Category – Xbox Cheats
Unlockable Courses:Unlock the following courses by completing the first tournament challenge there or buying the pass:DoralEast LakeHarbor TownHazeltineOakmontPebble BeachPinehurst 2Torrey PinesTpc BostonWentworthUnlockable Tournament Challenges:
Complete the following Tournament Challenges to unlock the first Bonus Challenge:
Score a birdie in heavy wind and rain.
Shoot the ball off a lily pad and sink it.
Shoot the ball over the television tower and sink it.
Skip the ball three times off the water and land on the green within 10 feet of the pin.Unlockable Challenge Bonuses:Unlock the following bonus challenges by performing the corresponding tasks:CHALLENGE – HOW TO UNLOCKBonus Challenge 1 – Beat all tournament challenges.Bonus Challenge 2 – Beat bonus challenge 1.Bonus Challenge 3 – Beat bonus challenge 2.Bonus Challenge 4 – Beat bonus challenge 3.Dead Space CEC Mining Hazard suit:To unlock the CEC Mining Hazard Suit from Dead Space for purchase at the pro shop for $35,000, beat the first Boston challenge.TW golf items:To unlock TW golf items at the pro shop, go to the cheats menu and enter “eltigre”.Easy money:To easily gain money, repeatedly play “Target”.”No Known Survivors” achievement hint:Win the first Boston challenge to be able to purchase the CEC Mining Hazard Suit from Dead Space in the pro shop for $35,000. However, you can keep your money by pressing B and not saving the game. The achievement will remain unlocked. Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKTeamwork (10 points) – Watch the credits.Blammo! (10 points) – Earn the Bingo, Bango