Category – Xbox Cheats
Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKDemon on Wheels II (30 points) – Pass every track in the Flatliner Event.Hard the Hard Way (20 points) – Finish ‘The Ascent’ without faulting on the Rattler 125cc bike.From the Ashes (20 points) – Finish all tracks in the Walk in The Park Event using the Phoenix 250cc bike.The Editor’s Apprentice (20 points) – Create a track of your own that has at least three path points, then test drive it.Custom Finish (20 points) – Host and finish a Private or Local Multiplayer match on a User-created Track with at least 2 playersBurnt to a Crisp (20 points) – Pass ‘Lab Rat’ without faulting while constantly on fire.School’s Out (20 points) – Pass the A License Test and get the Phoenix.No Problemo (10 points) – Pass the D License Test and get your first bike.Check Out My Ride (10 points) – Join a public multiplayer match using at least five custom bike and rider parts.Fast Five (20 points) – Win five matches in public multiplayer.The Professional (30 points) – Successfully complete the single player career.Loonie Lander (20 points) – The hawk has landed. Time to show the flag! (The small one.)Extreme Prejudice (20 points) – Complete any Extreme track.Flawless Victory (20 points) – Finish the ?Scenic Route? Tournament without any faultsNervous Twitch (20 points) – Doh! You had a near-perfect run on a Hard or Extreme track, but blew it after the last checkpoint.Community Spirit (20 points) – Post a time on another player’s custom created track.Unyielding II (20 points) – Finish ?Rock Steady? without faulting or changing your rider’s posture.Full Throttle II (20 points) – Finish ?Archipelago? without faulting or ever releasing the throttleThe Squirrels Have Eyes… (30 points) – Find every squirrel location hidden away in the secret corners of the world.Beyond the Wall of Pain (10 points) – Smash your bike and break every bone in one spectacular crash.