Category – Xbox Cheats
50,000 bonus points:To receive 50,000 bonus points, complete Green Hill Zone 1-1 or 1-2 in less than 29 seconds.Unlimited lives:Collect the extra life at the very bottom of Green Hill Zone: Act 3. Collect 100 rings to obtain another extra life. Collect a third extra life located at the top of the loop-the-loop. Intentionally lose a life, then repeat the process as many times as desired.Special Zone entrance:You can usually have the Special Zone entrance open (the giant ring next to the sign at the end of level Acts 1 and 2) by not losing your rings. If you do lose your rings, when you pass a checkpoint, intentionally die, then continue through the level without losing any rings.There will be a giant ring at the end of the stage when you collect 50 rings.”Sonic Posts” 10,000 point locations:The following are the 10,000 point locations:ZONE – LOCATIONGreen Hill Zone 1 – When Sonic passes the zone, make sure to pass his body all over the last tree. A “10,000” bonus point is hidden there.Green Hill Zone 2 – When Sonic passes this zone, make sure to pass in between the second and third palm tree. The bonus point worth “10,000” is there.Marble Zone 1 – When you view the message “SONIC HAS PASSED ACT 1”, you should noticed three columns. To the right of the third column, pass all over the little area to get the “10,000” point bonus. In order for this to happen, you should use jump as much as possible to get him to reach the point bonus.Marble Zone 2 – When you view the message “SONIC HAS PASSED ACT 2”, pass his body all over the right side of the screen. You should get the “10,000” point bonus. In order for this to happen, you should use jump button as much as possible to get him to reach the point bonus.Spring Yard Zone 1 – The next “10,000” bonus point is directly above the sign.Spring Yard Zone 2 – The “10,000” bonus point is just above the blue post prior to the sign. It is closest to the left side of the screen.Labyrinth Zone 1 – The “10,000” bonus point is on the ceiling nearest the right side of the screen.Labyrinth Zone 2 – Although there is a point amount near the zone’s sign post, that is not the “10,000” bonus point. The “10,000” bonus point is on the top right hand corner of the screen.Star Light Zone 1 – The “10,000” bonus point is slightly above the top right hand corner of the screen. When you hit it, you can just barely see the bottom left hand corner of the point when you return to the ground.Star Light Zone 2 – The “10,000” can be obtained by having Sonic jump “on top of” the second lamp post that can be viewed from the screen. When you return to the ground, you cannot see the point.Scrap Brain Zone 1 – Under the ground, you will see a series of pipes that seems to go in this pattern – “l n l”. The “10,000” bonus point is above the first “l” (pipe). This might be complicated to get.Scrap Brain Zone 2 – No points in this zone.Note: There are no points in Zone 3 of any of the Zones. Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKCenturion (10 points) – Get 100 or more rings. Clear Green (5 points) – Clear the Green Hill Zone. Fast Green (10 points) – Beat Green Hill Zone Act 1 in under 35 seconds. Fast Marble (15 points) – Beat Marble Zone Act 1 in under 80 seconds. Star Light Zone (5 points) – Get to the Star Light Zone. Spring Yard Zone (7 points) – Get to the Spring Yard Zone. Labyrinth Zone (8 points) – Get to the Labyrinth Zone. Chaos Emerald (10 points) – Get one Chaos Emerald. Chaos Master (35 points) – Get all the Chaos Emeralds. Win (25 points) – Beat the game. Fast Win (30 points) – Beat the game in under 40 minutes. Perfect Win (40 points) – Beat the game without dying.?