Category – Xbox Cheats
Xbox Cheats Title – Shark Tale
Cheat codes:During game play, push Select to enter to the controller screen then press the following button combinations:Creatures Fly Off Screen:Press and hold L, and press X, X, X, X, A, X, X, X, X, and then release L. Replace pearls with coins:Press and hold L, and press X, A, X, X, X, A, X, X, and then release L.Invincible Oscar:Hold L and press A, X, A, Left, Left, Y, R, Down, Y, Y buttons at the controller selection screen. A message will confirm correct code entry.Attack mode on at all times:Hold L and press X(4 times), A, X(4 times) buttons at the controller selection screen. If the code is accepted, you will see a message.Two extra Clams and fame:Hold L and press X, X, A, A, X, A, X, X buttons at the controller selection screen. If the code is accepted, you will see a message.Replace all Pearls with Fish King coins: Hold L and press X, A, X, X, X, A, X, X? buttons at the controller selection screen. If the code is accepted, you will see a message.Chapter 3: Easy pearls:Attack the puffer fish. You can pick up many pearls.To win in dancing mode, press the buttons when they get to the circle.Shorties: If you can’t beat them, try to following Shorties.Destroyable creatures:You can destroy:crabs, puffer-fish, guard fish, piranhas, electric eels, angler fish. You cannot destroy:jellyfish, sea urchins, bus fish, long eels.Avoiding enemies:In any chapter, to avoid enemies or to just swim fast, rapidly press X.Complete dance mode easier: Push A B X Y buttonws on each arrow. It will count as the arrow that is pointing to, even doubles. To win in dancing mode, push the buttons when they get to the circle.