, your car will fly at the hospital and hit the wall directly above a ledge. When that happens, instantly press Y to jump out of the car. You will land on the ledge. This is a perfect sniper location for killing people that try to turn in the chainThrowing grenades through store glitch:Enter the Friendly Fire shop in Somerset (the Apartments district) while making sure you have lots of grenades. Throw enough grenades so that one of the doors blows off. The other door will not. Walk out of the store so that you are about one quarter across the road (in between the sidewalk in front of you and the point where the car flow switches directions). Look in the store. You should only be able to see people, cars, and the train. Throw a grenade inside and sprint in. Once you are inside, everything will return to normal. Afterward, you will feel the grenade explode under you. Note: If you do not blow the door off you will not be able to do this because it auto closes.Go through island glitch:Go to the bridge on the corner of the map and use the parallel parking trick to get to the other side of the red barrier. Quickly jump of the left side of the railing and start swimming toward the island. Check the map if you are lost. Once you reach the island, you will not climb onto it, but instead go through it.No cops for betraying homies:Shoot one of your homies (the people wearing purple) in front of a cop. They will not get you into trouble.Standing cane glitch:When you see a person walking with a cane, punch them as their cane is upright. If done at the right moment, the person should drop their cane and try to run. The cane will remain standing straight upon the ground.Demo version: Getting through red barricades:-Get any car of your choice and point it at an angle with the driver’s side to make a triangle shape, then tap Y(2) to jump out your car and to the other side.-To get out of demo area, parallel park a car next to the red barricades. Then, press Y(2) and you should be out.Demo version: AK-47:Get killed so that you end up outside the hospital, then go out onto the road and steal a car. Position the car so you can skip over the demo barrier. Once on the other side, follow the barrier down the side of the hospital until you reach a wall over the road. Once at the wall, follow it all the way down to the right until you come across some yellow boards. Jump them and continue up the little alley. Turn left at the end of the alley then right onto the sidewalk. Follow the sidewalk all the way up until you see a basketball court on the upper left of the screen. Go over to the basketball court and jump the fence or walk through the gap. You can now pick up the AK-47. It constantly respawns, but you can only carry 30/500 rounds.Demo version: Three homies following you:Continue through the demo until you reach Snatch Activity, then start the activity–but do not pickup the women. Instead, get a car and find some of your fellow gang members. Tell them to join. You can get up to three members to follow you by doing this, as long as you are not killed or busted. If you are killed just repeat the process.Demo version: Drug store outside the map:Get into a vehicle and head to the left-hand corner of the playable map. Maneuver your vehicle to about a meter away from the demo wall, with the driver side of the vehicle parallel with the wall. Rapidly press Y(2) for your player to jump from the car and jump through the wall. If you are not sure of your position, press Start and make sure a green circle with a question mark is nearby. Walk to the store (or the green circle) and open the front or back door to find a drug store.Demo version: Getting on train station:Go to the stairway area in which you access the train station (across from Friendly Fire). To get onto the staircase past the barrier, do the glitch on the ground with any car to get past the barrier in the grassy area (where all the rocks are found). Once inside, wait for enemy gang to drive by on the road. Shoot their car once so they must drive past the barrier up to you. Then, kill the enemies, take the car, and drive it around to the front right side of the staircase where the corner sticks out. Make sure not to drive down or fall down the lower level where the benches are, as you will get stuck there unless you kill yourself. Angle your car sideways up on the hill so the vehicle is exactly perpendicular to it (the area between the staircase and the bridge). Jump on top of your car and keep jumping until you make it up. Sometimes if you are lucky you will teleport instantly on the staircase the moment you leave your car. You must position the car perfectly. You can now make your way up, see the people, and wait for the train. However, the barrier will still be on either of the sides. You will not have much of an area to explore.CD locations:Find the following CDs by searching the corresponding areas and locations:Number 1Area – Misty Lane, Suburbs DistrictLocation – On the back patio closest to your CribNumber 2Area – Tidal Springs, Suburbs DistrictLocation – On top of the stairs to the apartment near the raised freewayNumber 3Area – Tidal Springs, Suburbs DistrictLocation – In a backyard near the burning fire pitNumber 4Area – Huntersfield, Suburbs SistrictLocation – Beside a pool behind a fence next door to Brown BaggersNumber 5Area – Huntersfield, Suburbs DistrictLocation – On the front balcony of the store next to Brown BaggersNumber 6Area – Huntersfield, Suburbs DistrictLocation – At the top of the ramp on top floor of the parking garageNumber 7Area – Nob Hill, High End Retail DistrictLocation – At the top of the stairs on the second floor of the outdoor mallNumber 8Area – Atlantis Avenu, High End Retail DistrictLocation – Next to a pool through a privacy fenceNumber 9Area – Nob Hill, High End Retail DistrictLocation – Front of the Redveil storefrontNumber 10Area – Humbolt Park, Museum DistrictLocation – At the base of the monument next to the Stillwater Science CenterNumber 11Area – Humbolt Park, Museum DistrictLocation – Over the cliff on the narrow rocky shorelineNumber 12Area – Nob Hill, High End Retail DistrictLocation – Up the south steps of the NNC buildingNumber 13Area – Nob Hill, High End Retail DistrictLocation – In a corner at the bottom of the steps at the south end of the NNC buildings lower walkwayNumber 14Area – Filmore, Downtown DistrictLocation – In the recessed walkway around the strip of stores, the CD is in front of a store called RoserNumber 15Area – Amberbrook, Museum DistrictLocation – In the lot where you find the bulldozer in the main story missionsNumber 16Area – Brighton, Downtown DistrictLocation – On a ledge behind the irish pub and beside the raised freeway on a raised grassy medianNumber 17Area – Union Square, Downtown DistrictLocation – On the balcony behind the Torin bank next to the bridgeNumber 18Area – Union Square, Downtown DistrictLocation – Follow the stairs behind the loan office activity down to the large area infront of the Arena storeNumber 19Area – Ultor Dome, Arena DistrictLocation – Follow the dirt road between the aqueduct and the freeway to the Water Treatment Facility, the CD is in the fenceNumber 20Area – Union Square, Downtown DistrictLocation – By the many porta-johns at the Ultor DomeNumber 21Area – Sunnyvale Gardens, Projects DistrictLocation – Behind the old Uncle Spacle’s Tackle Shack on the shorelineNumber 22Area – Shivington, Projects DistrictLocation – On the playground near a tagging locationNumber 23Area – Shivington, Projects DistrictLocation – On the foundation of a destroyed house on the cornerNumber 24Area – Pleasent View, Projects DistrictLocation – Hop the fence behind Zatros bar, the CD is in the small backyardNumber 25Area – Shivington, Projects DistrictLocation – Behind the breakable wooden fence below the raised train trackNumber 26Area – Bavogian Plaza, Red Light DistrictLocation – At the Uranus Theater ticket window accessed from the back parking lotNumber 27Area – Rebadeaux, Red Light DistrictLocation – On the furthest and lowest end of the small wooden pierNumber 28Area – Mission Beach, Saints Row DistrictLocation – On the floor of this building that’s under constructionNumber 29Area – Mission Beach, Saints Row DistrictLocation – In a ramshakle cul-de-sac near a dumpster in the streetNumber 30Area – Pleasent View, Projects DistrictLocation – In the small back yard between the projects row of duplexes and the raised freewayNumber 31Area – Prawn Court, Red Light DistrictLocation – In the nook at the front door of the cheetah bus linesNumber 32Area – Prawn Court, Red Light DistrictLocation – In the parking lot of the two story brick building with the Pornstar Night posters on the wallNumber 33Area – Sommerset, Apartment DistrictLocation – On the third floor balcony of the apartment buildingNumber 34Area – Sommerset, Apartment DistrictLocation – In the picnic area between apartment buildingsNumber 35Area – Sommerset, Apartment DistrictLocation – Beside the gated pool between the apartment buildingsNumber 36Area – Sommerset, Apartment DistrictLocation – Knock the wooden fence down next to Friendly FireNumber 37Area – Chinatown, Chinatown DistrictLocation – Smash through the green chain link privacy fence near the warehouseNumber 38Area – Chinatown, Chinatown DistrictLocation – Inside the covered lion-gargoyle guarded corner entrance to the oriental building where you meet Mr. WongNumber 39Area – Copperton, Truck Yard DistrictLocation – Break through the privacy fence around the construction site under the raised freeway by the trailer officeNumber 40Area – Cooperton, Truck Yard DistrictLocation – In the back behind the green warehouse surrounded by wooden fencesNumber 41Area – Cooperton, Truck Yard DistrictLocation – Between two blue double-stacked shipping containers behind the the loading dock on the cornerNumber 42Area – Cooperton, Truck Yard DistrictLocation – In the oriental gazebo in the middle of the Feng Sui ParkNumber 43Area – Ezpata, Barrio DistrictLocation – Next to the goldfish pond in your mansions gazeboNumber 44Area – Wardill Airport, Airport DistrictLocation – In the top of the plane hangerNumber 45Area – Wardill Airport, Airport DistrictLocation – Behind the chain link fence in the rear of the radar buildingNumber 46Area – Wardill Airport, Airport DistrictLocation – Behind the control towerNumber 47Area – Encanto, Barrio DistrictLocation – In an alley west of the Scratch That music storeNumber 48Area – Encanto, Barrio DistrictLocation – Near the park benches in the small courtyard just off the main roadNumber 49Area – Cecil Park, Barrio DistrictLocation – On the walkway in the strip mallNumber 50Area – Cooperton, Truck Yard DistrictLocation – In the back of the recessed foundation of the power generator towersNumber 51Area – The Mills, Factory DistrictLocation – In a corner on the lot within the Summers Manufacturing buildingsNumber 52Area – Fox Drive, Factory DistrictLocation – At the end of the broken rail bridgeNumber 53Area – Pilsen, Factory DistrictLocation – On the low dirt road beyond the tracks next to an old storage buildingNumber 54Area – Black Bottom, Factory DistrictLocation – On a small island in the murky water below the freewayNumber 55Area – Fox Drive, Factory DistrictLocation – Within the smaller tanks on a platform near the small brick building south of the large water tanksNumber 56Area – Charlestown, Docks and Warehouse DistrictLocation – Behind the Butter Pole Bar