Category – Xbox Cheats
Cheat Codes:Activate the following cheats by entering the corresponding codes at the specified screen:CHEAT FUNCTION – CHEAT CODE10,000 Gold Coins – Press UP(2), DOWN, UP, RIGHT, LEFT at the gift shop.Secret Costume 1 – Press LEFT(2), UP, RIGHT(2), UP, LEFT at the main menu.Mark MacDonald of National Geographic Kids via choicefresh Secret Costume 2 – Press RIGHT(2), DOWN, LEFT(2), UP, RIGHT at the main menu.Madagascar easter egg:In the pirate ship level there is a side quest called “Arctic Achiever” in room 2. You must go down the bridge then walk backwards. You will find a couple crates and one of them will have something in it. The others will have fairy-dust. When you break the crate with something in it, you will release Skipper (the penguin) from Madagascar. He will say, “We’re going to the open spaces of Antarctica, to the wild!” Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKSpoon Fed Ogre (30 points) – Beat the game in Charming Difficulty.Glorious Liege (80 points) – Beat the game in Grimm Difficulty.Hail to the King! (60 points) – Beat all 20 missionsof the game for the first time in any difficulty.Questing Rookie (40 points) – Beat 33% of the Challenge Quests in the game.Questing Fiend (50 points) – Beat 66% of the Challenge Quests in the game.Questing Ogre (80 points) – Beat all the Challenge Quests in the game.For the Fridge (30 points) – Collect 33% of Coloring Book Pages in the game.Upstart Artist (40 points) – Collect 66% of Coloring BookPages in the game.Art Collector (50 points) – Collect 100% of Coloring Book Pages in the game.The Finisher (50 points) – Perform 100 finishing moves.The Juggler (40 points) – Launch 50 Enemies into the air then catch them with Shrek.Survivor Shrek (60 points) – Achieve a Perfect on every level on Normal difficulty or higher.Super Ogre (30 points) – Use Super Ogre Power 5 times with Shrek or Fiona.Novice Collector (30 points) – Collect 33% of all Souvenir Mugs in the game.Amateur Collector (40 points) – Collect 66% Souvenir Mugs in the game.Master Collector (50 points) – Collect all Souvenir Mugs in the game.Ice Dragon Tamer (30 points) – Defeat the Ice Dragon on Normal difficulty or higher.Music Critic (30 points) – Defeat Captain Hook on Normal difficulty or higher.Upstaged Charming (30 points) – Defeat Prince Charming on Normal difficulty or higher.The Collector (60 points) – Beat all of The Collector series of quests.Super Ogre Power Extreme (60 points) – Use Super Ogre Power 10 times with any character.Ogre Smash! (30 points) – Use Fairy Dust Attack 50 times with any character.?