Category – Xbox Cheats
Cheat mode:Note: Enabling cheats will disable challenges and achievements. However, the game gives you the option to save your neighborhood before the cheats were activated to resume from there later. To enable cheat mode, load your family in a house or location, then press Start. Then, hold RB RT LB LT’ and the cheats instructions will tell you that Spot is now available under “Decor-Miscellaneous”. Place him in your lot and all cheats can be used.Easy money:To easily earn money, have your sim write novels on the computer. Fiction novels take the least amount of time, but will not bring you the most Simoleons. Romance novels will earn you the most Simoleons. After maxing out the “Writing” skill, you can make as much as 40,000 Simoleons every week.Same day refunds:After purchasing an item, you can get a full refund as long as you sell it the same day.Easy skills:To perform this trick, you will need a TV with the Cooking, Fishing, or Gardening channels and a video game system. Have one Sim watch TV on any of those channels to start earning skill points. Then, have a second Sim start playing video games on that TV. The first Sim will continue to earn skill points. Allow the Sim to sit their until they move on their own. The skill meter will continue to stay above their head. If you repeat the steps until the Cooking, Fishing, and Gardening channels have been viewed, the Sim will be learning three skills at once.Free bookcase skills:To learn bookcase skills for free, buy a bookcase and have your Sim begin to study. Interrupt your Sim so that they place the book on the ground; then sell the bookcase. You can use the book that is on the ground to do everything the bookcase can do.Baby genders:To increase your chances of having a boy, have a pregnant female Sim eat apples. To increase your chances of having a girl, have a pregnant female Sim eat watermelons.Twins/Triplets:To increase the chance of having twins or triplets, have one or both parents have the lifetime reward of Fertility Treatment.Ghost baby:To make a Ghost baby, set one of your female Sim’s traits to Kleptomaniac. Go to the graveyard, and have the Sim steal male remains. A ghost will appear 11:00 P.M. and disappear at 4:00 A.M. on the second day after stealing the remains. It will continue to appear every other day. Socialize with the ghost every time it appears and become best friends with it. Get the “Fertility” award and confess your attraction to the ghost. Ask the ghost to snuggle on the bed, and kiss him. Try for a baby every night and you will eventually have a ghost baby.Ghosts in your house:To get ghosts to come to your house, go to the graveyard and steal all the tombstones, then place them in your backyard.Making friends:To easily make friends, get your guitar skill to 5/10. Then, go to the park and select “Play For Tips”. People who watch you will become your friends. The higher your guitar skill, the faster they will become friends with you.Disable aging:To disable aging, go to “Game Options”